Friday, August 31, 2012

1000 Calorie Diet Plan Thats Simple Yet Powerful!

Paleo Lunch :

Ok we are about go over a simple 1000 calorie diet plan that can have you losing weight at a natural steady rate. Its important that you lose weight at a steady rate otherwise you will just gain the weight back in the future.

1000 Calorie Diet Plan Thats Simple Yet Powerful!

OK lets get started shall we? If you follow this simple little plan you should see some gradual weight loss.


You want to eat 300 calories here! This will be one of your biggest meals because it raises your metabolism early in the day to aid even more fat burning. I suggest you eat a bowl of Quaker Oatmeal here along with some apple juice and a fruit of your choice. Oatmeal is full of fiber and actually makes you feel full because of its abundance of fiber.


Eat Around 300 calories here also. You shoul choose a lean meat thats around 120-150 calories like a piece of Salmon or lean chicken. Now add some green beans and another fruit. This should set you right at 300 calories. You can even mix things up and get something like a lean cuisine meal which are low in calories.

Mid Afternoon:

So you already have eaten 600 of the 1000 calorie diet plan calories allowed. This meal you want to eat around 200 calories. I suggest a nice decent sized sandwich for this meal because you need some carbs in your diet like bread.


I suggest you keep your dinner around 200-300 calories. Dont worry about how late you eat as long as its not past 9 pm at night. Eating a small meal late can actually help to raise your metabolism before bedtime. But if you eat too long you run into risking weight gain due to your metabolism naturally slowing down at night. But you should eat something in the range of 200-300 calories here such as a low calorie frozen diet meal. You could also eat some pasta here but I do not recommend it because you already got enough of your carbs in with your bread.

Basically dont feel bad if you slip up and eat say a cookie during one meal as long as you keep the calorie intake at 1000-1100 per day. Ihope this 1000 calorie diet plan has helped you see how easy it can be to lose weight. Follow this little program and you will see weight loss within a week. Its really not that hard either, good luck!

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Most Common Pitfall In A Weight Loss Program Nobody Talks About

Paleo Lunch :

How many times have you started a diet and exercise routine only to throw the towel in after just a few weeks because you weren't seeing the results you wanted? Losing weight doesn't have to be that difficult but unfortunately misinformation has caused a lot of people to take the wrong approach and suffer in frustration because of it. If losing weight was as simple as "eating less and exercising more" you wouldn't be reading this article.

The Most Common Pitfall In A Weight Loss Program Nobody Talks About

The reality is you have to set the right conditions in your body for fat loss to occur. It's important to understand that fat loss is 100% controlled by the hormonal balances in your body. The objective is to create the right hormonal balances with your diet and exercise to open up the window for fat burning to take place.

Eat the wrong foods or take in too few calories and fat loss comes to halt. No amount of extra cardio will do the trick. In fact, many times doing excessive cardio in a calorie restricted state only makes things worse. When your body is not able to meet energy demands for resting metabolic function you get into what's called a catabolic state where lean muscle is broken down. The end result will be your body holding onto fat and as your hormones adjust to slow down your metabolism.

It's no secret that eating too few calories over a prolonged period of time causes a down regulation in metabolism that triggers a primal starvation response. That's the primary reason why most diets fail. It's not that a short term restriction in calories can't trigger a fat release by the cells, it does. But the problem is your body quickly adapts to the decreased caloric intake and adjusts thyroid hormone production to reset metabolism.

Instead of trying to starve your body into releasing fat, which is a poor strategy, you need to give it a reason to let go of the stored fuel. You do this by changing the way your body meets energy demands. The most common mistake I see people making is failing to condition their body to fuel off of fatty acids and amino acids from proteins through gluconeogenesis.

You see in the absence of readily available blood sugar your body will turn to other substrates for fuel to meet energy demands. But here's the kicker, if there's always readily available sugar for energy, your body never has a need to tap into stored body fat. Make no mistake about it as sugar is the real enemy in any weight loss program. You absolutely must reduce sugar intake if you want to optimize hormonal balances for fat loss.

This is exactly where most people get hung up because of misinformation. They think if they just cut calories or start eating "healthier" the weight will naturally come off. When the scale doesn't budge they beat themselves up and figure it must have been because of that one piece of pie. That's never the reason. The problem is they don't give a second thought to all the whole grains and starches in their diet, because these foods are supposed to be healthy and weight loss friendly, or at least that's what they'd be told.

What they don't realize is the majority of people who are overweight suffer from some degree of insulin and leptin resistance. This simply means their body doesn't handle sugar and fat like it's supposed to because of hormonal imbalances.

The primary cause of these imbalances is eating the wrong foods and having an unbalanced lifestyle with stress, lack of exercise, etc, over a prolonged period of time. When the body can't handle blood glucose properly because of tissue degeneration and receptor problems, you've got to take very specific measures to fix it. Following a diet of "all things in moderation" will fail miserably for individuals with hormonal imbalances.

If you're stuck in weight loss plateau because of hormonal imbalances like insulin resistance, the words "moderation" can't apply to you until the root of the problem has been fixed.

I can't tell you how many individuals I've seen do things like switch from white bread to whole grain bread and think they were eating "healthy" for weight loss only to be left frustrated after continual backsliding with sugar cravings and junk food binges.

When the body is addicted to sugar you can't reverse the problem by simply switching out the source of the sugar. This will only keep you caught up in the vicious cycle of constantly craving bad foods and trying to use willpower to stay on your diet.

People who try to lose weight by winning the battle of willpower need to realize how impossible it is to fight the biology of your body. It's not willpower but more importantly physiological changes that need to occur on a hormonal level.

Think of it as having to reprogram the cells of your body to fuel off of something different than sugar. Pulling out all the junk foods and replacing them with more "healthy" starches won't do the trick. You need to pull out the refined sugars and starches altogether for a while. Fruits and vegetables contain natural sugars (fructose and glucose) but they're used differently by your body and should still be consumed.

I'm talking about removing all grains, breads, pastas, dairy, cereals, along with anything processed and refined. What in the world do you eat then? The secret is following what's called a Primal Blueprint or Paleo type diet where you consume lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats. These are foods that the human body was designed to fuel off of. It's the key to correcting hormonal imbalances by regenerating tissue at the hormonal glands and reducing acidosis.

The thyroid, pancreatic, and adrenal glands are all very susceptible to damage from poor dietary habits. When you're eating a diet high in starches along with processed and refined foods, it causes a host of imbalances due to acidosis, inflammation and tissue degeneration.

You need to heal your body with natural, whole foods, and not focus on cutting calories. It's much easier and appealing to do Lean Cuisines for lunch instead or lean proteins and vegetables but it's never going to work the same. Forget all the talk about the glycemic index and low fat content of processed and refined "diet foods." Don't fall into this trap, there's absolutely no chance of healing your body by eating processed and refined foods. It may work for a while but you're likely to put the weight back on because you didn't correct the root problem.

One quick thing about fruits as a lot of people have been told you can't eat fruit on a weight loss program. This is completely false and misguided information. Your body can use fructose from fruit almost immediately for energy through a diffusion process which send it directly into the cells. The fructose from fruit is not the same as high fructose corn syrup and other unnatural sugars.

If you're going to follow a Primal Blueprint of Paleo type diet, fruits can and should make up a portion of your daily diet. If you're aggressively working on breaking a sugar addiction you'll just want to have 1-2 servings a day, mostly from high fiber sources like berries, apples, oranges, etc. Avoid melons and other high sugar fruits until your body gets good at burning fat.

The reason fruit often gets a bad rap is because people try to include it on top of a diet that already has a lot of starches. Eating an apple after you already had 60-70 grams of carbohydrates from that 6" Subway melt and bag of Baked Lays chips is never going to work. You're just adding more sugar into your system than your body needs. Compare that to eating an orange with a chicken breast and large garden salad. Big difference because now the natural sugar from the fruit can be readily used for energy without sending excess glucose floating around in the bloodstream.

Bottom line is fruit in moderation can be part of a naturally low-carb diet along with adequate protein and fat to balance out your hormones and increase metabolism. I've seen some of the best results with correcting hormonal imbalances and regenerating tissue health by individuals following a raw food diet of exclusively fruits and vegetables for a while.

Green juices are one of my favorite strategies to use from a healing standpoint. If fruits were really a problem, these people would never lose weight. The reality is most everyone who follows a short term strategy like this loses a significant amount of weight.

So why don't more people do it? Because it requires preparation, work, and sacrifice. It's much easier to just eat that low calorie wrap and try and convince yourself that it will promote weight loss.

You'll have to trust me on this one as your body simply doesn't need extra starches. Your best bet is to follow a Primal Blueprint or Paleo type diet, or better yet start off with a detoxification and cleansing phase with green juices and raw fruits and vegetables only. Do it for a week then progress to a Primal way of eating by including back in the proteins and fats.

Just know when you do this your body will likely resist the sudden decrease in sugar and starches pretty hard. Anyone who has ever pulled out sugars can attest to the initial headaches, cravings, irritability, and mood swings that occur during the first 7-10 days.

But a funny thing happens when your body gets the message that it needs to fuel off something other than sugar. It changes fuel sources and starts to almost immediately function better. All of a sudden you have more energy, you sleep better, you're not hungry all the time, and the sugar cravings subside. It's like someone flipped a switch.

I tell you this because making the decision to change the way you eat can truly change your life. But you need to make the decision to go through short-term sacrifices and discomfort in order to fully experience the freedom on the other side. One doesn't come without the other.

Give yourself 30 days and transform the way you fuel your body. You've got nothing to lose and could end up transforming your life. Just don't go half way and tell yourself that you can still eat healthy starches or your favorite foods in moderation. Save the "moderation" part until you've fixed the problem or you're likely to keep riding the weight loss yo-yo.

New research is showing that sugary, processed, and refined foods have addictive properties comparable to drugs like heroin! This is no joke. If you want your body to change you must reprogram what it uses for energy. Breaking the addiction to carbohydrates will only come once your body has been conditioned to fuel off of fat instead. This means until your body adjusts, even seemingly "healthy" starches can keep you stuck.

I know it may be hard to visualize right now but when you change how your body uses and processes food, things become almost effortless. You have to experience it as my words will do little to explain it. If you're suspect on anything I've just shared with you or think sugars and starches aren't the problem as long as your calories are low, I challenge you to follow a Primal Blueprint diet for just 30 days and then tell me what you think.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How to Make Easy Fish Soup Recipes

Paleo Lunch :

Fish soup might not be the most common type of soup but it does make a warming lunch or a deliciously different dinner. When was the last time you made fish chowder or a fish soup recipe? Fish soup can be really flavorful and you can even invent your own fish soup recipes.

How to Make Easy Fish Soup Recipes

Aromatic herbs like dill and parsley go well with fish and you can make fish soup with all kinds of fish, such as tilapia, salmon, tuna, cod and more. Remember that fish only takes about ten minutes to cook in this way, so add the fish near the end of the cooking time, else it might become tough. As soon as the fish is opaque and flakes easily, it is done.

Famous Soup Recipes

There are lots of famous fish soup recipes, such as French bouillabaisse and Singaporean sliced fish soup. Vietnamese sour fish soup, Hungarian paprika-spiced fisherman's soup and Scottish "Cullen Skink" which is a delicious combination of potatoes, onion, cream and smoked haddock, are other examples.

Cioppino is an Italian-American fish soup made with different types of fish, as well as tomatoes, and clam chowder is also a well known dish. You can use many different types of fish and seafood to make fish soup recipes. Simply add some herbs and vegetables to water to make a broth and add some chopped fish.

How to Make Tilapia Soup

This recipe is really easy and you just need to simmer the soup ingredients and fry some bread to make homemade croutons. The soup is flavored with dill, lemon, and parsley and the flavor of the tilapia clearly shines through.

This is one of the most easy soup recipes and it makes a change from the chicken soup recipes and pumpkin soup recipes you might usually make or buy. If you see some tilapia on sale, snatch it up, because this soup is really tasty and well worth making.

What you will need:

  • 2 tilapia fillets
  • 1/2 teaspoon dill
  • 1 pint water
  • 1/2 onion, chopped
  • 1 stalk celery, chopped
  • 1 carrot, chopped
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • Juice from half a lemon
  • 1/2 teaspoon parsley
  • 1 slice bread, for making croutons
  • Salt and pepper, to taste

How to make it:

Bring the water to a boil in a pot, then add the celery, carrots, and onion and simmer for 10 minutes. Add the dill, parsley, and pepper, and then let the soup boil until the carrots are soft. Add the tilapia fillets and let the soup simmer gently.

Cut the bread into cubes and fry them in the oil to make croutons. Add the lemon juice to the soup when the tilapia is opaque and white and break up the fish fillets using a spoon.

Blend the soup a little bit with a hand mixer but leave it chunky. Add some salt to taste and serve it hot, topped with the croutons.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Figure Competition Diet Plan - Proven Figure Competition Diets to Help You Win!

Paleo Lunch :

If you are looking for figure competition diet plans to help you win your figure competition then this article is perfect for you.

Figure Competition Diet Plan - Proven Figure Competition Diets to Help You Win!

So you are training for your fitness figure competition and want to learn what kind of competition diet is right for you. Here's a sample diet plan that can help you reach your dieting goals.

6.30am - Breakfast

5/6 egg whites and 2/3 whole eggs with 2 slices of wheat toast or oatmeal.

10 am - Snack

Non fat yogurt and fruit or protein drink.

12 noon - Lunch

50 - 60 gms protein, 1/2 cup of green veggies, 1/2 green beans.

3 pm - Snack

Protein drink or dozen almonds.

6 pm - Dinner

6 oz Protein from fish or poultry. 1/2 cup of spinach and 1/2 yams.

9 pm - Snack

4 oz Protein Drink

Right before the figure contest date you should aim for about 1,700 calories per day on average. The carb range should be 160-180 per day and ideally you should get them from yams. For great results you should switch your carb source 3 days before your competition date. Try going from yams to red potatoes for example. Brown rice is also a good source. As for protein you should try to eat top sirloin steak or flank steak, VPX zero carb protein, and chicken on occasion mixing up the source every now and then.

If you want to maintain a lean body fat and still make gains, your calories count needs to be 300-250 more than they were while you were dieting.

You should try to manipulate your carb primarily, and throw in some dietary fats as well every now and then. Your intake can change from 175g protein/100g carbs/25g fat during the season to 150g protein/150g carbs/35g fat during the off-season. You may need to try several different plans to see what feels the best for you.

Don't cheat! As much as you may crave for a cheat meal fight the temptation. If you rarely cheat, you will be able to consume more calories from clean foods and still stay lean. If you must cheat then cheat no more than once per 2 weeks, and not going crazy on those cheats. By not going crazy, I mean eating 3-4 slices of pizza instead of 8 plus breadsticks!

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Keep Your New Year's Resolution to Lose Weight With the Paleo Diet Cookbook

Paleo Lunch :

Are you tired of not feeling comfortable in your own skin. Have you tried everything without getting the long term results you want? Do you want to lose weight for once and for all this year, no excuses, no ifs, ands or buts? If this speaks to you, continue reading. In this article I we will explore why most diets fail, and how the Paleo Diet Cookbook overcomes these obstacles.

Keep Your New Year's Resolution to Lose Weight With the Paleo Diet Cookbook

Why Most Diets Fail

You get tired of the same thing
Really, how may times can you eat a diet bar for lunch and a dry chicken breast and carrot sticks for dinner.

Unrealistic Restrictions
This is a big one, diets that require you to stay under 800 calories a day, or to replace meals with shakes or meal bars are too strict and never work for the long run.

No education on how to change eating habits
Some diets fail because although you may follow the guidelines for a diet, or eat the meals that were pre-made and distributed by your diet program, you are lost the minute you are left to your own devices.

Weight loss is the focus not health
Many diets are focused on losing weight, but don't come close to helping you meet your nutritional needs. When your nutritional needs are not met, you have intense cravings, making it impossible to keep weight off.

Why the Paleo Diet Cookbook Works

Endless Options
In the Paleo Diet Cookbook, there are over 370 recipes which are nutritious and delicious including things like:
-Beef Kabobs with BBQ Eggplant
-Mustard Glazed Drumsticks with Creamy Coleslaw and even
-Double Chocolate Cookies

It's easier to stick to a plan when there's so much goodness to choose from; you will never feel deprived.

Realistic Plan You Can Stick To
There is no calorie counting involved and you actually get to have foods you can sink your teeth into. This is not a meal replacement situation, because there is no reason to replace meals that are both yummy and healthy.

Learn How to Eat Right
By using the Paleo Diet Cookbook, you will learn what foods to eat to keep your body at its optimum health. You will also have fun exploring foods that you may have never eaten before such as:
-Chicken Liver with Grapes and Onions
-Tripe soup with ginger sauce and mint or
-Apple cinnamon omelet

This cookbook expands your food options rather than limits them.

Health Focus
Unlike diets that focus on weight loss the Paleo Diet Cookbook focus is on meeting your nutritional needs by eating the natural, wholesome foods that mother nature has provided for us. When you are eating healthily, you will lose weight without having to obsess over it. You also wont have terrible cravings that drive you to binge eating.

Keeping your New Year's Resolution to lose weight doesn't have to feel impossible, it can be fun, exciting and obtainable.

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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Paleo Meal Planning - Ideas for Daily Meals

Paleo Lunch :

Due to the strict restrictions of the Paleo diet, Paleo meal planning is extremely important so that the diet is followed properly. If you are not aware of the Paleo diet, the focus is to consume "natural foods." In other words, the Paleo diet does not include foods that are processed in any manner.

Paleo Meal Planning - Ideas for Daily Meals

The Paleo diet tries to focus on foods consumed in the Paleolithic time period. The main food groups in the Paleo diet include fresh fruits and vegetables, and lean meats and seafood.

Foods that are processed are not allowed in any form. Also, food and drinks such as coffee, alcohol and soda pop are off limits because they were not consumed during that time period. Also, potatoes are not allowed because they have been genetically altered.

As stated earlier, Paleo meal planning will allow you to ensure that you follow the Paleo diet and can reap the health benefits of the diet. Here are some sample meal plans:


  • Two scrambled eggs with a cup of fresh strawberries
  • Lean steak with over easy eggs on top and grapefruit
  • Lean turkey sausage and sautéed spinach with eggs
  • Grilled peaches with fresh mint


  • One grilled chicken breast with steamed garlic broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots
  • Ground lean chicken burgers with hot peppers and salad
  • Grilled tilapia with lemon and fresh salsa
  • Guacamole deviled eggs with papaya and mango


  • Grilled steak salad with lettuce, onions, and green peppers
  • Hot BLT salad with turkey bacon and hard-boiled egg
  • Meatballs and mushrooms in the crockpot with bok choy and green onions
  • Turkey medallions spiced with poultry seasoning and served with baked apples


For snacking, enjoy fresh fruits such as strawberries or blueberries. You can also snack on nuts such as almonds, peanuts, or cashews.

The Paleo diet does not restrict the amount of food you eat, just what kind of food that is consumed. By eating natural foods, you prevent your body from consuming fattening additives that are often put into processed foods such as chips, bread, and pasta.

The best way to properly plan your meals is to plan out an entire week at a time. Schedule your meals on one specific day each week and go to the grocery store on that designated day. By doing so, you will only buy exactly what you need and prevent yourself from overspending on food you will not consume.

For some of you, it might be difficult to make these changes, if you are very used to eating unhealthy, processed foods. The body actually can become addicted to these types of foods. This results in a vicious cycle of needing a fat or sugary food, eating it and immediately needing it again. By giving the Paleo diet a try for just two weeks, you can transform how your body responds to these impulse cravings to unhealthy and unnatural foods.

The dietary restrictions of the Paleo diet make it relatively hard to follow so proper Paleo meal planning is vital so that you can stay focused on consuming the proper foods and drinks.

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Paleo Diet: 5 Tips To Help You Make a Successful Switch

Paleo Lunch :

When you are making changes to your regular routine including how you eat, it is important to plan ahead of time, and to get the support you need to stay motivated and excited about the change. Together we will explore 5 simple tips that are sure to help you successfully switch over to a Paleo Diet.

Paleo Diet: 5 Tips To Help You Make a Successful Switch

1. Grocery Shop Before It's Too Late
If you're anything like me, grocery shopping is not your favorite thing to do; you wait until you have nothing in your fridge, and are tired of eating fast food, before you actually go. When you don't have food in your fridge, you will be more tempted to buy unhealthy foods on the go. Plan when you are going to go grocery shopping ahead of time, and get the foods you need to make healthy choices throughout the week.

2. Cook A Lot At Once
What has helped me stick to a healthy Paleo Diet is preparing enough food for my partner and I for a couple of days. For example, 3 days ago I cooked a Bacon/Spinach Frittata, Chicken Marsala, Kale Salad and Egg/Tuna Salad during one cooking session. Sure it took me about 3 hours to do everything, but we've had delicious, nutritious food for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the last 3 days now. All we had to do was heat it up quickly, or grab on the go.

3. Be Adventurous
Enjoy your new Paleo Diet and all the foods that comes with it. This diet introduces foods that many of us have never eaten before such as:
-Beetroot Salsa
-Duck Pomegranate Salad and
-Pork Shoulder and Sour Pickle Stew

So be adventurous; don't be afraid to try something new. Also, focus on all the new healthy foods you get to explore, rather than focusing on all the junk foods that you can't have.

4. Go Paleo with your Partner or Friend
Cooking and eating new healthy foods together should be a fun journey you embark on with someone you enjoy. If you are in a relationship share this experience with your partner, if you're single invite your best friend over.

5. Acknowledge Your Health Results
Often times people tend to focus on the negatives, try instead to focus on the positives no matter how settle, by acknowledging the results you are experiencing from maintaining a Paleo Diet.

Remember getting healthy should be fun and invigorating, not burdensome and boring. With that, eat well and enjoy.

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

How Paleo Recipes Can Be the Key to Good Health

Paleo Lunch :

In this world we are blessed with so many things (paleo recipes) by The Almighty God and one of the most precious blessings of God is the good health and the secret to the good health. There are many things in this world created by Him to keep us healthy and enjoy the life. Excellent health of our ancestors was due to the use of natural foods like the wild plants and animals in their food and these foods are now termed as the paleo recipes, paleo food, Stone Age or Paleolithic food. It is up to us that how we use this food and live a healthy life. We are also living in an era of fast automation and machine life where our eating routine has converted on fast and junk food items.

How Paleo Recipes Can Be the Key to Good Health

By the robust increase in the population of the world and the technological advancement, we have to use the development in the agricultural sector as well as industry to grow the maximum out of the land and achieve the maximum output of animals to process this stuff to manufacture other eatables. It is due to this technological pace that the numbers of healthy people are decreasing day by day due to obesity and increase in the use of processed foods. But due to the recent research, the importance of paleo recipes has become prominent.

Paleo recipes was being used by our humanoid ancestors and forefathers some ten thousand years ago in the Paleolithic era which spans over two and a half million years. In mid 1970's the concept gets importance that the foods and the herbs used by our Homo sapiens forefathers would be able to keep us healthy. The Paleolithic food consists of foods that can be hunted and fished such as meat, offal and seafood and can be gathered such as eggs, insects, nuts, seeds, vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, spices and fruits as well. Some advocates are of the opinion that only lean cuts of meat free from any food additives should be used like wild game meats and grass fed beef because they contain the higher proportion of Omega 3A.S. compared to grain produced domestic meats. The paleo diet food does not contain the ingredients that were not used by humans before the Neolithic revolution like dairy products, legumes, mainly grains, refined sugar, processed oils and salts.

Paleo recipes require an adequate amount of meat in its composition and it is advised to use as much meat in the diet as you want in your diet whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner and it should be cooked without using much of the fats in it with little oil. Meat should contain lean beef with trimmed of visible fats like flank steak, extra lean hamburger, chunk steak, lean veal, London broil and Top sirloin Steak. Lean poultry is the white meat with skin removed and consists of chicken breast, turkey breast and game hen breast.

Organ meats of beef, lamb and chicken, rabbit and Goat meat, eggs not more than six in a week of Chicken (enriched source of Omega 3), Duck and Goose. The paleo diet also contains fish as an ingredient in it. Fish meat can consist of Eel, Bas, Trout, Mullet or any other available fish. Fish meat is a complete diet and contains all the components needed for the excellent working of the human body.

Fruits are also an important part of the paleo recipes and they can be eaten as much as anyone desire as they are low in calories and do not disturb the functioning if eaten in excessive quantities. Seeds and nuts are also important as they contain many valuable food ingredients in it. Walnuts are an amazing source of Omega 3. Almonds, Pine nuts, Brazilian nuts, unsalted Pistachios, Pumpkins seeds and chestnuts among the famous seeds and nuts.

Summing up, paleo recipes do not contain the processed milk products like ice creams, cheese, butter, yogurt and other cereal foods according to the advocated of the paleo food and hence should be avoided. The only useable items are fruits, vegetables, meat, nuts and seeds which are the opinion of the advocates of the paleo diet.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuna Salad Recipes - Deliciously Simple Tuna Salad

Paleo Lunch :

This is one of the classic tuna fish salad recipes that you can make in just a few minutes. Makes a family sized amount.

Tuna Salad Recipes - Deliciously Simple Tuna Salad

4 (6 oz.) cans tuna, drained
1 lemon, juiced (optional)
2 cups mayonnaise
4 stalks celery, diced
1/2 cup sweet pickle relish
Salt and pepper to taste


In a bowl, combine the tuna, lemon juice, mayonnaise, celery and pickle relish. Mix together well and refrigerate until ready to serve.

=> Tuna Salad Recipe: Gourmet Tuna Salad

Here's a restaurant quality tuna recipe that is absolutely delicious for tuna salad sandwiches.

1 (7 oz.) can white tuna, drained and flaked
6 tablespoons mayonnaise or salad dressing
1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese
3 tablespoons sweet pickle relish
1/8 teaspoon dried minced onion flakes
1/4 teaspoon curry powder
1 tablespoon dried parsley
1 teaspoon dried dill weed
1 pinch garlic powder


In a medium bowl, stir together the tuna, mayonnaise, Parmesan cheese, and onion flakes. Add in the curry powder, parsley, dill weed and garlic powder.

Mix well and serve with crackers or as a sandwich.

=> Low Fat Tuna Salad: Fabulous Bean Tuna Salad

You can do a lot more with tuna salad than make sandwiches. This healthy recipe features albacore tuna, fresh green beans, Northern beans, black olives and hard boiled eggs.

3/4 pound green beans, trimmed and snapped in half
1 (12 oz.) can solid white albacore tuna, drained
1 (16 oz.) can Great Northern beans, drained and rinsed
1 (2.25 oz.) can sliced black olives, drained
1/4 medium red onion, thinly sliced
1 teaspoon dried oregano
6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest
Salt and pepper to taste
4 large hard cooked eggs, peeled and quartered


Place green beans, 1/3 cup water and a large pinch of salt into a medium skillet. Cover, turn heat on high and bring water to a boil.

Once the beans start to steam, set the timer and cook until tender and crisp (about 5 minutes. Note: do not let the skillet run dry). Immediately dump the beans into a lipped cookie sheet that is lined with paper towels. Let cool.

In a bowl, combine the tuna, olives and onion.

In another bowl, whisk together the oregano, oil, lemon juice and zest. Pour over the tuna mixture; gently stirring. Add salt and pepper to taste. Arrange a portion of the tuna salad, green beans and hard cooked eggs onto 4 plates.

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Monday, August 20, 2012

Paleo Diet Recipes: Modern Recipes From Ancient Man

Paleo Lunch :

If you are trying to follow the Paleo diet, you may be going through a transition period. Any time we pick up a new habit-no matter how healthy-we go through a period of trying to adjust to the new behaviors and practices. What can make this period even more challenging is a lack of Paleo diet recipes to follow. In fact, a lack of Paleo diet recipes makes it even more difficult to experience success because you will be less likely to stick with the new lifestyle.

Paleo Diet Recipes: Modern Recipes From Ancient Man

Paleo recipes can make the difference between each and every meal time being an exercise in frustration, where you keep asking yourself, 'What am I going to make to eat?' while your stomach gnaws at your backbone for sustenance and meal times being an easy, pleasing experience. If you have Paleo recipes at your disposal, then you can create a menu for yourself and know what you are going to make for lunch, dinner, and breakfast each day. Tasty recipes will help you to begin to see the benefits of the Paleo diet and that success will inspire you to push through the difficult period of adjustment and stick with the program.

The Paleo diet has many names-the Caveman Diet, the Hunter-Gather Diet-but all those names are synonyms for the same thing, which is a shift in lifestyle that works. When you make the transition to the Paleo diet, you will see an increase in your stamina and your performance. All of the drops in energy, endurance, and performance that you have written off to aging will disappear. You will perform as you never have. Our modern diets are packed with foods that are really no good for us. We eat antinutrients that do little more than make us vulnerable to disease and illness. We feel sluggish and poor because we are not giving our bodies fuel. We are putting toxins into our bodies. Those toxins cause our bodies to run inefficiently. Our bodies are machines and when we improperly fuel our tanks, out bodies respond by running poorly.

If you want to enjoy optimal health, then you have to make changes. You have to rid your diet of the antinutrients and fake food you've been eating as a part of the modern diet and begin eating the foods that your body craves. Our bodies crave the foods on the Paleo diet because these are the foods that we were designed to eat. Our bodies will hum like the well-oiled machines they are meant to be. And your body will reward you with its performance, which will be beyond your imagination. If you want to function in ways you never have before, then you will make the shift to the Paleo diet. In order to do that well, you need to arm yourself with resources that make Paleo diet recipes at your disposal. Having a wealth of recipes from which to choose will make changing your lifestyle so much easier. When you see the success of the new lifestyle, you will want to eat this way all the time.

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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss

Paleo Lunch :

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss

Intermittent Fasting (IF) is the act of going without food or other caloric intake for a period of time, typically 15-24 hours. During this time, your body is unable to derive energy from incoming food and must instead turn to its stored energy (carbohydrates in the form of glycogen, amino acids, and fats) to maintain bodily functions. This is important as it gives the body time to focus on repair and immunity away from the highly energy intensive digestive process and forces the body to use all of its available energy pathways.

How Do I Do It?

There are two basic versions of Intermittent Fasting. While you'll derive the benefits of fasting from either method, a little experimentation will show you immediately which is your preferred method.

The Alternate Day fast, whereby you fast for 24 hours, then eat for 24 hours is the first method. You can implement this form of IF in various ways. For example, you can eat until 6pm, then not eat again until the next day at 6pm. By doing so, you still get to eat everyday, but you have a 24-hour period for the body to relax and not deal with digestion.

The second version approaches the day's meals from a hunter-gatherer perspective and could most appropriately be called a Compressed Window IF. By fitting all of the day's calories into a 4-6 hour window, rather than spreading them over the course of 14-16 hours as most people do, the day is freed up for other activities. The hunter-gatherer perspective, a lens through which all human endeavors should be viewed given our evolutionary history, is that during the day, our ancestors would have been out and about, finding food, with most eating occurring in the evening.

Let's Cut To The Chase. What Are The Benefits?

By experimenting with both versions, I have found that the Compressed Window version of IF works best for me. I go through my day at work, then head home and eat a large salad with plenty of colorful vegetables, nuts, eggs, sardines, and olive oil. After allowing some time for digestion, I then move into my evening meal, which is typically some sort of meat with prodigious quantities of vegetables and sometimes a sweet potato. Basically, I subsist on two large meals per day.

Of course, the question in your mind now is probably something along the lines of, "Yeah, but everybody knows you have to eat 5 times per day to have a lean body. What do you look like?" I easily maintain my weight of 185 pounds and 10% bodyfat at a caloric intake of over 3000 calories per day this way. It is so effortless that for the last few years, I've only gotten leaner and stronger while doing IF.

I have found numerous benefits of fasting [out], and many others report similar ones:

* Improved mental clarity during the fast

* Improved workout performance during the fast

* Lower body fat percentage at the same bodyweight (i.e., more muscle mass)

* No worry about food during the day - I can get up, run out the door to work, work all day, then go home to eat. I don't have to be concerned with fitting in lunch and food is no longer the focal point of my day.

* No food-induced crashes during the day - I'm on top of my game all day. Even eating low-carb Paleo on a normal eating schedule left me more lethargic than this

* Better in-tune with my body - you learn to distinguish psychological hunger (i.e., it's noon and I should eat) from real hunger. When I get truly hungry, I break the fast and eat, even if it's outside my "window"

* More energy - You'd think I'd experience fatigue with no food intake, but I can't quit moving and having an urge to go run around the block during a fast

* Food tastes better - it's amazing how much better a well-cooked meal tastes when you haven't eaten all day

* I sleep better

A big fear for most people is that without eating they won't have the energy to go about their day. On the contrary, my body has learned how to tap into its fat reserves to provide more than ample energy during a fast. In fact, I find my workout performances are significantly better when working out fasted. Other people report the very same thing too! It's as if the body is meant to work this way.

As I said above, I'm far more energetic during my fasts than after a meal, regardless of the meal composition. Studies show that markers of inflammation decrease, hormones associated with disease protection increase, and healing is improved when fasting. It appears that the brain is protected from toxic stressors, the body increases its cancer protection, and aging is slowed from fasting. All of these benefits from just going without food for a few hours a week!

Ok, I'm Intrigued. But How Do I Start?

The easy answer to that question is "slowly". Obviously you can't just stop eating every other day and expect your body to react with approval. I found it easiest to slowly increase the length of my fast. First, I just started skipping breakfast and increasing the size of my evening meal to compensate for the calories. I broke my fast every day at lunch time for a few weeks, then started moving lunch closer to dinner, about an hour every week. Eventually, my first meal was moved to the evenings when I was home from work.

I started an experiment with a 24-hour fast, eating from 6pm to 6pm, then fasting until the following 6pm. I found that many of the benefits of fasting, such as the lack of food-induced crashes were missing. On the days that I woke up and ate breakfast, even a low-carb breakfast of eggs and spinach left me a bit less perky than simply not eating. That's why I say that you'll have to figure out which version of IF works best for you.

One Final Word of Advice

One very important thing about fasting is that, while you can get away with less optimal food choices than you can on a normal diet, food quality makes fasting much, much easier. You can actually gain weight while fasting if you are loading up on sugary processed foods during your eating periods rather than focusing on quality meats, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fruits.

In the end, there is no "best" way. The best way is what fits easily into your lifestyle and allows you to focus on living, not when your next meal is going to come. I urge everyone to try this approach to eating.

Ready To Try It?

If you're ready to give Intermittent Fasting a shot to improve your health, check out the excellent eBook "Eat Stop Eat". In this book, you'll learn the hows and whys of Intermittent Fasting and see exactly how to incorporate it into your lifestyle.

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

How To Create A Delicious Paleo Meal

Paleo Lunch :

In the last year or so, many people have tried and loved the Paleo diet. The two main things that people love about it, is how straight forward it is and the fact that it involves real and healthy food. Making a Paleo meal is relatively easy as long as you have some basic ingredients. If you buy a piece of lean meat and three different types of vegetables you can make a fantastic Paleo meal. The meat can be seared, stewed, poached or baked and the vegetables can be boiled, steamed or just eaten raw. Knowing the basics and a little bit of practice will allow you to turn any 4-5 ingredients into a flavoursome, filling and healthy lunch or dinner.

How To Create A Delicious Paleo Meal

If you want to keep it really easy, just go for steak and eggs, as they are two very important ingredients of the Paleo diet and are both quite versatile foods. A great recipe is to get hold of a decent size piece of steak, two eggs, three tablespoons of ghee or tallow and some paprika. You heat the pan with three tablespoons of ghee or tallow on medium-high heat. Season the steak with the paprika and add it to the hot frying pan. For a medium-rare steak, cook for 4 minutes, turning once, or if you want it well done, allow about 8 minutes. After the steak has been cooked to you liking, remove it from the pan and add the two eggs to the pan and cook for about three minutes. When they are done, place the eggs on top of the steak and voila! Dinner is served!

If you are more of a seafood-lover you should try a fantastic Paleo meal called: Grilled scallops with a red pepper sauce. To create this winner you will need 14 large scallops, 1 tbs of coconut oil, 1 lemon, 1 large red pepper (roasted), 1 clove of garlic and 2 tbs of olive oil. Start off by cutting the lemon in half and squeezing the juice of half a lemon over the scallops and set aside. To make the red pepper sauce, combine the juice of the remaining half lemon, the olive oil, the garlic and the pepper (seeds and stalk removed) in a food processor and blend until you get a smooth consistency. Pour all the sauce into a saucepan and heat it up over medium heat. While the sauce is heating, brush a grill pan with the coconut oil and once it is really hot, cook the scallops for about 3-4 minutes on each side. When the scallops are done place them on a plate and cover with the delicious red pepper sauce.

Finally, a Paleo meal recipe for all you chicken fans out there called: Chicken legs with angel hair cabbage. This is a very simple dish that only requires three ingredients: chicken legs, angel hair cabbage and a green onion. Start off by cooking the legs of chicken over medium heat in the pan. After the chicken has been in the pan for one minute, add a little bit on water to the pan, which later will become your chicken broth. When the chicken legs are done, remove them from the pan, but leave the chicken broth. Add the green onion (cut finely) and the angel hair cabbage to the pan and cook until soft (not mushy). Place the onion and cabbage mix to a plate and place the chicken legs on top. Deliciousness!

These are just three out of many Paleo meals you can make. There are a multitude of dishes that can be created using only ingredients from the Paleo diet. You can choose between chicken, meat, seafood, eggs and vegetables, so the possibilities are endless. After your main meal, you can top it all off with a big serving of fresh fruit for dessert to give you a big hit of Vitamin C.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Lose 4 Pounds Fast With 3 Day Low Calorie Diet - Only 900 Calories a Day

Paleo Lunch :

This low calorie diet plan will allow you to lose 4 pound fast and easy. This is 3 day diet plan which is followed by 4 normal days (without gluttony). Each day consist of 900 calories. The diet can be repeated as many times as you need, don't forget to have 4 normal days after each 3 days spent on a diet before start again.

Lose 4 Pounds Fast With 3 Day Low Calorie Diet - Only 900 Calories a Day

1st day:
Breakfast: Black coffee or tea without sugar, 1 slice of bread, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter or jam.
2nd breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit.
Lunch: 100 g of tuna in oil, 1 slice of black bread, 4 radishes.
Dinner: 100 g of chicken without skin and fat, 1 glass of boiled green string beans, 1 glass of boiled beet, 1 crisp bread.
Cut chicken in to pieces and add one teaspoon of soy sauce and slowly fry it on a dry frying pan.
Before bed: 1 small apple.

2nd day:
Breakfast: Black coffee or tea without sugar, 1 egg (in any kind - boiled, soft-boiled, in the form of an omelette), 1 slice of black bread.
2nd breakfast: 1 banana.
Lunch: 1 glass of fat-free yogurt, 4 radishes, fennel, 5 crackers.
Dinner: 2 sausages, 1 glass of boiled broccoli, 1/2 glasses of carrot, 1 crisp bread. It is possible to replace broccoli with 1 carrot and 1 glass of vegetable soup.
Before bed: a cup of tea without sugar and 2 prunes.

3rd day:
Breakfast: Black coffee or tea without sugar, 5 crackers, 1 slice of low-fat cheese.
2nd breakfast: 1 small apple.
Lunch: 1 boiled egg, 1 cucumber (fresh or salty), 4 radishes and 1 slice of black bread.
Dinner: 100 g of tuna, 1 glass of boiled beet, 1 glass of cauliflower, 1 crisp bread. It is possible to replace tuna with 100 g of chicken prepared as described above.
Before bed: 1/2 of small melon or a small apple.

It is necessary to drink a lot - 6-8 glasses of non-carbonated mineral water a day.
Preferably drink a glass of water before each meal and do not drink for few hours after meal.

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Nutrisystem Sample Menu - A Typical Day's Worth of Food on This Diet

Paleo Lunch :

I get a lot of emails asking me about the food offerings, taste, and variety of the Nutrisystem foods.  I understand this because when I was researching this diet, the food was what I was most interested in also.  After all, you're going to be eating this food at almost every meal (unless you go with the flex program) so it's important that you'll actually find it enjoyable or at least tolerable.  Because if you don't, it's just not going to be a positive experience that you'll want to repeat or stick with. So, in the following article, I'll list what would be a sample or typical menu for me so that you can see what a day might be like should you chose this diet.

Nutrisystem Sample Menu - A Typical Day's Worth of Food on This Diet

Decent Amounts Of Variety, Decent Taste: Before I get into the actual meals, I want to take a minute to assure you that the food really is not that bad.  Most of it is not only edible, but actually pretty good. And the choices are pretty plentiful on Nutrisystem. There are over 170 foods to chose from, and much of them are comfort foods, snacks and desserts.  You really do get to eat pizza, burgers, tacos, and cake on this plan.  And while this fare doesn't exactly taste like junk food, it's decent enough and you have to appreciate being able to eat these things because not all diets would allow this.

Sample Nutrisystem Breakfast:  I think that breakfast is really composed of the best that this diet has to offer.  There are so many decent choices here.  I love the blueberry muffins and scones. The pancakes are decent too.  I don't like oatmeal as a general rule, but the diet oatmeal tastes a lot like Quaker brand, and the cereal is a nice option to have, as this is technically a low carb diet.  I suppose the only option that I steer clear of for breakfast is the eggs, but I don't like non diet eggs either.

Nutrisystem Mid Morning Snack Offerings:  The premise of this diet consists of three meals, one snack, and dessert.  I like to have my snack mid morning, but you could have it at any time.  I know a lot of people who have it at around 3 o'clock when they begin to get hungry for dinner.  I like to have the pretzels or the chips here.  You can also have some of the dessert foods as your snack, and although I will do this sometimes, I often try and stick to the salt for my snack rather than the sweet.

Nutrisystem Lunch Sample Menu: If there is a weakness of the  diet, the lunch is it, in my opinion.  There are just too many soup options and I don't like soup.  I finally wised up and learned to just order more dinners with my package.  This doesn't cost anymore and the company allows you to hand pick your foods.  However, if I did have to chose from the lunch foods, I'd go with the cheese tortellini or the fudge bar. The chicken salad isn't too bad either.

Typical Nutrisystem Dinner: The offerings become much better here.  There's a lot to like.  I find the pizza to be pretty good (I like the flat bread variety.) The macaroni and cheese and lasagna are also good.  The tacos require a little dressing up, but they can be made to be tasty.  The mushroom risotto is addictive and I would eat this even if I were not on a diet.  The texture on this is wonderful and very creamy.

Nutrisystem Dessert Choices: This too is where the diet shines.  There is not one option that I don't like in this category, but I'd have to say that my favorites are the almond biscotti and the chocolate cake. If I had to pick my least favorite, it would probably be the strawberry short cake bar as this really isn't like your traditional dessert, but this one is still pretty tasty. I just would rather they have made it an actual cake or muffin rather than a bar.

You would have the same menu if you you went with the flex plan.  The foods offered aren't any different. What's different is that you're only eating the foods five days out of the week rather than every day.  You get any two days off on the flex plan so it's the cheapest option out there.

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Birmingham Cardiac 3 Day Diet - Hospital Created Diet Helps You Lose Ten Pounds in Just 3 Days!

Paleo Lunch :

The Birmingham Hospital wanted a healthy way to help patients lose weight before undergoing a surgery. The Birmingham cardiac 3 day diet was created to be an effective way to lose ten pounds within three days. And it does work. The only catch is that you have to follow a strict diet regimen for the entirety of the program.

Birmingham Cardiac 3 Day Diet - Hospital Created Diet Helps You Lose Ten Pounds in Just 3 Days!

The Birmingham Cardiac 3 Day Diet:

Day one

- 1/2 Grape fruit or Juice
- 1 tbsp Peanut Butter
- 1 Slice of Toast
- Tea or Black Coffee

- 1/2 cup Tuna
- 1 Slice Toast
- Tea or Black Coffee

- 2 Slices of any Meat
- 1 cup String Beans
- 1 cup Carrots or Beets
- 1 small Apple
- 1 cup of Ice Cream (vanilla)

Day Two
- 1 Egg (hard boiled)
- 1/2 Banana
- 1 Slice of Toast
- Tea or Black Coffee

- 1 cup Cottage Cheese or 1/2 cup Tuna
- 5 Saltine Crackers

- 2 Wieners
- 1 cup Cabbage or Broccoli
- 1/2 Banana
- 1/2 cup Turnip Greens or Carrots  
- 1 cup of Ice Cream (vanilla)

Day Three

- 1 Egg (hard boiled)
- 1 Slice Toast
- Tea or Black Coffee

- 1 Slice Cheddar Cheese
- 1 small Apple
- 5 Saltine Crackers
- Tea or Black Coffee

- 1 cup Tuna
- 1 cup Cauliflower or Green Beans
- 1 cup Beets or Carrots
- 1 small Apple or 1 cup Cantaloupe
- 1 cup of Ice Cream (vanilla)

In order to successfully lose weight with the Birmingham Cardiac 3 Day Diet, you just need to follow the diet exactly. By being able to discipline yourself for three days, you will be reward by the fact that you are ten pounds lighter.

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Sunday, August 12, 2012

7 Day Rice Diet Plan - Lose Pounds Quickly

Paleo Lunch :

Here is 7 days rice diet plan which will help you to lose pounds quickly. This diet should be used minimum for 3 days and maximum for 2 weeks. Beginning from day 3 you will lose 1,5 pounds a day.

7 Day Rice Diet Plan - Lose Pounds Quickly

In this diet it is recommended to use unclean brown rice for all dishes.

1 day:

Breakfast: an apple, rice (80 g of dry grains) mixed with one tablespoon of lemon juice. Green herbal tea without sugar.
Lunch: vegetable soup, vegetable 150 g of salad made of different vegetables except tomatoes , 80 g of boiled rice mixed with one teaspoon of vegetable or olive oil.
Dinner: vegetable broth, 80 g of boiled rice with 2 big carrots.

2 day:

Breakfast: an orange, 80 g o frice mixed with one teaspoon of low-fat sour cream .
Lunch: vegetable broth with boiled vegetables and 80 g of rice.
Dinner: repeat lunch of day 2.

3 day:

Breakfast: a pear and 80 g of boiled rice.
Lunch: vegetable broth, salad made of cucumbers mixed with one teaspoon of vegetable oil, 80 g of rice with mushrooms fried on olive oil.
Dinner: broth, 80 g of rice with white cabbage.

4 day:

Breakfast: fruit salad with 2 tablespoons of rice flakes, 80 g of rice mixed with low-fat milk or cream.
Lunch: vegetable broth, 80 g of boiled rice with radish and carrots.
Dinner: broth, 80 g of rice mixed with 2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds.

5 day:

Breakfast: 80 g of boiled rice with grapes.
Lunch: vegetable soup, 150 g of vegetable salad made of different vegetables except tomatoes , 80 g of boiled rice mixed with one teaspoon of vegetable or olive oil.
Dinner: vegetable broth, 80 g of rice with 2 oranges.

6 day:

Breakfast: 80 g of rice with 2 dates, 4 walnuts and 1 pear.
Lunch: a vegetable broth, salad made of cucumbers mixed with one teaspoon of vegetable oil, 80 g of rice with mushrooms fried on olive oil.
Dinner: broth, 80 g of boiled rice with 1-2 apples, a cup of tea with one teaspoon of honey.

7 day:

Breakfast: 80 g of boiled rice with an apple and a pear,1 glass of fat-free organic yogurt, a cup of tea without sugar.
Lunch: vegetable broth, a portion of green salad, 80 g of boiled rice with 1 tomato and green string beans.
Dinner: broth, 80 g of boiled rice with 2 big carrots.

The dinner should be not later than 7 p.m. and it is also recommended to drink a big glass of water before each meal. Try not to consume any liquids during 1,5 - 2 hours after each meal.

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Two Weeks - Diet!

Paleo Lunch :

Everyday people are looking for new get thin quick diets. They see the commercials and hear about these new diets that promise results in very short periods of time. The real question on everyone's mind is, do they really work?

Two Weeks - Diet!

I have investigated a few popular fad diets to find out for myself. The information below might help you to decide if any of these are right for you!

In Just Two Weeks, Diet - South Beach - This diet has 3 basic phases that you have to follow in order to maintain weight loss and healthy eating habits. The first phase lasts around 2 weeks and is designed to eliminate cravings for sugary food. After you've completed the first phase you will go on to the next phase, which introduces more carbs, etc. Finally, you will begin the third phase and you can now eat more of the basic food groups minus the sugars and bad fats. (the occasional indulgence is okay)

In Just Two Weeks, Diet - Special K - According to the Special K diet, you can lose up to 6 pounds in two weeks if you follow the plan. You should substitute a bowl of Special K cereal or a Special K bar for breakfast and lunch, and then eat dinner as you normally do. If you do this for 2 weeks you should be able to shed a couple pounds.

In Just Two Weeks, Diet - Slim-Fast - Slim-fast has been around for a while now, but how many people are really benefiting from it? According to this diet, you should replace your normal breakfast with a Slim-fast shake or bar. You have something small for lunch along with another shake or bar. For dinner you should eat approximately 500 calories, your plate should consist of half veggies, quarter lean meat, and a quarter of starch (preferably whole-grain.) You are also allowed one snack that may be something small such as an apple or a slim-fast bar. Exercise is encouraged with this diet.

These are just a few of the many diets that people have tried and will continue to try in order to lose weight. Seems like everyone has a hard time keeping up with these diets and most of the time you get sick of the same old food every day.

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Friday, August 10, 2012

German Diet - Lose 15 Pounds Fast

Paleo Lunch :

German diet will help you to lose 15 pounds fast and easy. This diet was developed by German nutrition experts for overweight women to solve their health problems fast and safe. Using this German diet you will be able to lose 15 pounds in 13 days.

German Diet - Lose 15 Pounds Fast

This diet is very simple but it won't totally remove feeling of hunger, you will still feel easy feeling of hunger. If you agree to suffer from time to time from hunger to reach your goals, this diet is for you. On the other hand you will feel energy awakening in yourself, use it for physical activity or to do some physical exercises.

Here is the diet plan:


Breakfast: 1 cup of black coffee or tea without sugar and 1 small toast made of black bread.

Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, 80 g of spinach mixed with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and 1 tomato.

Dinner: 100 g of boiled chicken breast without skin, 150 g of vegetable salad made of tomatoes and green onions mixed with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.


Breakfast: a cup of black coffee or tea without sugar and 1 small toast made of black bread.

Lunch: 200 g of salad made of tomatoes and white cabbage mixed with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 1 orange or 2 mandarins, 1 big apple or a few plums.

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 200 g of boiled chicken meat without skin, 80 g of green salad.


Breakfast: 1 cup of black coffee or tea without sugar and 1 small toast made of black bread.

Lunch: 1 boiled egg, 200 g of boiled carrots mixed with one teaspoon of vegetable oil, 100 g of low-fat cheese.

Dinner: 250 g of salad made of apple, mandarin, banana, pear or any other fruit.


Breakfast: 1 glass of natural apple juice.

Lunch: 250 g of fried (fry without oil) or boiled fish, 1 tomato, 1 apple.

Dinner: 150 g of vegetable salad made of any vegetables and mixed with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil or lemon juice.


Breakfast: 1 glass of natural carrot juice.

Lunch: 200 g of roast chicken (without oil), 100 g of vegetable salad made of any vegetables.

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 100 g of carrot salad made of boiled carrots mixed with lemon juice.


Breakfast: a cup of tea without sugar and 1 small toast made of black bread.

Lunch: 200 g of fried (without oil) beef, 150 g of salad made of white cabbage mixed with lemon juice.

Dinner: 100 g of carrots mixed with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 150 g of low-fat cheese.


Breakfast: a cup tea without sugar and 1 small toast made of black bread.

Lunch: 200 g of boiled chicken without skin.

Dinner: 300 g of any fruits (apples, pears, plums, oranges, etc.).

For other 6 days repeat the diet plan beginning from day 2.

It is necessary to follow German diet as it is without changing sequence of dishes or menu. It is recommended to consume a big glass of water before each meal.

If you think that you will be able to follow this diet plan and it is very easy for you, try another German diet which will help you to lose pounds amazingly fast but it is still recommended to try 1 German diet plan which is above.

It is very simple but it's a monotonous diet. Here it is:

Every day it is necessary to eat 4-5 apples, 1 orange, 80 g of low-fat chicken, 2 small toasts made of black bread or 2 small slices of black bread. Duration of this diet is 2 weeks.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Importance of a Paleo Diet Eating Plan

Paleo Lunch :

Are you someone who is not very new to dieting? Probably, you are one who has already tried several diets before but ended up cheating - or most likely, just quit. It is also possible that you are someone who is just starting to check out what the best diets available out there are. However, just like many, you might find yourself apprehensive and doubtful of how can you actually keep up with the diet. Are you determined enough or, at least, knowledgeable enough? If you are thinking of going for the Paleo diet plan, you should ensure that you know everything there is to know about the diet. And eventually, you should research well on how you can come up with a Paleo diet eating plan that you can keep up to.

The Importance of a Paleo Diet Eating Plan

One of the common problems that dieters face is the mere fact that they do not completely know what they're getting themselves into. Most would just start on a diet thinking that they already know everything but end up being sidetracked from their goal little by little. Most often than not, quitting is a result of an ineffective planning of meals. At some point, dieters would find that they have nothing to eat for a meal time and because they are already hungry, they would eat what food is available - with the promise that they will catch up next time. However, if such happens again, they will just realize that they are being distracted farther away from their goals. This will eventually push them to quit dieting and just go back to their old eating habits.

Moreover, "cheating" every once in a while is not totally wrong. You may have social gatherings to attend to which may obligate you to eat foods not recommended in the Paleo diet. But, as much as possible, you should plan your meals on regular days. Even if you would need to cheat, you should also ensure to watch what you eat - try to balance everything that you will put on your plate. Although you may cheat at times, it does not mean that you are allowed to binge.

In order for you to stay away from distractions as much as possible, it is best for you to plan your meals a week ahead. You can check out different Paleo recipes online or base your meals on sample Paleo meal plans. This way, you can prepare your foods accordingly - you can bring your homemade lunch in the office, snack on healthy fruit dices or nuts and drink a moderate serving of fresh juice. Moreover, if you are to attend a party on the weekend, set your mind on making a balanced plate and go back to your meal plan the day after the party.

For you to succeed in the Paleo diet and for you to reap its health benefits, it is absolutely necessary to take the time and plan your Paleo meals appropriately and strategically.

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

How the Power of Prevention Can Help Your Health Savings Account Grow

Paleo Lunch :

A majority of medical expenditures in this country pay for treatment of chronic conditions that are mostly preventable. Unfortunately, most people don't take their health seriously until after they get sick. Simply by eating well and exercising, you can avoid the medical conditions and expenses that affect the majority of Americans, allowing the money in your Health Savings Account to continue growing tax-free.

How the Power of Prevention Can Help Your Health Savings Account Grow

Only You Can Prevent Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes...

Most of us go through our lives stuck in our lifestyle patterns, with no idea of the power we have to positively influence our own health. And so by the time we're in our 40's most of us are on at least one regular medication. By the time we're in our 60's over 85% of all Americans have at least one degenerative disease. And by the time we are in our 70's we're dead.

But in fact, a majority of the diseases people suffer from as they age are almost totally preventable.

- Cancer: Researchers from the National Cancer Institute believe that 80-95% of all cancer cases are due to environmental and lifestyle causes, and are thus preventable. Diet may be involved in at least half of all cancers, and one third of all cancers are linked to obesity.

- Dementia: Mark Houston, M.D., Medical Director at Hypertension and Vascular Biology Institute at Saint Thomas Hospital and Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, estimates that 95% of all dementia is preventable with a lifestyle approach.

- Heart disease: Numerous studies indicate that 90% - 99% of all heart disease may be preventable.

- Diabetes: One of the nation's most renowned health researchers, Harvard University's Walter Willet, has estimated that 92% of type-2 diabetes is preventable.

How to Eat

Probably the very most important factor that can positively affect the health of most people is changing the way they eat. There are many, mostly conflicting theories about what kind of diet is the healthiest. In my opinion, the only one that really makes sense is to eat according to the way we evolved to eat.

The idea of "Paleolithic Nutrition" was first published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1985 in an article by Dr. S. Boyd Eaton. Since then it has been popularized by Loren Cordain, Ph.D., in his book, The Paleo Diet, and studied by nutritional scientists all over the world. The premise is simple: Our genes determine our nutritional needs.

For over 2.5 million years, humans evolved as hunter-gatherers, and the selective pressures of their lifestyle and diet determined the genes that we have today. Our genetic make-up is exquisitely tuned to function best on the foods that we evolved to eat.

A mere 500 generations ago the Agricultural Revolution brought sudden and dramatic change to our diets, and the changes are continuing to this day. But our genes haven't managed to keep pace with the change.

Today approximately 2/3 of the foods we eat were those never encountered by our hunter-gatherer ancestors. The result is high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and a host of other ills that we should not have to suffer.

While most of us do not have access to large wild game and wild-harvested organic produce, the more closely we can mimic the foods that our ancestors ate the better health we will have. So simply base your meals around a lot of fruits and vegetables, along with some lean protein.

You could start by eating eggs and cantaloupe for breakfast. Lunch could consist of a large salad with grilled chicken. For dinner have some wild salmon, asparagus, and salad. Finish off the meal with a big bowl of fresh blueberries.


Everyone knows that exercise is good for them, but who wants to spend an hour jogging everyday. (Some people do, but most don't have the time or desire to go out jogging for an hour every day). What does work to give you the maximum benefit for the least amount of time is exercise with intensity.

So if it's okay with your doctor, go out and exercise like you mean it. Run wind sprints, lift weights, and exert yourself. And get it done in 30 minutes or less. Combined with the right diet, this kind of exercise will get the most results for the least effort. You will gain more muscle and lose more fat than if you were going out for long slow jogs, and you'll feel great!

There are of course other factors that affect your health, including stress, sleep, clean air and water, and even genetics. But there's nothing you can do that will have more impact than eating a good diet and being active.

So be proactive, with both your money and your health. Take advantage of the incredible tax and wealth-building benefits of a Health Savings Account (HSA) by funding it fully every year. And take the right lifestyle measures to avoid the preventable diseases that affect most people as they age. Then in your retirement, you can enjoy the good health and accumulated wealth in your HSA that you so rightly deserve.

“ How to pack a delicious day's lunch and snacks in minutes 100% Guaranteed ”

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Monday, August 6, 2012

How to Achieve the Hollywood Physique of Your Favorite Celebrity

Paleo Lunch :

How would you like to achieve the physique of your dreams?

How to Achieve the Hollywood Physique of Your Favorite Celebrity

How many times have you heard that? Probably far too many, from all the fad diets and "ab machines" you see on TV. Those secret magic fat loss pills your sister bought with bright eyes full of hope, aren't really magic.

I'm not trying to be a downer here, but if you've ever wondered how the stars get their amazingly Adonis like physiques, know one thing: you're going to have to work at it. They did. And you're going to have to be disciplined. End of story.

That's not to say there aren't shortcuts. You will want to use the most of your time while exercising, and put the right things in your body in order to create that Hollywood Look. Grinding away on the treadmill for hours is not the way to do this, by the way. If you're looking to emulate the training and nutrition tactics used to get awesome results, keep reading.

Interval Circuit Training

There's a reason fitness models, elite level athletes and actors use circuit training as a large part of their fitness regimens; they are brutally effective at burning fat and strengthening existing muscle. They aren't the best for building muscle, but excess muscle is undesirable anyway, when going for that slim and toned look. Remember, definition is the key ingredient here, far overpowering the need for massive size. That's why high intensity circuits are so darn effective.

I'm going to show you my current favorite circuit training routine. You won't need fancy equipment here. Nope, one of the awesome things about this (and many other circuit routines) is that it requires very little equipment, not much space, and is thus very versatile as far as where and when you can complete this workout.

You will need one moderately heavy dumbbell, as well as a pair of lighter dumbbells. Oh and did I mention this workout is great for men and women alike? It will burn fat and tone muscle - Great news for both genders. For men, I recommend a 30 lb dumbbell and a pair of 15 lb dumbbells, whereas women should use a 20 lb heavy dumbbell and maybe a pair of 8 lb dumbbells. This at least, is a good starting point. Adjust accordingly.

This workout will utilize basically every muscle in your body, including ones you may not yet know exist (you will be sore the next day). It is designed to increase muscular strength and tone while improving your overall physical stamina. If gaining a ton of lean mass is your current goal, you can still implement this workout into your program, but it will be used to supplement your normal weight training workouts.

- Total-body interval circuit, lasting 41 minutes total
- You perform 10 different exercises back-to-back, and repeat twice for a total of 3 rounds
- Each exercise is performed for 1 minute. You get 15 seconds rest between exercises. After the 10 exercise circuit is completed, you get 2 minutes rest before starting over from the beginning again. Then repeat once more for a total of 3
- Reps need not be counted, but rest as little as possible. Try and work your way up to completing the workout without any stopping, except during scheduled rest periods
- This workout is very demanding. Beginners should modify the movements and perhaps reduce the time

The 10 exercises go as follows:

1. Goblet Squat, heavier dumbbell
2. Mountain Climbers
3. Single-arm DB Swing, lighter dumbbell, 30 seconds each arm
4. T-Pushups, alternating, lighter dumbbells
5. Split Jumps
6. Bentover DB Row, lighter dumbbells
7. DB Side-lunge and Touch, lighter dumbbells, 30 seconds each side
8. Renegade Rows, alternating, lighter dumbbells
9. Forward-lunge and Twist, heavier dumbbell
10. DB Military press, lighter dumbbells

This workout demands a lot of core and leg movements. If you're not currently working out your legs consistently, prepare for a rude awakening the following morning!

As mentioned above, mass-building is not the main result from this style of workout. If this doesn't matter to you and your focus is solely muscular definition, Workout Routine A will chisel you the quickest. If you want to partition your efforts and build mass while also toning, go with Workout Routine B.

Workout A
Mon: Chest/Back
Wed: Shoulders
Fri: Arms, bi's and tri's

Workout B
Mon: Chest
Tues: Back
Thur: Legs
Fri: Shoulders

There are many benefits to reap from incorporating this workout into your routine. It's extremely effective at leaning out and dropping body fat. It's also a full body workout, which is underrated in today's fitness world. It's also a great alternative to the treadmill or other less entertaining forms of cardio. As above, the only real drawback comes into play for those who are super concerned with packing on a bunch of mass. Heavy resistance training is the best route to that goal, which typically, intervals won't offer.

The Lean Muscle Nutrition Plan

Although exercise is a critical component, diet will account for about 80% of what your body eventually looks like. I know it isn't nearly as flashy or thrilling as the exercise portion, but what you put in your mouth will determine whether you can achieve the leanness necessary for this Adonis look or not. I'm going to recommend you choose the Paleo style of eating, which I have personally found to be the most effective way to lose fat at alarming rates.

Paleo is actually quite simple. Most importantly we are cutting out refined sugars and carbohydrates. This allows our bodies to keep insulin levels incredibly stable, as refined and processed carbs are the main cause of fluctuating insulin levels (which promotes fat storage). You are allowed to eat anything basically you would have found in nature, which is why it's also known as the Caveman Diet. Lean meats and vegetables should be the mainstay the the diet. Fruit and nuts are encouraged as well, but in moderation.

There are some other very useful tactics you can use to expedite your fat loss endeavors even faster. Intermittent Fasting is a great example.

Paleo Sample Meal Plan

Breakfast - Big omelet, including yolks, with ground beef and spinach, salsa on top
Mid Morning - Almond butter spread on an apple or banana
Lunch - Roasted chicken thighs, broccoli with slivered almonds
Afternoon - Spinach salad with olive oil and diced chicken breast
Dinner - Sirloin steak, mashed yams w/ cinnamon and coconut butter, broiled asparagus
Dessert - Fruit salad with agave syrup

So there you have it. The training and nutrition plan to achieve a body even your favorite star would envy! Give it a try for a few weeks and I guarantee you'll notice results, or your money back:)

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Saturday, August 4, 2012

17 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight

Paleo Lunch :

1. You think you're eating healthy, but aren't. Does your diet consist of a massive amount of "products"? Low-carb or not, you want to eat real food. Flagons of diet soda, plates of pure fiber in the shape of noodles, and loaves of 1g net carb "bread" do not a Primal eating plan make. You're just feeding an addiction and consuming empty calories - sound familiar? Disregard the labels and look inside for what you know to be true: this crap isn't food, and you shouldn't be eating it. It's about way more than just low-carb.

17 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight

2. You're under too much stress. The stress response system is subconscious; it responds to stimuli and nothing else. Emotional stress, physical stress, financial stress, relationship stress - I hesitate to even make these distinctions, because the body does not differentiate between sources of stress. They all cause the body to produce cortisol, the fight-or-flight hormone that catabolizes muscle, worsens insulin resistance, and promotes the storage of fat. For 200,000 years, stress meant a life or death situation. It was intense and infrequent, and the cortisol release was arresting and extreme enough to improve the chances of survival. Today, our body responds to a stack of paperwork the same way. Traffic jams are like rival war bands. A nagging boss is like a rampaging mastodon, only on a daily basis. Take a step back from your life and take stock of your stress levels - they may be holding you back.

3. You need to watch your carb intake. Carbs are key, as always, especially when you've got weight to lose. Veer closer to the bottom of the curve, taking care to avoid all processed food (hidden sugars). You might also try skipping fruit.

4. You're adding muscle. I always tell people not to get hung up on the scales so much. Those things are useful - don't get me wrong - but they never tell the whole story, like whether or not you're adding lean mass. The PB will spur fat loss, but it also promotes muscle gain and better bone density. If you're feeling good but failing to see any improvements register on the scale's measurements, it's most likely extra muscle and stronger bone from resistance training. You wouldn't know that just from the bathroom scale. If you absolutely need objective records of your progress, get a body fat percentage test (although these might not even tell the whole story) or try measuring your waist.

5. You're not active enough. Are you Moving Frequently at a Slow Pace for three to five hours every week? Remember: the near-daily low-level (between 55-75% max heart rate) movement should be the bedrock of your fitness regimen. It's easy to do (because every bit of movement counts) and it doesn't dip into your glycogen reserves (making it a pure fat burner, not a sugar burner). If you're on the low end of the spectrum, crank it up toward five weekly hours and beyond.

6. You're lapsing into Chronic Cardio. Of course, you can go too far with the low-level movement - you can begin to lapse into Chronic Cardio. When you stay above 75% of your maximum heart rate for extended periods of time, you're burning glycogen. Your body in turn craves even more sugar to replenish the lost stores, so you polish off a heap of carbs, preferably simple and fast-acting. You can continue down this route if you wish - I did, for a couple decades - but you'll gain weight, lose muscle, release more cortisol, and compromise any progress you might have made.

7. You still haven't tried IF. Results vary, but if you've seemingly tried everything else, intermittent fasting can be a great tool to break through a weight loss plateau. Make sure you've fully transitioned onto a Primal eating plan and start small. Skip breakfast and eat a late lunch. If that feels okay, skip breakfast and lunch the next time. Just take it slow and pay attention to your hunger. Eventually, try exercising in a fasted state to maximize the metabolic advantage. If all goes well, your hunger won't necessarily disappear, but it'll change. A successful IF tames hunger, makes it less insistent and demanding.

8. You're eating too much. Low-carb isn't magic. It reins in wild hunger and tames insulin, but calories do still matter - especially once you approach your ideal weight. In fact, those last few pounds often don't respond to the same stuff that worked so well to get you to this point. Eating nut butter by the spoonful and hunks of cheese without regard for caloric content may have gotten you this far, but you've got to tighten things up if things aren't working. And that's the real test, isn't it? There is a metabolic advantage to eating according to the PB, but if the weight isn't coming off, something's up - and calories may need to come down.

9. You haven't overcome bad habits or developed good ones. Be brutally honest with yourself. Do you engage in bad habits? If so, identify them. Make tentative, loose plans to disengage from their clutches, and tell people close to you. Make it public, so you can't back out without losing face. You've also got to develop good ones. Follow roughly similar guidelines as when kicking a bad habit - identification, planning, publication - and you'll be on your way.

10. You haven't purged and Primalized your pantry. Out of sight, out of mind; out of reach, out of mouth. Keep the crappy junk food out of your pantry, if not out of your house altogether. Go down the list and toss the stuff that doesn't apply. As for the rest of your kitchen, check out the fridge interiors and grocery lists of some other Primal folks for inspiration.

11. You've reached a healthy homeostasis. It may be that your body has reached its "ideal" weight - its effective, genetic set point. Reaching this level is generally painless and effortless, but it won't necessarily correspond to your desired level of leanness. Women, especially, tend to achieve healthy homeostasis at higher body fat levels. Breaking through plateaus can be hard enough, but plateaus ordained by the body itself can be nearly impossible. It's probably going to take some serious tinkering with carbs, calories, activity levels, sleep, and stress. If everything else is on point and accounted for, you may be looking at healthy homeostasis. Then, the question becomes: do you want to mess with a good thing?

12. You're low on willpower. Willpower is like a muscle. It must be used or it will atrophy. You've also got to provide fuel for your will - little victories to start out. Go for a walk if you can't muster the will for the gym. Take note that willpower, or lack thereof, might actually be an indicator of your body's needs. If you truly can't muster up the will for the gym, it may be that your body needs to recover. When that's the case, overtraining is a bigger danger than lack of will.

13. You're full of excuses. If you find yourself having mini self-contained internal arguments throughout the day (and you lose), or (even worse) lying to yourself about what you're eating and doing, you're probably also full of excuses. Read this, maybe twice, then follow up with this.

14. You haven't actually gone Primal! We get a good number of new readers on a regular basis, and not all of them take instantly to the Primal concepts. And yet they come back. They read the archives, the comments. Something draws them near, while at the same time keeping them at arm's length. Why is that? What's stopping them? If that describes you, what are you waiting for? Take the plunge. Go Primal for 30 days and see how you like it. I assure you; the many enthusiastic community members are here because it works.

15. You're not getting enough sleep. Chronic levels of sleep deprivation cause the release of cortisol, our old fat-storing friend. The biggest spike in (fat-burning, anabolic) growth hormone plasma levels occurs in deep sleep. And a recent sleep study showed that truncated sleep patterns are linked to weight gain. Get seven to eight hours of sleep a night.

16. You haven't given it enough time. The Primal Blueprint is a fat loss hack, undoubtedly, but it isn't always a shortcut. Some people get instant results from dropping carbs, grains, sugar, and vegetable oils, while others have to take a month to get acclimated and only then does the weight begin to slide off. Either way, though, this is a lifestyle. You're in it for the long run. Approach it with the right mindset and you won't get discouraged.

17. You're eating too much dairy. Some people just react poorly to dairy. We see this time and time again listed in the forums; dairy just seems to cause major stalls in fat loss for a good number of folks. There are a couple speculative reasons for this. One, folks coming from a strict paleo background may not be acclimated to the more relaxed Primal stance on dairy. Reintroducing any food into the diet after a period of restriction can have unintended consequences on body composition. Two, dairy is insulinogenic, which is why it's a popular post-workout refueling tool for athletes. Does a non-strength training PBer need to drink a few glasses of milk every day? Probably (definitely) not.

Bonus Reason: Sprinting is not part of your fitness routine. I've found that many assume that they're getting everything they need from their workouts from plenty of low level aerobic activity and a couple of strength training sessions each week. Sprinting is often overlooked, but it's one of the Primal Blueprint Laws for a reason. Nothing shreds you up faster than sprinting. I'd ease into sprints if you've never done them or are extremely out of shape or overweight. That is, I recommend you have some measure of fitness aptitude before you jump into a routine. But once you're ready do 6-8 all out sprints (with short breaks between) once a week to break a weight loss plateau when all other attempts have failed.

Consult with Tanya via Skype, email, Facetime or phone.

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