Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How to Burn Belly Fat by Eating Real Food and Doing Less Exercise

Paleo Lunch :

Many people turn to health food when they decide to burn belly fat. The problem is that the so-called "health food" you find in the supermarket is doing more damage than good. Many of the products that are labeled "low-fat" are often packed with sugar to make up for the flavor of reduced fat. Sugar that isn't burned is stored as fat. Therefore, if you are not understanding the labels on your food products, you could be consuming more sugar and gaining more weight.

How to Burn Belly Fat by Eating Real Food and Doing Less Exercise

A Solution to Your Food Dilemmas

Figuring out what to eat is probably one of the hardest things anyone deals with when trying to lose weight. There are so many diet books and plans out there, all that occurs is information overload. As for myself, I have realized that reducing the amount of carbs I eat works well for losing weight and keeping it off. This means eating real food such as lean meat, plenty of fresh veggies, fresh fruit, and good fats.

I avoid eating bread, baked goods, drinking soda, and stay away from processed food as much as possible. These types of carbs convert into sugar when eaten in excess. It is very easy to overeat foods such as bread or baked goods. A typical breakfast could be a bagel or breakfast burrito. Lunch could be a sandwich. Dinner may consist of pasta or a side dish of potatoes. Do you see how easily your daily carbohydrate intake can add up? All of that food, not to mention what you drink and sometimes even including dessert!

Two eating plans that work well are the paleo diet and clean eating diet. Both promote the consumption of whole foods (meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, etc.) and avoiding processed food. You can find plenty of information about both online.

Exercise Less and Burn Fat Like Crazy

A common mistake that happens with people attempting to lose weight is that they become cardio junkies. It is assumed that performing a lot of cardio will burn fat. What tends to happen is that too much cardio causes muscle loss. Our bodies need muscle mass in order to burn fat effectively.

If you are not a fan of cardio, then you will like knowing that strength training (lifting weights) is much more effective than cardio when it comes to burning fat. Our muscles burn calories even at rest. Therefore, the more muscle we build, the more calories burned.

Of course the options above are not for everyone. Everyone has their own requirements when it comes to learning how to burn belly fat.

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Calming Dessert Cravings When You Are Eating Healthy

Paleo Lunch :

I have heard of a saying that goes: "You can't out train your diet." In other words, if you eat a lot of junk, no amount of exercise you do will give you results. I had to learn this the hard way. For years, I struggled with getting into the exercise habit. Finally, I changed my mindset and now I exercise regularly and actually enjoy it.

Calming Dessert Cravings When You Are Eating Healthy

However, although I exercise, my diet was still the same. I cleaned it up a little by cutting out soda and watching my junk food intake, but it wasn't enough. I wasn't losing any weight. I realized I had to change my mindset with food the same way I did with fitness.

The first thing I did was to calculate what my daily caloric intake should be. I also tracked my calories the first few weeks to get an idea of the calorie content of meals as well as learn portion control. Yet, my biggest struggle were my dessert cravings. I was used to eating desserts on a daily basis.

Typically after lunch and dinner, I want something sweet. Now after lunch, I reach for fruit but after dinner, I want chocolate. Chocoholics out there can understand what I'm talking about. This is where I utilize Shakeology. If you are not familiar with it, it is an ultra-premium nutritional supplement.

Some people use protein shakes as their dessert replacement. You can also blend up fruit smoothies to accomplish the same thing. Reaching for fruit is a lot healthier than giving in to your favorite treats. If you're concerned about carbohydrate intake, do a search for "paleo desserts." Paleo dieters avoid the bad carbs found in white flour and refined sugar. They often have great recipes for desserts.

Be careful with eating protein bars as a dessert substitute. Find ones that are not full of sugar as they can be just as high in calories and carbs as a slice of chocolate cake. The same goes for granola bars, pudding snacks, etc., and other snacks that are commonly marketed as health food.

Finally, don't deprive yourself of a favorite treat once in awhile. I usually indulge one day a week by eating one of my favorite desserts. I don't go overboard with it, but just enough to be satisfied and not crave it for the rest of the week. I think over time, the cravings will become less and less.

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lose Weight Fast - Watch Your Sugars and Your Carbs

Paleo Lunch :

We all want to know how to lose weight. One good thing to be aware of is the Glycemic Index (GI) which measures how complex and simple sugars affect our weight. Paying attention to one's GI will help you follow a good diet and lose weight fast.

Lose Weight Fast - Watch Your Sugars and Your Carbs

The Glycemic index is a measure of how high and how fast particular foods raise our blood sugar levels. Without delving too far into the science of it all, if our blood sugar levels rise dramatically our bodies tend to store more of the food we have just consumed as fat. Hence, keeping our blood sugar levels at a moderate level helps reduce weight gain.

We get our sugars from foods containing simple sugars (fruits, dairy products, foods with sugar added) and complex carbohydrates which can be broken down into starchy vegetables (potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash), legumes (lentils and beans), and grains (wheat, barley, rice). Typically, simple sugars and starchy vegetables are two of the main culprits that jack one's glycemic index levels. Keeping these foods to a healthy amount is key if you want to maintain a healthy weight or just lose your excess weight.

There have been recent trends that attempt to placate the GI diet trend. The "Paleo" diet and "No Carb" diet are ways of keeping your sugars levels down. But I would warn against any diet that leads to extremes. Avoiding carbs entirely is not healthy nor a sustainable way of eating. It is better to follow a moderate diet where the majority of your foods are low sugar foods but that doesn't mean you can't ever eat potatoes or have a tasty dessert now and again. Just mind how often you indulge in these foods.

One's daily metabolism is also geared to use the carbohydrates you do consume at certain times of the day better than at other times. One of the reasons you should never skip breakfast is that the body is ready to use the food you consume in the morning rather than store it as fat. Whereas the sugary or carbohydrate-rich foods you eat at night are more likely to be stored. So try to have your carbs earlier in the day and have just protein and green leafy vegetables for dinner.

Minimize processed foods which often contain added sugar. Avoid juices, pop, alcohol and sugary treats for the most part indulging only a few times a week at most. When you do indulge, you still need to watch your portions. If you eat like a pig you may end up looking the part.

Overall you want to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day. Make sure you get a healthy breakfast first thing in the morning. Keep the starchy carbs no later than lunch. And keep the cheat meals and desserts to a minimum. If you eat well the majority of the time you will see your body return to a healthy weight and you will lose the excess fat we all want to lose.

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Why is Portion Size Important?

Paleo Lunch :

We can learn a lot from our caveman ancestors about food, nutrition and portion size. As they walked the earth some 2 million years ago, stone-age hunter gatherers ate small amounts of fruits, vegetables, fish and lean meat throughout the day. Storing food for long periods or carrying it for great distances was not practical so typically hunter gatherers would eat what they could when they could find it.

Why is Portion Size Important?

People today have a different approach. Many admit to having no breakfast, a big lunch and an even bigger dinner. Thinking of your metabolism as being like a fire helps explain why this is not a good idea. Ideally, you want to keep your metabolism at a steady pace during the day. Skipping meals is like starving the fire of oxygen. Eating big portions is like taking a large log and throwing it onto the fire. In both cases the fire doesn't respond well. On the other hand, eating small portions regularly is like taking a handful of twigs and throwing them onto the fire at regular intervals. The result - the fire burns evenly throughout the day and you'll avoid those sudden cravings of hunger.

The ideal number of meals is six per day consisting of a good breakfast, a medium sized lunch and a small dinner. You need less energy while sleeping hence the smaller portion size close to bed time. Your 3 main meals should be supplemented throughout the day by 3 smaller healthy snacks such as fresh fruit or a handful of nuts.

A bowl of porridge in the morning garnished with dried fruit is an excellent way to start the day. Porridge is an example of a slow release carbohydrate. It releases energy slowly and steadily to your body. Quick release carbohydrates such as cakes, biscuits and sweets tend to give a sudden burst of energy followed by a slump. It's this slump in energy which can leave you feeling hungry for more food.

Other foods such as sweet potatoes in their skins, carrots and parsnips provide us with the essential carbohydrates we need to keep healthy. A lack of carbohydrates in a nutrition plan can sometimes lead to problems concentrating and headaches.

For Fruit and vegetables you should be consuming at least 5 servings every day spread across your meals and snacks. One serving is roughly equivalent to:

  • 1 large piece of fruit such as an apple, banana or pear
  • 2 medium sized pieces of fruit such as kiwis or peaches
  • 1 cup of berries or grapes
  • 2 tablespoons of cooked vegetables
  • 1 small bowl of salad

For meat and other sources of protein we should be consuming 2-3 servings every day. One serving is roughly equivalent to:

  • 1 chicken breast
  • 1 medium sized lean steak
  • 1 fillet of fish such as salmon, cod or Pollock
  • 1 can of tuna
  • 2 boiled eggs

For fatty and sugary foods and foods with high salt content, try to consume as little as possible. Reduce your saturated fat intake by cooking with small quantities of vegetable based oils and use reduced fat spreads such as margarine. Avoid refined sugars as they are essentially empty calories and have little, if any, nutritional value.

So if you're trying to kickstart a healthier lifestyle, a great place to start is by eating the kind of natural foods our cavemen ancestors would have eaten in small portions and at regular intervals throughout the day.

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Typical Paleo Diet Menu

Paleo Lunch :

If you've recently become familiar with the paleo diet then you may be wondering what a typical fellow paleo dieter eats in a day. When you completely change all of your food selections, then you may at first have a hard time coming up with foods to eat.

A Typical Paleo Diet Menu

As you know, the paleo diet does not allow grains, processed vegetable oils, peanuts or processed foods. Grains are such a big part of the standard western diet that it may seem strange at first not to eat them. When you create a paleo diet menu plan, then you need to compose your meals of meats, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.

It is really possible to eat an enormous variety of meals on the paleo diet, and several cookbooks have been written on the subject along with enormous amounts of material online. Here I'm gonna describe a typical paleo diet menu, something that is typical for me to eat in a day.

Breakfast (eggs and vegetables):
- 4 Omega-3 enriched eggs
- 150g Frozen broccoli
- 100g Frozen cauliflower
- 50g Frozen carrots
- 15g Coconut Oil
- Two teaspoons organic vegetable spice

Melt a stuffed teaspoon of coconut oil on a frying pan, add frozen vegetables and let them cook for a minute and thaw. Then add the eggs, and last the vegetable spice. Stir fry until ready.

Lunch (leftover chicken from previous night):
- 3 Chicken thighs
- Mashed sweet potatoes
- A salad with lettuce, bell peppers and cucumbers

Chicken thighs were baked in the oven until ready and crisp, sweet potatoes peeled and boiled until soft, then mixed with butter and mashed.

Afternoon snack:
- A handful of organic almonds
- An apple

Dinner (meat pizza, meatza):
- A pound of ground beef
- Two onions
- Three cloves of garlic
- Three carrots
- Salt
- Organic Pizza Sauce
- Cheese
- Oregano

Onions, carrots and garlic cut. They are mixed with ground beef and pizza sauce, put in a baking dish and salted. Then the dish is covered with the cheese and dried oregano added on top. Bake in an oven until ready and cheese has obtained a brown color.

This was a sample paleo diet menu, but the type of variety that you can find with the paleo diet is incredible. You may be wondering why I listed butter and cheese, since those foods weren't available in the paleolithic era. Most paleo dieters are fine with eating high-fat dairy such as butter and cheese since it adds great variety to the diet and has been proven to have health benefits. Eating salt in moderation is fine too.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Low Carb Food - An Introduction

Paleo Lunch :

Low carbohydrate diets have risen and fallen in popularity over the years and many different variations of the concept have appeared in the mainstream media. Most of us will have heard of the Atkins diet, but there are many alternatives such as the South Beach Diet and the Paleo Diet.

Low Carb Food - An Introduction

The thing they have in common is restricting the amount of carbohydrates in the diet with the goal of encouraging your body to use your fat stores as energy instead of the carbohydrates in food, which ultimately leads to weight loss.

Finding low carb food can be difficult due to the fact that most food producers and supermarkets focus on calorie or fat content. It has been conventional wisdom for the past half a century that to lose weight, you need to limit calories and increase exercise. This approach is also part of the government guidelines for healthy living, so it is understandable that food manufacturers will highlight this information on their packaging.

Having said that, it is possible to train yourself to recognise foods which are low or high in carbohdrates, so if you're just starting out on a low carbohydrate diet, here are some quick low carb food tips to get you on your way:

- if it grows underground, it is high in carbs (e.g. potatoes and carrots)
- if it is a green vegetable, it is probably low in carbs (brocolli, beans)
- meats are generally carb free - just make sure there is no added sugar, breadcrumbs or anything else added to them
- be careful with artificial sweeteners such as sucralose and aspartame - some people convert these into sugar alcohols which have the same effect as carbohydrates

A common myth that is portrayed by people on alternative diets is that low carb food is boring and unimaginative. It can be true that when you are starting out on a low carb diet it can be difficult to find low carb foods to buy, but once you get going a whole new world of exciting flavour and taste start to appear and you quickly forget the initial problems.

Often people say that once they are a few weeks into a low carbohydrate diet the thought of eating breads, pastas and sugary treats makes them feel a slightly ill, so you will naturally become accustomed to recognising high carb foods.

A major problem faced by low carb dieters is finding snacks while on the go - most high street shops sell potato chips, chocolates, breads and cakes as snacks - all of which are off limits for low carb dieters. There are a couple of solutions, the easiest being to bring your own snacks with you. Some ideas include blocks of cheese and pepperoni sticks. While this is not ideal, it does make life easier!

Another important thing to remember with a low carb diet is that your hunger levels will go down. This is because your body is using fat stores for energy and so it is not constantly telling you to feed yourself. People often comment that they completely forget to eat lunch because they simply weren't hungry - so don't worry if you can't find a snack, as you will quickly forget that you even wanted one!

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Paleo Cookbooks Review - Get In Shape With Paleo

Paleo Lunch :

Being healthy and getting in shape seems as though it is one of the toughest tasks in the world. All of the diets that you look at are just too complicated or does not work on the things that you need most. The bottom line is that in order to be healthy and look great your diet needs to change and the Paleo Cookbooks are able to get you where you need to be. If you are trying to lose weight than you need to start with a healthy diet but you also need to eat the right kinds of foods.

Paleo Cookbooks Review - Get In Shape With Paleo

1. Natural Is The Way.

The right food does not mean that you need to eat cardboard or unhealthy diet foods from a box. It means that you should be eating foods that are natural from nature and that promote good health and life. It means that the Paleo Cookbooks are not diet cookbooks but they are recipes that will show you a better way to cook that will not only get your body in the best shape ever but you will find that you will start to lose weight without even trying. When you do the right things from the start everything else that you need to happen will just happen at the right pace.

2. No Risk Involved.

If you are worried that this is just another one of those books that is going to tell you that you need to count calories and then the food tastes horrible you are going to be pleasantly surprised. There is a money back guarantee so if you are not completely satisfied you can receive a complete refund with no questions asked.

3. Conclusion.

Once you start to try the foods in the Paleo Cookbooks, you may find that you will never look at another cookbook again. All of your meals are going to be taken care of right from here so you can cook breakfast, lunch and dinner. Your entire family will feel healthier and look better once they start eating the right foods. Enjoy life with a smile and not a scale.

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Why You Should Use Healthy Recipes Cookbooks

Paleo Lunch :

There are recipes cookbooks to suit just about everyone's cooking needs and wants. Many books are available that include recipes for sweet but altogether unhealthy dessert treats like cookies, pies, pastries and more. There are a wide range of books that include entree choices that can help you plan out your family's meals. Many such books, however, include recipes that are made of processed and altogether unhealthy ingredients, so you really need to pay attention to the ingredients in the books you choose to use if you want to eat truly healthfully.

Why You Should Use Healthy Recipes Cookbooks

Planning healthy meals for your family is a breeze when you use healthy recipes cookbooks. Such books are chock-full of recipe ideas for breakfasts, lunches, dinners, appetizers and even snacks that your family can nibble on throughout the day, and each of the recipes is comprised of only healthy, natural ingredients. You definitely want to avoid any recipes that include ingredients containing high levels of fats, processed sugars and more if you want your family to eat healthfully. Even a recipe containing just one unhealthy ingredient can turn that meal or snack into an unhealthy option. When you take time to choose the right books filled with healthy recipes, you will enjoy access to a wide range of recipes that include only natural and truly healthy ingredients without any unhealthy ingredients to contend with.

It can be difficult to plan great meals for your family that are tasty and nutritious, but you will find that your meal planning efforts are altogether easier when you have the right healthy recipes cookbooks to refer to. Eating nutritional meals that contain only natural ingredients is a great way to boost your immune system, keep unwanted diseases at bay and even maintain an ideal body weight that can have tremendous positive effects on your life and the lives of all those in your family. Spend some time planning out nutritional meals for your family today!

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Eat, Sleep and Play to Be Young and Fit

Paleo Lunch :

People have never been fatter, sicker and weaker than they are now. Whenever I travel to the US I am blown away at how many people are fat and grossly out of shape. Canada is getting there too but seems to be a decade behind or so. I was in Walmart here in Calgary the other day and literally became worried about Western Civilization.

Eat, Sleep and Play to Be Young and Fit

Why are fat kids drinking slurpies while their parents load the grocery cart with cheap processed poison a common site now? Obesity and diabetes are epidemic in North America. Why? Unfortunately the common response to being obese seems to be taking drugs and then as a last resort surgery. It drives me crazy!

The solution to the obesity epidemic is so simple and free that I don't understand why this is even a problem. Hey, I was fat too, and after a little reading and self searching I have never struggled with my weight again. All we have to do is look back before our world changed and conspired to make us fat and weak for profit. Look back at how people lived before being 30% body fat was considered normal.

Before the industrial revolution:

People ate unprocessed foods. They did eat a lot of grains, but their grains were actually wholesome and were eaten to fill a hungry belly more than anything else. Meat was craved, and veggies were always beside them.

Do not listen to anything you ever see on TV about food, especially supposed health food. If it comes in a wrapper and has any chemicals in it, it is not healthy or natural, despite what Kelloggs and General Mills would have you believe.

I am a big believer in the Paleo diet and as a result think you should only eat what nature has provided humans for thousands of years.

Eat This:

* natural or organic meat
* tons of veggies
* some fruit
* nuts
* natural full fat yogurt
* berries
* fish, especially fatty omega-3 fish like wild salmon

Do not eat this:

* grains
- don't believe the hype, even the most natural grains are filled with phytoestrogens and phytades which actually prevent the absorption of nutrients
* milk
- it is basically chemical sugar water now, it is so far removed from what comes out of a cow that I don't think anyone should drink it
* anything processed (in a package or wrapper)
* alcohol, obviously
* sugar
- it promotes cancer in the body and actually feeds cancer cells
* corn
- it is a grain not a veggie
- corn derivatives like high-fructose corn syrup are killing our children with obesity and as a result diabetes

I should mention that nobody is perfect when it comes to eating well, especially me. The idea is to stay as true to a natural diet as possible so when you do screw up at a party you are not going to fall into a diabetic coma.

Before TV and computers do you know what people did when it got dark? They slept! They slept for about 10 hours a day compared to our current norm of 5-7.

In fact, Sleep is so important to weight loss and physical health that preventing it was a favorite torture method of the Soviets. Your body needs sleep to recover from damage and stress, it is how you repair yourself. Forget about late night TV and go to bed early. You will lose weight and feel better almost immediately.

Did you know that Cuban Olympic weight lifters used to sleep 9 hours a day and then nap for 3 hours? I leaned that from Dan John's site. They did this to recover from the stress of training and to keep their weight down to stay competitive in their class. I actually tried this for a few weeks a while back and never felt better. It was unreal!

Imagine a world of no cars. A world where if you needed to go across town you actually walked there, even if it took a few days. Maybe you rode a horse instead, but that is still fairly physical. Not to mention that they actually had to physically work each and every day just to survive. From hunting to building to carrying things, people burned some serious calories just living. Today people sit on their asses all day and then might hit the gym for an hour or so before going back to sitting. Unless you are moving for 8 hours a day you are sedentary, so stop thinking your 3x a week gym schedule should be getting you lean!

You need to train hard and often to really be physically fit. Unless you are an elite athlete you should vary your activities as much as possible. I recommend six days a week of good solid activity and one day a week of pure rest. Our lives are incredibly sedentary so six days a week of varied activity will not be too much as long as you are sleeping and eating correctly. Before you surf along to a website that tells you it is OK to not exercise often and you can have abs too, remember that you can make exercise fun. It doesn't have to be a chore. Here is some direction:

* Sprints, 1-2 time a week
* Lift heavy stuff, 3 time a week
* Lift light stuff for high reps, 2-3 times a week
* Long slow cardio, hiking or biking, not jogging, 1 time a week
* Play, 1-4 times a week
- sports, goof around on a jungle gym, just have fun with your workouts!
* Take the stairs
* Walk or bike to work
* Go for a walk at lunch time
* Find excuses to exercise without exercising!

To sum it up, being healthy and looking like it too is really simple.

Eat a diet consisting of natural foods that are high in nutrition and low in empty calories.

Sleep as much as possible, 10 hours is a good start. Just turn off the boob tube and go to bed! Maybe even bring your spouse with you there a little early;)

Exercise hard and often but make it fun. Join a sports team, go for hikes with your significant other, and don't be afraid to lift some iron to keep that muscle on. Vary your activities so you aren't bored and going through the motions.

In summary, do exactly the opposite of what all the fat people are doing and you will look and feel great.

Original article source: http://kettlebellplanet.blogspot.com/2010/05/eat-sleep-and-play-to-be-young-and-fit.html

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Paleo Diet Meal Planner for Vibrant Energy and Weight Loss!

Paleo Lunch :

The Paleo Diet Meal Planner

Paleo Diet Meal Planner for Vibrant Energy and Weight Loss!

And so you have decided the Paleo Plan is now your new food regime. A new way of eating, living and meal planning. The Paleo diet meal planner is not as foreboding or complicated as you may initially assume in fact it is not that much different from the good wholesome meals your grandparents would have prepared. This of course is not implying your grandparents lived in the 'caveman era' but merely that the food available was organic, natural and a whole lot healthier. Paleo meals will set you on the path of a new way of eating, shopping and cooking.

In order that your transition to the Paleo plan goes smoothly here are some ideas and tips to creating your Paleo diet meal planner. The following are the basic requirements for a successful Paleo meal plan. Where possible, and do not be lazy in this regard, shop around and source suppliers but try to buy organic, natural, free range or wild products:

Paleo meal planner allowed foods:

  1. Protein from lean beef, lamb, pork, game, skinned poultry, eggs and seafoods (full range);
  2. Fruit - all varieties particularly plenty of berries (very good anti-oxidants)
  3. Vegetables - all varieties. Root vegetables however are generally a no-no however the young leaves of carrots, beet etc are allowed and further than that I suggest you use your discretion here. However if your main aim is to shed extra weight then perhaps you should leave the root vegetables out.
  4. Most nuts and seeds.
  5. Fats and oils such as avocado oil, olive oil and nut oils - unprocessed oils.

Paleo meal planner excluded foods:

  1. All grain and grain products ie breads, pastry, pasta, crackers etc.
  2. All dairy and dairy products ie milk, yoghurt, cheeses, butter etc.

Your initial impression maybe one of concern that excluding grain and dairy a problem will arise with regard to variety. Rest assured that this is not so. The Paleo diet plan includes an incredible variety of foods. This is the ideal opportunity to be creative and use your foodie imagination. Family and friends will be in awe of the wonderful flavoursome and wholesome meals you are able to serve with the Paleo Diet meal planner foods.

There is no reason to fear having to find recipes and making meals for breakfast, lunch, supper, dessert, snacks, celebratory meals and barbecues. You will never have reason to feel deprived, excluded or cheated. The purpose of the Paleo diet plan is to introduce a lifestyle of correct eating to best ensure general wellbeing, increased vitality and consistent weight loss.

The Paleo Diet Meal Plan is the beginning of the rest of your healthy, slim and energetic new life!

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Basics of the Paleo Diet

Paleo Lunch :

The Paleolithic diet is usually referred to as the "Stone Age Diet," "Hunter-Gatherer Diet," or the "Caveman Diet."

Basics of the Paleo Diet

The basics of the Paleo diet are easy to understand, and take just a little while to put to use. The Paleo diet presents a fully integrated, holistic, complete diet the mixes all of the best things from all of the other diet theories, getting rid of the worst parts and making it more simplified.

Each part of the diet is covered, like fats, vitamins, carbohydrates, phytosterols, and so on. This diet features what has always been available to us during our evolution, and not anything else.

Humans have eaten fish, fowl, meat, leaves, roots, and fruits of lots of plants for millions of years. Potatoes, grains, and beans have lots of energy, but cannot be eaten in their raw state since they have harmful toxins. We began to cook these foods about 10,000 years ago, making them edible. The grains were things like flour, barley, rice, millet, oats, and corn. Since this was during the New Stone Age, they are referred to as Neolithic Foods.

Being able to cook beans, grains, and potatoes changed our food intake, just about doubling the number of calories we got from foods in the environment. This was also beneficial since they could be stored for extended periods, they had a great amount of calories, and they were easy to farm. However, they have many toxins, and should never be eaten without cooking first.

The essentials of the Paleo diet are:

  1. Avoid grains like bread, pasta and noodles
  2. Avoid beans like string beans, kidney beans, peanuts, peas, and lentils
  3. Stay away from potatoes, dairy products, sugar and salt

You should instead eat things like:

  1. Chicken, meat, fish
  2. Eggs
  3. Fruit
  4. Vegetables like root vegetables
  5. Nuts like walnuts, Brazil nuts, almonds, and macadamias. Avoid cashews and peanuts.
  6. Eat berries like strawberries, raspberries, etc.
  7. Eat more carrots, turnips, rutabagas, parsnips
  8. Eat organ meats like kidney and liver

Your body will take a while to get used to the changes, since you will have many more vitamins, and many less toxins.

It is easiest to begin this diet with breakfast for the first few days, and you can ignore the carbohydrate part at first, but you will have to follow it to lose weight. Then you can add lunch and dinner after a while, and eventually all three meals.

We now know that the intake of omega 3 fats is critical to the proper health. In the 90's, the low fat diet craze virtually eliminated the intake of omega 3 fats from the diet. It has been discovered that this diet doesn't work, and that we need a greater intake of omega 3 fats.

Using the Paleo diet is quite a change for most of the world, but can lead to much better health, with less illness, greater energy, and a slim figure.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ham Salad Sandwich Recipe - Best Ham Salad

Paleo Lunch :

This recipe shows you how to make ham salad that everyone will love. Use for sandwiches, or serve on a nice bed of lettuce on a plate.

Ham Salad Sandwich Recipe - Best Ham Salad

2 cups mayonnaise

1 cup sweet pickle relish

1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

2 teaspoons salt

2 pounds smoked boneless ham, diced

1 onion, diced

1 small green bell pepper, diced

2 stalks celery, diced


In a large bowl, stir together the mayonnaise, relish, pepper and salt until blended. Add the ham, onion, green pepper and celery and toss until coated. Refrigerate leftover salad in a covered bowl.

=> Ham Salad Recipes: Amazing Pasta Ham Salad

This delicious recipe features ham, pasta, bell peppers, onion, sweet pickles, tomatoes and sour cream. Great for picnics and luncheons.

8 ounces ziti pasta

1 pound cooked ham, cubed

1 large red bell pepper, cut into 1-inch pieces

1 large green bell pepper, cut into 1-inch pieces

1 large red onion, coarsely chopped

15 small sweet pickles, chopped, reserve juice

1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved

1 cup mayonnaise

1/2 cup sour cream

2 1/2 teaspoons beef bouillon granules

1 tablespoon white vinegar

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

2 cloves garlic, minced


Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil.

Add pasta and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until al dente; drain.

In a large bowl, mix together the drained pasta, ham, peppers, onion, pickles and tomatoes.

In a small bowl, whisk together the mayonnaise, sour cream, beef bouillon granules, vinegar, salt, pepper, garlic and 1/2 cup of reserved pickle juice.

Fold into the salad and toss gently until evenly coated. Chill overnight to allow the flavors to blend. Serve near room temperature.

=> Easy Ham Salad Recipe: Easy Ham Cheese Salad

This is a great recipe for making chopped ham salad that already includes the cheese inside the mixture. Makes a great sandwich or a nice ham salad spread for parties.

2 cups chopped ham

1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese

2 stalks celery, chopped

1/3 cup mayonnaise

1 1/2 tablespoons prepared mustard


In a food processor, combine the ham and celery; pulse until finely chopped. Add cheese and pulse until mixed.

Place the mixture in a bowl and add the mayonnaise and mustard. Mix well; serve on sandwich, pita bread, bread rounds or crackers.

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Paleo Diet Recipes: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Paleo Lunch :

Paleo Diet and recipes

Paleo Diet Recipes: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

On first impression you may be thinking that, like most diets, the Paleo diet is going to be too restricting/complicated and mealtimes could become an 'issue'. Not in the least! Do not even consider for a moment that Paleo diet meals and recipes are going to be boring, complicated or lack in variety. Paleo diet recipes result in wholesome flavoursome meals.

Protein plays a vital role in Paleo diet and meals should consist of approximately 60% to 70% percent of your daily food intake. The balance of course being fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds with additional oils used in preparation of the meals such as avocado oil, nut oils etc.


Remember shop fresh, organic, natural and wild. To be totally Paleo, eat seasonal as well - this of course being carbon footprint friendly.

Lunch and dinner Paleo diet recipes and meals can be adjusted according to your own personal lifestyle and requirements. To start out take your usual recipes and merely substitute the 'cannot have' with a 'can have' - you will be amazed how quickly you adjust and how capable you are of making your own Paleo diet recipes.

Some ideas for your three main Paleo diet meals for the day:


  1. 2 Poached eggs on a bed of lightly panned spinach
  2. Bowl of mixed berries with nuts and cashew cream
  3. A 2 egg omelette with filling of your choice eg - no dairy though
  4. Chicken liver and bacon with grilled tomato.
  5. Fruit smoothy of choice eg banana and nut; berries and fresh coconut blended with ice cubes.
  6. Steamed/grilled fish with grilled tomato and mushroom.
  7. Absolutely nothing wrong with having the leftovers from dinner the night before.

Lunch and Dinners

These can be adjusted according to your daily routine.

  1. Mushroom burger with salad
  2. Roast chicken, vegetables and salad
  3. Meat and vegetable kebab with broccoli and walnut salad
  4. Bolognaise - made with zucchini spaghetti
  5. Prawn, avocado and fresh asparagus salad
  6. Wholesome chunky soup.
  7. Steak, vegetable bake and salad.


Salads and vegetables can be enhanced with various sauces and dressings eg any easy to make dressing of the combination of honey, lemon juice, seasoning and fresh, finely chopped herbs of choice. Paleo tartar sauce made from Paleo mayonnaise can be added to seafood, be it fish, shellfish or crustacean. A basic Paleo diet recipe for mayo is as follows:

3 - 5 Garlic cloves peeled (large)

Approximately 2 cups of organic olive oil

2 room temperature, lightly beaten free range egg yolks,

juice of 1 organic lemon

small quantity of lukewarm waster

Crush garlic cloves into a paste and add to the lightly beaten egg yolks. Lightly beat with wooden spoon until the mixture turns pale yellow.

While blending the garlic and egg yolk very slowly (drop by drop) add 3 tablespoons of the olive.

Blend gently until the mixture is thick and creamy then add ½ to 1 tablespoon of water and 1 teaspoon of the lemon juice.

Continue stirring while adding the olive oil in a very fine stream. If the mixture becomes too thick once again add 1 teaspoon of water and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Continue like this until all the oil is used.

Always mix by stirring in one direction only.

Should the mixture split - put it over into a clean bowl and add a teaspoon of lukewarm water and mix continue like this until fixed.

Most important have fun inventing your very own Pale Diet recipes and meals.


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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Tender BBQ Pork Chops - Some of the Best You Will Ever Taste!

Paleo Lunch :

You can have tender BBQ pork chops each and every time you barbecue if you take a few extra steps in your preparation. It really is that easy. Oh my goodness, most people think pork chops have to be dry and flavorless, but the reality is so much different than that.

Tender BBQ Pork Chops - Some of the Best You Will Ever Taste!

* two pork chops
* 1/4 cup plus 1 tbsp. lemon juice
* 3 tbsp. soy sauce
* 1 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
* 1/2 tsp. light brown sugar
* 1/4 tsp. fresh or dried rosemary
* salt and pepper to taste

Now I did not put garlic in there, but if you ask me garlic goes in almost everything so I would add some chopped or minced garlic to the marinade. You want to bring home the best that you can afford, not cheap pork chops. Pork loin chops are the ones that are the most tender, but sometimes the T-bone chops will work just as well.

And do not buy thin, thin, thin, thinking that you are going to save money. The flavor, taste, and texture will not be there. It does not pay to scrimp sometimes and this is one of those times. Then you will have people eat these and they will be turned off to pork thinking all pork chops are the same.

And That Is Simply Not True!

Trim off all of the extra fat and place your chops in a ziploc bag to marinate in. Thick chops, at least one inch thick. Chill your pork chops for at least one hour. Remove them and place on a plate and let them come to room temperature for about 35 minutes or so. Preheat your barbecue to high.

For tips on getting that high temperature on your grill and keeping it clean you can check out our opt-in newsletter where we have a lot of barbecuing tips and hints. Now for the tender BBQ pork chops, take them to the high heat portion of your barbecue and grill them for about 6 minutes, turning them halfway through. Then you can move them to a cooler section of the grill to finish cooking. Cook/barbecue/grill them for another 6-9 minutes.

When they are done, the juices should run clear as in chicken. And of course you can always use your instant read thermometer. And this is how you have tender BBQ pork chops which you have grilled on your barbecue. It is that easy. The Pork Foundation recommends that your pork chops are done and can be pulled at 160 degrees internally so you are safe if you follow their directions.

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Easy Nutrition Guide to Lose Belly Fat

Paleo Lunch :

A nutrition guide that is simple to understand and implement is your easiest bet to decide between baked potato chips, pita chips, or just baking your own potato chips at home! There are so many different weight loss meal plans, from the Paleo diet to the South Beach diet, how can you choose one that's right for you?

Easy Nutrition Guide to Lose Belly Fat

What's helped me is following simple guidelines about nutrition. Nutrient Dense Foods Nutrient dense foods are foods that are high in nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients. These foods are also low in calories.

I first learned about nutrient dense foods from Whole Foods Market. They have a scoring index called ANDI that they use to rank foods in nutrient density. ANDI stands for Aggregate Nutrient Density Index. You can learn more about it on Whole Foods Market's website.

What's great about nutrient dense foods is that they supply the nutrition your body needs at a very low calorie cost. And, if you're wanting to lose pregnancy weight, but not by eating pretzels and water for lunch, here's the healthiest way to go about doing it.

ANDI Scores

Start with eating foods with the highest ANDI score. Foods like collard greens, kale, watercress, and bok choy. Make the base of your meal with these kinds of foods. It could be a quick stir fry or even a salad.

Then, add whatever you like to your meal. Bean sprouts, red bell peppers, carrots, and cauliflower are a few options to choose. What's also great about nutrient dense foods is that you can eat as much as you want, and know that you are not wrecking your weight loss goals.

These foods are naturally low in calories. One cup of kale contains 34 calories while a cup of white rice has 242 calories! You'd have to eat 7 cups of kale to get the same amount of calories!

Fat Loss Tips

A really great fat loss tip is to substitute your starches for vegetables. So, instead of eating your stir fry with white rice, try eating a side salad? You get more nutrients from the salad, without adding any inches to your waist line.

Another fat loss tip is to stick with more plant based foods. These foods are pure, all natural, and if you can, buy them organic. You don't consume any pesticides, chemicals, artificial flavors, saturated fat, or any preservatives that can be found in packaged foods.

Eating directly from the source helps keep your waist small. Plant based foods include fruits, vegetables, legumes, beans, nuts, and seeds. Having these kinds of foods as the foundation for your meals helps you conquer any weight loss struggles you may have had in the past.

A last fat loss tip to live by is to make your plate colorful. You eat with your eyes too. If the food looks good, it'll taste good as well. And, when you have a variety of healthy foods to eat, you ensure that you are giving your body the nutrients it needs, and this helps to make you full.

So, stick with foods that are high in nutrients, low in calories. This generally means shopping in your produce section more so than the middle aisles of your grocery stores. Fresh, wholesome, natural food is the best nutrition guide to help you shed those after pregnancy pounds.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Why I Became a Vegetarian, Why I Stopped and Why I'm Going Back

Paleo Lunch :

In the world of nutrition, I see many people trying to end their suffering through diet. Now, there's no doubt that diet can greatly enhance wellness and health. It's certainly helped me, and now, as a Nutritional Therapist, I help others make dietary changes to improve their health.

Why I Became a Vegetarian, Why I Stopped and Why I'm Going Back

But I also see many people who are trying to end ALL of their suffering through diet and exercise. They become obsessed with daily exercise routines and adhering to what they see as the "perfect diet." This could be veganism or it could be a meat-centered diet such as the Paleo diet. They think they're going to live to 100. Some even make it their life's purpose.

And this of course is ridiculous. It's ridiculous because of these three words:

Life is suffering.

I truly feel sorry for anyone who disagrees with that statement. I know they have not yet looked deep inside themselves to see the truth in that statement. But I think most people would agree with it, especially the older we get.

So on that note, I'd like to share my experience with suffering and a way I've found to escape it. In so doing, I'd like to offer a perspective that can ease the heated arguments between plant-based diet advocates and meat-based diet advocates.

First, a little personal background.

In the fall of 2000 I became a vegetarian. I did it for a lot of reasons, but at the top of that list were health reasons. And then, over the course of the next seven years, my health declined dramatically. Fatigue and digestive issues became my everyday companions.

In the fall of 2007, when I learned that meat from the right sources can be incredibly healthful, I returned to eating meat. And my health improved greatly. Fatigue lessened, and over the course of the next six months my digestive issues vanished. But I did not go back to eating meat right away. It took me some time to deal with the conflicting thoughts and emotions about it.

For me, the hardest part was the conflicting messages I had to process as someone who had become involved in the practice of meditation.

In meditation circles, there is a very strong bent towards vegetarianism. Many styles of meditation say you will progress on your path better as a vegetarian. Some say it helps to develop compassion and kindness to all living beings. Some say it helps to develop higher levels of awareness in meditation.

And this is certainly the case with Vipassana meditation. Vipassana stands for "insight" and it's a non-secular form of Buddhist meditation that has become very popular. Vipassana is taught in 10-day residential retreats in over one hundred centers around the world.

In 2001, I did my first 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat in Thailand. There are many similar but different styles of Vipassana. The style I became involved with is known as the "Goenka" style, so named for SN Goenka, the Vipassana teacher who brought the technique from Burma to India, from where it began to spread around the world starting in the early 1970s.

When I tell people that I'm going away for a 10-day meditation retreat, a frequent response I get is, "Sounds wonderful! I wish I could get a 10-day vacation!" And then when I say what I do on the retreat, many say, "Oh my god. I could NEVER do that."

I vehemently disagree and always try to explain why they could and should do it. But it is true, Vipassana retreats as taught by SN Goenka are no joke. They are a serious undertaking. And they are brutal - the most brutal physical thing I've ever done.

I've never been to a boot camp, but many folks wind up at Goenka retreats because of the intense psychological suffering they endured while in the military. And they always say that boot camp was nothing compared to a Goenka retreat.

These 10-day retreats challenge you on every level - physical, mental and emotional. They do this not to test your will or your strength but to bring about a radical new understanding of who you are and what life is about.

So let me explain a little what happens on these retreats and the inner shift they bring about and how that perhaps can relate to diet.

The retreats are silent. That means no talking. One is permitted to speak with the teachers at certain times of the day, but there is no speaking with the other meditators. The men and women are segregated. There is no reading. No writing. No listening to or playing music. No computer use. All cellphones must be turned in before the retreat starts. So there is no contact with the outside world.

During the 10-day retreats, one eats all vegetarian food for breakfast and lunch. The first time students are allowed a light snack at night while "old" students, those that have done at least one retreat, do not eat anything after noon.

The daily schedule is as follows:

4am: morning wake up bell.

4:30-6:30: meditation

6:30-8:00: breakfast and rest

8:00-11:00: meditation

11:00-1:00: lunch and rest

1:00-5:00: meditation

5:00-6:00: tea and/or light snack

6:00-9:00: meditation and nightly discourse

9:00: bedtime

All meditation is done in the sitting position. There is no standing or walking meditation allowed. No one ever sits longer than one hour at a time, though the breaks are short, five to ten minutes at most. During the rest periods, walking is permitted outside. Students are asked to suspend all other forms of exercise for the ten days, including yoga.

Though the schedule seems intimidating, it's structured to turn our attention within ourselves, something we're never taught to do and something that can be quite awkward at first.

The first three days are spent doing a simple breathing meditation called Anapana. This serves to calm the mind so that one can go deeper in Vipassana. Though this proves to be quite difficult at first, over time, tensions start to ease. We start to feel good, sometimes even blissful as our minds become quieter. For all you scientifically-minded nutrition nerds out there, one could say that we start to heal our adrenals and reduce our cortisol levels.

But stress-reduction is not the purpose of true meditation. The true purpose is to root out deep psychological complexes that live within us in the form of conditioned mental and emotional reactive habits such as anger, depression, lust, anxiety, negativity, fear, worry, etc. These habits cause us pain. Intense pain. And we all have them in different degrees.

Vipassana intentionally throws us into the fire of our pain and shows us how to start extinguishing it.

So how does Vipassana do this?

Through physical sensations on the body. On day four, students shift their attention from their breath to their body. Meditators are guided each day how to systematically go through each part of the body and become aware of the different sensations without reacting to them. And what one finds is all sorts of sensations. Pain, pressure, lightness, heaviness, heat, cold, tingling, vibration, etc.

Sitting for long periods, physical pain is there for sure. One is asked to be aware of physical pain as just a sensation. Sharp pains in the back, heaviness in the legs, burning in the feet, throbbing in the head, etc. Oh so much pain!! But when one truly starts to observe it without reacting to it, it begins to lose its power. It literally starts to melt away. We start to sit for longer and longer periods without fidgeting. This is fascinating to watch in oneself. And this helps sharpen our awareness of the subtler sensations that are at the true root of our suffering.

Through constant self-observation, hour after hour, day after day, we begin to literally feel our thoughts and emotions as sensations as well, in particular, very subtle but painful ones. Past hurtful experiences bring up various uncomfortable sensations in us. And we begin to clearly see that our conditioned reaction is to run away from the pain. And outside the retreat, there are endless ways to do this - drugs, alcohol, food, even minor things like watching TV or doing crossword puzzles.

But now, without outer distractions, these conditioned patterns become intensified as our attention goes to their associated physical sensations. We feel mental and emotional pain as we've never felt it before. We feel the heaviness of depression. We feel the burning of anger. We feel our negativities as actual sensations. And it hurts like hell!

But then something magical starts to happen. By not reacting to them, they start to unravel. Tensions we've held for years start to crumble. Our body softens. The painful sensations start to turn to pleasurable sensations. And we have moments of great bliss. And what happens is we start to crave them. However, those pleasurable moments, as powerful and transformative as they are, are still temporary.

The next time we sit for meditation, we're looking for pleasure but instead we're faced again with painful sensations - heaviness, pressure, burning, and we see how it intensifies when we try to push it away and react negatively to it again.

So we start to see more clearly that we're always craving pleasure in some form and we're always running away from pain. Both pain and pleasure are two sides of the same coin.

Which is suffering.

The insights that come out of this are nothing short of remarkable.

We see clearly how our pain is self-created through our inner reactions to things that happen outside of us. We see how we're never really satisfied with the present moment. We see clearly that when negativities arise in us, we are the first to suffer.

And we see clearly how to free ourselves from suffering. Anger subsides. Depression lifts. Anxieties fade. Many overcome their addictions in the ten days.

These insights also begin to transform our relationships. No longer can we blame anyone outside ourselves for our suffering no matter how horrible the things they did to us. We learn to forgive others. No longer can we blame ourselves for some of the pain we may have inflicted on others. We were unconscious. We learn to forgive ourselves. And no longer can we see other human beings as separate from ourselves. We see the universal nature of suffering. We learn to be more compassionate.

These insights also begin to transform our understanding of religion. For many, religion is no longer needed. The present moment becomes the true savior, the true path to free oneself and to help others free themselves. But for many others, they embrace a newfound understanding of their religion. Texts from religious scriptures start to make more sense not as literal interpretations but as metaphors to bring about a new consciousness, a new awareness within oneself.

Of course, no one becomes enlightened after 10 days. Stresses will overwhelm you again. Anger will re-emerge. Depression will re-emerge. Our conditioned mental and emotional patterns don't completely evaporate. They will steer us off course time and time again.

And so we go back.

Next week I'll be returning for another 10-day retreat. I go every year to re-center myself, to chip away at the rough edges that live within me.

And this means that every year I go back to being a vegetarian for ten days.

But when I leave the retreat center, I return to eating meat. I learned the hard way that vegetarianism does not work for me outside the retreat settings. For seven years, I thought vegetarianism would strengthen my meditation practice and make me more spiritual, so to speak. None of those things happened. I learned to be gentler with myself and honor my physical needs through my diet

But after the retreats, I don't go back to eating just any meat. I follow the dietary principles of the Weston Price Foundation, which supports animal products from small, pasture-based farms that treat their animals well. And in my nutrition practice, I use them to help others address their health issues.

That being said I am not anti-vegetarian. I know many who do well on a vegetarian diet, and I do think such a diet can promote health. But I don't get bogged down in the plant vs. meat-centered diet debate. Yes, I promote animal-based diets, but in the end, both will fail us!

And of course, so much of the plant-based vs. animal-based diet arguments revolves around which one better promotes longevity. And both sides have studies to prove their point. And that's the problem.

Scientific studies can't change your inner world. No matter how much they prove your diet is best, they won't change your reactive patterns. They are the realm of the intellect. They observe the outer world but they can't teach you how to observe your inner world. They can't free you.

In my opinion, the undercurrents of these diet debates are really about the fears behind aging and death. No one wants to die. So we use our intellect to think ourselves into various life philosophies. And we protect our beliefs by arguing, criticizing and preaching. Because if we're wrong, we have to face the unknown and that can be scary. Our egos don't like the unknown.

Meditation practices that bring about a shift in our inner world also help us to loosen our fear of death.

As the great spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle says, "It is not life and death. It is birth and death. Birth and death are the two poles of life, which is eternal." That realization, that Life is eternal is not something I have experienced. But there's something about Vipassana retreats and the insights they bring that start to orient us towards a greater dimension beyond our thinking minds.

Yes, diet is important for health. But it's not everything.

If there is one gift I could give to anyone, it would not be improving their physical health through diet. The greatest gift I could give anyone would be improving their "spiritual" health, that is, to learn to stop the unconscious inner forces that promote suffering. To me there is no price on that.

And that is why Vipassana retreats are free. For 10 days, you are fed and given comfortable accommodations for absolutely no charge. As Vipassana has spread around the world, so too has the gratitude that people feel for the experience. People donate money based on what they can give so that others can benefit. I've seen people give ten dollars, and I've seen people give thousands of dollars. Regardless, the retreats run on donations, and this never ceases to amaze me.

Finally, I don't want to pretend that I'm any sort of authority on Vipassana meditation. Though I have done many retreats I still feel very new to this path. I know Vipassana is but part of a larger global movement of consciousness that is transforming humanity as I write this.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Paleo Diet Plan For Vibrant Health and Weight Loss

Paleo Lunch :

The Paleo Plan is your new regime, the new discipline to guide you along the road to a better lifestyle. Initially this may sound serious and inhibiting but in fact it is not, it is a whole lot of fun. A new way of eating, dieting, shopping and cooking. One could say that the caveman did not have a fitted out kitchen BUT he did have fire and his own way. Fortunately for you you are not expected to cook caveman style but only to follow his plan of eating.

Paleo Diet Plan For Vibrant Health and Weight Loss

The following is the basic diet plan for you to follow, wherever possible organic, free range or wild product should be used:

Allowed Foods:

  1. Protein from lean and fat off beef, lamb, pork, poultry (no skin), eggs, fish, shellfish and game meats;
  2. Fruit of all varieties especially lots of berries (very good anti-oxidants)
  3. Vegetables of all varieties. However there is some controversy over the root vegetables but we recommend you use your discretion here. It is believed that in the paleolithic era the caveman ate the leaves of what we call root vegetables and others believe the root veg was also included in their eating plan.
  4. Nuts and seeds as available.
  5. Fats and oils such as avocado oil, olive oil and nut oils and of course there will be a small portion of animal fat from the meats consumed. Here again there is some controversy as some believe ghee is acceptable and others argue that it is dairy and therefore is not allowed. However there is a little give and take in the plan but do not take advantage of it.

Totally Excluded Foods:

  1. All grain products ie breads, pastry, pasta, crackers any foods containing grains.
  2. All dairy ie milk, yoghurt, cheeses and butter any products containing dairy.

Contrary to your possible initial impression of woe of the Paleo Plan there is an amazing array of foods available to experiment with giving you the ability to create meals that are flavoursome, wholesome and healthy. This plan could just be your opportunity of showing your family and friends your artistic and creative imagination in surprising them with the serving of the most tasty, wholesome and healthy meals. Friends will be impressed, amazed and in awe. For sure they will be asking when the next dinner party is going to be!

This Plan does not restrict your menu in any way. There are endless possibilities in food combinations. There are recipes for breakfast, lunch, supper, dessert, snacks, celebratory meals and even barbecues. Absolutely no reason to feel deprived! The whole idea of the Paleo Plan is to embrace a lifestyle of eating the correct way for the human body to best ensure general well being, increased vitality and certain weight loss. Genetically we are still 99.9% the same as our caveman ancestors who were certainly of a robust disposition.

**Your Paleo Plan is the beginning of the rest of your healthy, slim and energetic new life!!!**

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Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Paleo Recipe Book Review

Paleo Lunch :

Have you started, or are thinking of starting the Paleo Diet? This is one of the top diets for 2011 (as it was in 2010), and is touted as one of the healthiest and most beneficial diets in the world today.

The Paleo Recipe Book Review

Why is this?

Let's first take a look at what the Paleo diet is about, and then we will go on to review the famous Paleo Recipe Book.

This diet is simply a dietary lifestyle based on the foods that were eaten by our hunter gatherer ancestors. It is the type of food that our bodies were genetically designed to eat, so therefore is the optimum diet for complete health and wellbeing.

Foods such as meat and vegetables are most important in the Paleo diet pyramid - after that fruit, nuts and berries. Dairy, sugar and all processed foods are out. So you can imagine why so many people are using this diet to improve their health and lose weight.

The Paleolithic Diet is the only diet proven to fight disease, optimize energy and help you lose weight - the right way.

Is it easy? It depends on how you used to eat in the past - many people have to make some rather extreme dietary changes to accommodate the guidelines (giving up dairy and sugar can be a rather big ask). However anyone who has done this diet, will tell you the benefits more than outweigh the cost.

The Paleo Recipe Book was created by a health and fitness enthusiast called Sebastien Noel. Sebastien suffered from a number of health issues that prompted him to research how he could improve his diet and subsequently his health. He realised that going back to basics with the Paleo diet was the answer, and went on to create the recipe book.

What's in the package?

The recipe book contains 370+ Paleo specific recipes in an instantly downloadable eBook format. You also get a free bonus 8 week meal plan covering every meal for 56 days - breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as snacks. You also get the following:

  • A bonus herbs and spices guide (really good if you like plenty of flavour in your meals)
  • A Paleo food list (what to eat, and what to avoid)
  • Where to find the foods you need for the diet
  • A guide to good fats
  • Cooking time charts and meat doneness chart
  • A guide to cooking the perfect steak
  • And much more.

The 370 recipes all consist of natural, unprocessed, and healthy ingredients, and they also include color photos of the finished meals. The meals are all really easy to cook, and you don't need any cooking skills as the instructions are given in a concise, step by step manner.

Paleo cooking provides a simple, natural way of eating that can dramatically improve health, and help you to lose weight in the process. No other weight loss diet is as basic, yet effective. If you want to lose weight fast, increase your energy and your sex drive, improve your immune system and have a clearer, smoother complexion then the Paleo diet might just be the answer. The Paleo Recipe book is just one resource that could help you achieve your goals.

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Healthy Eating and Exercise Regime For Quick Weight Loss

Paleo Lunch :

The problem with many diet plans is that they are too restrictive, too complicated to follow, or both. Diets often fail because most people find them hard to stick to for the long-term. Rather than eating to lose weight, it is much better idea to eat for health. Healthy eating is a lifestyle change that you can become accustomed to after a short period of time. When you make eating healthy a habit, you will no longer have to stress over what to eat and whether it is good for you.

Healthy Eating and Exercise Regime For Quick Weight Loss

Weight issues also become less of a problem. There are many types of healthy eating plans to follow but the ones below are ones that I favor most. Of course you should speak with your health care provider before changing your eating habits or exercise regime.

Healthy Eating Plans for a Lifestyle Change

Developing good eating habits can make life so much easier. You learn how to maintain a healthy weight and how to manage food rather than letting food mange you. Two good methods of eating are "clean eating" and the paleolithic diet. Both are similar in that they do not include processed foods. Processed foods often contain high amounts of fat, sugar, and calories. Simple carbs like bread, cereal, rice, and pasta tend to be the foods that keep us overweight.

They are often eaten in excess. When they are not burned, they are stored as fat. Think about a typical day of meals. Breakfast may consist of cereal, a bagel, etc. Lunch may be a sandwich or pasta. Dinner may be more bread, pasta, rice, etc. Desserts can be cake, pie, cookies, ice cream, or other. These simple carbs add up quickly in a day.

Following the eating plans of clean eating or the paleo diet may help you to reach your weight loss goals in a healthy way that you can stick to for the long-term.

Exercise to Burn Fat

Any exercise is better than none at all, however, there are some that do a better job at fat burning than others. Three great fat burning activities include strength training, calisthenics, and interval training. All three of these exercise routines burn fat by developing muscle. Muscle burns both fat and calories. Even when we are at rest, our muscle burn calories.

The best thing about these exercises is that you do not need to spend more than an hour working out. You also do not need to spend money on gym memberships. Combining your healthy eating habits with fat burning exercises will have you on your way to permanent weight loss.

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

What Are Good Foods To Eat For Weight Loss? - A Few Examples

Paleo Lunch :

Eating to lose weight sounds counter-intuitive doesn't it? After all isn't eating excessively what leads to weight gains for many of us? The advice to eat less and exercise more to reach your weight loss goals is extremely common. But perhaps the problem is more what we eat than the amount. Perhaps too why we eat over much, if we in fact do, is because of what we are eating. Maybe other foods would be more filling and provide longer lasting energy.

What Are Good Foods To Eat For Weight Loss? - A Few Examples

There are a few different authors and researchers who take a view sympathetic to the latter points. My experience tends to support these views as well. The type of food, the type of calories we consume has more of an impact on our body composition than just the amount consumed.

So you ask: what should i eat to lose weight? It's actually not too complicated. Most of the common meals we all consume on a daily basis, in part due to government recommendations, are based on a few different products. Unfortunately these products aren't conducive to maintaining an ideal body composition. For example corn is a major ingredient in most food products found in grocery stores. Soy and wheat are others. In order to lose weight or maintain an ideal body composition it's more beneficial to base our meals around some of the following foods:

1) Meats: Chicken, beef, fish etc.

2) Greens: Lettuce, spinach and similar leafy greens.

3) Root vegetables: Carrots, parsnips, turnips etc.

4) Nuts: Pecans, walnuts and almonds among others.

5) Some squashes such as butternut and acorn squashes.

6) Low glysemic impact fruits like: Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries.

When eating food products like this we're more likely to consume fresher, higher quality meals that contain less processed foods. These meals also have a reduced impact on blood sugar compared to what some call the Standard American Diet (SAD). This reduced impact on blood sugar means that our production of insulin is reduced and less glucose (perhaps none at all) from the blood stream is converted to fat deposits. Sounds like a good thing to me! Just think of all the meal possibilities available. Omelets, sausages, bacon and such for breakfast. You can even make lower impact pancakes from almond or coconut flour and top them with mixed fruit. All types of salads for lunch and a hearty steak dinner in the evening. If you're not convinced I'd encourage you to do a little research. This type of eating is sometimes called paleo or primal but you can just call it your own.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Belly Fat Foods to Avoid

Paleo Lunch :

There are so many methods of eating healthy out there that it can all be so confusing. I look for ways to keep things simple so when I came across one particular method of eating, I became really interested. What I discovered was that it's not about foods that burn fat (which doesn't exist by the way) but foods that keep you fat that should be avoided.

Belly Fat Foods to Avoid

Searching for fat burning foods is pretty much a waste of time. No food can actually burn fat. However, there are foods that do cause weight gain and keep you overweight. These types of food are simple carbohydrates. You can find these types of carbs in processed foods such as:

  • bread
  • cereal
  • cake
  • cookies
  • pies
  • refined sugar and more
The reason why these types of carbs cause weight gain is because when they are not burned, the body stores the excess as fat. I'll be the first to admit avoiding these foods aren't easy because they are everywhere. You may be surprised at how often you eat them. How many times have you had a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast? How about a sandwich for lunch on thick slices of ciabatta bread? These types of carbs easily add up during the day. The method of eating that I mentioned earlier that makes avoiding these "bad" carbs easier is called the paleo diet (paleolithic or caveman diet.)

This way of eating revolves around food in its most natural state. People who follow this diet eat lean meat, a lot of fresh vegetables, fruit, nuts, and more. For the most part, they avoid any processed foods and grains. There is a lot of information out there about the paleo diet so be sure to do your own research. You will find plenty of bloggers who follow this diet and they usually post really good recipes as well. I have read many times that weight loss comes much easier by eating this way. However, I would suggest consulting with your doctor before jumping into any new way of eating.

Besides food that we eat, it's also important to think about what you are drinking at well. Sugar can be found in a lot of beverages particularly coffee drinks and so-called health smoothies. I would recommend cutting out soda all together and beware of fruit juice as well because it also contains sugar. Water, black coffee, and tea are good beverage options.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

1200 Calorie Diet Plan

Paleo Lunch :

You can lose 10 pounds and gain more energy -- all in 30 days. You will maintain 1200 calories per day and have plenty of food with these tasty low calorie recipes. You can also optimize your meal plans with this free diet plan.

1200 Calorie Diet Plan

At first 1200 calories per day does not seem like enough food, after all we are all consuming a lot more than that. In fact the average American eats 3 times this figure.

The 1,200 calorie diet plan is intended as a safe and gradual weight loss program. As with any diet, contact your doctor to make sure it's right for you.

There are a few tips that you should follow to insure your success.

1. You should eat 4 - 6 small meals and snacks daily.

2. Keep your diet simple. This will make it much easier to organize your meals

3. Eat slower. This gives your brain time to trigger your satifaction feelings

4. Try to use variety in your meals. This will keep you interested

5. Drink plenty of water, 8 to 10 glasses per day

6. Use a multivitamin. This will ensure you receive all of your nutrients.

Use these suggestions to build your meals. This is only a handful, you can use these to start and then build your own lists to use. By building a list of foods you will be able to easily design your meal plans.


1 large hard boiled egg - 90 calories

2 slices wholemeal toast with thin smear butter - 200 cals

Large slice melon - 47 calories

8 oz. non fat milk, protein fortified, with added Vitamin A (101 cal)

1/2 cup of strawberries


Egg and Lettuce Sandwich

Cottage Cheese with chives reduced fat 100g - 80 calories

Baked potato with baked beans - 300 cals

French bread Pizza 150 grams - 300 cals

Mixed Salad Large portion - 80 calories

Apple - 49 cals


1 Chicken Breast with vegetables and rice

Lasagne frozen 250g - 317 calories

Pasta Salad made with a little olive oil & a little sauce to flavour - 200 - 300 calories ( 250 average )

50g Tinned Tuna in water - 50 cals

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Weekly Nutrisystem Menu Sample - 7 Examples of Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Meals

Paleo Lunch :

I get a lot of emails from people who are asking for me to paint them a picture of what life on nutrisystem is like. I've written about a typical day on this diet. I've had a few people tell me that this isn't a big enough glimpse of the meals to give them a full idea of what they will be eating. So, in the following article, I'm going to expand on this idea and provide an example of a week's worth of breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks and desserts. I will also give you examples of the sides that you are asked to add onto each meal.

A Weekly Nutrisystem Menu Sample - 7 Examples of Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Meals

An Example Of A Week's Worth Of Nutrisystem Breakfasts: I often say that I think that the breakfasts, snacks, and desserts are my favorite part of this diets. Even though this is a lower carb diet, you are still allowed cereals, muffins, pancakes, and scones. For this example, I've tried to mix things up a bit so that there's a lot of variety. Here are seven typical breakfasts that I chose and the sides which would work well with them. They are: the banana nut muffin with milk; the egg frittata with cantaloupe; the blueberry pancakes with yogurt; the apple cinnamon oatmeal with apple slices; the apple strudel scone with cottage cheese; the cluster crunch cereal with skim milk; and the cinnamon roll with yogurt.

Now, this is only seven choices. There are more. But this does give you a good sampling of the types of products that you will eat. There are different flavors within each category. There are different flavors of oatmeal, cereals, scones, and muffins. What I've given are examples that I enjoy.

7 Days Worth Of Nutrisystem Lunches: People often expect to see a lot of soups here. And, there are some. But there are also pastas, hot dogs, bars, salads, and rice dishes. The examples that I've chosen are: the cheese tortellini and a small salad; the hot dog and celery sticks; the chicken and pasta in cacciatore sauce with carrot sticks; the chicken caesar salad with blueberries; the red beans and rice with red peppers; the minestrone soup with salad; the fettucine alfredo and cucumber slices; and finally, the chicken and noodles with watermelon.

A Weekly Sample Menu Of Nutrisystem Dinners: The dinners are a bit more substantial and they do offer a lot of variety. I tend to like the comfort food options, so if I were choosing for an entire week, I might chose: the Cajun chicken and sausage with fat and sugar free pudding; the lasagne and meat sauce with a salad; the pizza and strawberries; the beef steak with potatoes and cantaloupe; the bar b que pork wrap with celery sticks and fat free dressing; the macaroni cheese and beef with sliced tomatoes; and the mushroom risotto with sliced red peppers.

7 Tasty Snacks: You really can't go wrong with any of the snacks. But, here are seven of my favorites: the nachos; the pretzels; the herb snack mix; the cheese puffs; the bar b que chips; the coconut almond bar; and the chocolate rainbow desserts.

A Week's Worth Of Desserts: This isn't going to be very original, but the desserts are my favorite. I honestly can't think of one that I wouldn't eat, and I pretty much like them all. If I could only chose 7, I'd pick: the almond biscotti; the chocolate cake; the peppermint cookie patty; the nutrichocolates; the golden pound cake: the blueberry lemon dessert bar; and the mint chocolate crunch bar.

All of the meals are meant to be interchangeable. And, nutrisystem does allow for you to buy foods individually, by the week, and by the month. The monthly packages usually work out to be cheaper because you're buying in bulk and because they allow for you to use the most generous coupons with the monthly packages.

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