We all want to know how to lose weight. One good thing to be aware of is the Glycemic Index (GI) which measures how complex and simple sugars affect our weight. Paying attention to one's GI will help you follow a good diet and lose weight fast.
The Glycemic index is a measure of how high and how fast particular foods raise our blood sugar levels. Without delving too far into the science of it all, if our blood sugar levels rise dramatically our bodies tend to store more of the food we have just consumed as fat. Hence, keeping our blood sugar levels at a moderate level helps reduce weight gain.
We get our sugars from foods containing simple sugars (fruits, dairy products, foods with sugar added) and complex carbohydrates which can be broken down into starchy vegetables (potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash), legumes (lentils and beans), and grains (wheat, barley, rice). Typically, simple sugars and starchy vegetables are two of the main culprits that jack one's glycemic index levels. Keeping these foods to a healthy amount is key if you want to maintain a healthy weight or just lose your excess weight.
There have been recent trends that attempt to placate the GI diet trend. The "Paleo" diet and "No Carb" diet are ways of keeping your sugars levels down. But I would warn against any diet that leads to extremes. Avoiding carbs entirely is not healthy nor a sustainable way of eating. It is better to follow a moderate diet where the majority of your foods are low sugar foods but that doesn't mean you can't ever eat potatoes or have a tasty dessert now and again. Just mind how often you indulge in these foods.
One's daily metabolism is also geared to use the carbohydrates you do consume at certain times of the day better than at other times. One of the reasons you should never skip breakfast is that the body is ready to use the food you consume in the morning rather than store it as fat. Whereas the sugary or carbohydrate-rich foods you eat at night are more likely to be stored. So try to have your carbs earlier in the day and have just protein and green leafy vegetables for dinner.
Minimize processed foods which often contain added sugar. Avoid juices, pop, alcohol and sugary treats for the most part indulging only a few times a week at most. When you do indulge, you still need to watch your portions. If you eat like a pig you may end up looking the part.
Overall you want to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day. Make sure you get a healthy breakfast first thing in the morning. Keep the starchy carbs no later than lunch. And keep the cheat meals and desserts to a minimum. If you eat well the majority of the time you will see your body return to a healthy weight and you will lose the excess fat we all want to lose.