Many people turn to health food when they decide to burn belly fat. The problem is that the so-called "health food" you find in the supermarket is doing more damage than good. Many of the products that are labeled "low-fat" are often packed with sugar to make up for the flavor of reduced fat. Sugar that isn't burned is stored as fat. Therefore, if you are not understanding the labels on your food products, you could be consuming more sugar and gaining more weight.
A Solution to Your Food Dilemmas
Figuring out what to eat is probably one of the hardest things anyone deals with when trying to lose weight. There are so many diet books and plans out there, all that occurs is information overload. As for myself, I have realized that reducing the amount of carbs I eat works well for losing weight and keeping it off. This means eating real food such as lean meat, plenty of fresh veggies, fresh fruit, and good fats.
I avoid eating bread, baked goods, drinking soda, and stay away from processed food as much as possible. These types of carbs convert into sugar when eaten in excess. It is very easy to overeat foods such as bread or baked goods. A typical breakfast could be a bagel or breakfast burrito. Lunch could be a sandwich. Dinner may consist of pasta or a side dish of potatoes. Do you see how easily your daily carbohydrate intake can add up? All of that food, not to mention what you drink and sometimes even including dessert!
Two eating plans that work well are the paleo diet and clean eating diet. Both promote the consumption of whole foods (meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, etc.) and avoiding processed food. You can find plenty of information about both online.
Exercise Less and Burn Fat Like Crazy
A common mistake that happens with people attempting to lose weight is that they become cardio junkies. It is assumed that performing a lot of cardio will burn fat. What tends to happen is that too much cardio causes muscle loss. Our bodies need muscle mass in order to burn fat effectively.
If you are not a fan of cardio, then you will like knowing that strength training (lifting weights) is much more effective than cardio when it comes to burning fat. Our muscles burn calories even at rest. Therefore, the more muscle we build, the more calories burned.
Of course the options above are not for everyone. Everyone has their own requirements when it comes to learning how to burn belly fat.