Friday, June 29, 2012

Pasta Diet - Learn How to Lose 10 Pounds in 4 Weeks

Paleo Lunch :

I'm going to show you how to lose 10 pounds in 4 weeks fast, safely and very easily.
There is an opinion that pasta is the biggest enemy of your body if you are trying to lose weight. It is a big mistake, especially if the diet lasts more than 15 or 20 days. Your body won't get enough nutrients and this can lead to destruction of your immune system.

Pasta Diet - Learn How to Lose 10 Pounds in 4 Weeks

Here is one week diet plan which should be used for next 3 weeks without any changes:

A cup of coffee or tea without sugar, fresh fruits (forest berries, melon, apples, pears)
Snack: a glass of natural juice (lemon, orange, grapefruit)
Lunch: chicken, boiled or prepared on grill and raw vegetables.
Snack: a glass of natural juice (lemon, orange, grapefruit)
Dinner: pasta with vegetables (eggplant, vegetable marrows, green pepper)

Breakfast: a toast with honey and a cup of tea without sugar
Snack: a glass of natural juice (lemon, orange, grapefruit)
Lunch: boiled or baked fish and raw vegetables
Snack: a glass of natural juice (lemon, orange, grapefruit)
Dinner: pasta with boiled vegetables, an apple

Breakfast: a cup of coffee or tea without sugar and fresh fruit
Snack: a glass of natural juice (lemon, orange, grapefruit)
Lunch: low-fat cheese, boiled vegetables
Snack: a glass of natural juice (lemon, orange, grapefruit)
Dinner: salad made of boiled pasta and raw or boiled vegetables

Breakfast: a toast with honey and a cup of tea without sugar
Snack: a glass of natural juice (lemon, orange, grapefruit)
Lunch: grilled low-fat pork and boiled vegetables
Snack: a glass of natural juice (lemon, orange, grapefruit)
Dinner: pasta mixed with green peas, boiled vegetables

Breakfast: a cup of coffee or tea without sugar, fresh fruit
Snack: a glass of natural juice (lemon, orange, grapefruit)
Lunch: grilled or boiled low-fat fish, raw vegetables
Snack: a glass of natural juice (lemon, orange, grapefruit)
Dinner: pasta with boiled vegetables, an apple

Breakfast: a toast with honey and a cup of tea without sugar
Snack: a glass of natural juice (lemon, orange, grapefruit)
Lunch: turkey or chicken without skin and boiled vegetables
Snack: a glass of natural juice (lemon, orange, grapefruit)
Dinner: pasta with sweet pepper, baked vegetables

Breakfast: a cup of coffee or tea without sugar, fresh fruit
Snack: a glass of natural juice (lemon, orange, grapefruit)
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, baked vegetables
Snack: a glass of natural juice (lemon, orange, grapefruit)
Dinner: pasta with boiled vegetables or fried mushrooms, raw vegetables

As you can see there is no pasta at breakfast and lunch in this diet plan. Pasta is only an addition to make this diet more healthy.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Paleo Diet and The Dangers of Processed Foods

Paleo Lunch :

For every food that is not allowed in the Paleo diet, there is a reason that can back it up, aside from a simple "because it's not good for your health". The number one enemy of the Paleo diet is processed foods. The reason being is because they have unnatural additives that are not healthy at all.

The Paleo Diet and The Dangers of Processed Foods

Listed below are the dangerous additives that you will want to look out for:

Sodium Nitrite - to increase the shelf life of products, sodium nitrite is added. This is the reason why storing food has become quite convenient for us. Food is no longer easily spoiled or grows mold. The problem here though, is that by adding chemicals to make food storage convenient, we risk our own health. Sodium nitrite is added to our food, but it is known to increase the risks of pancreatic cancer and leukemia and also increases the risk of brain tumor in infants.

Sodium nitrite is especially used in processed meats that you can keep for months in the pantry or refrigerator. Examples are hotdogs, bacon, ham, beef jerky, and lunch meat. This is why the Paleo diet restricts eating anything that is canned or packaged.

Salt - you probably didn't expect to find salt in this list because it's natural and essential in cooking, but the sad truth is that we're abusing our salt intake which is why we need to slow down in using it. Most people will argue that they only use a very minimal amount of salt when they cook, and this is good because you don't really need all that much to flavor the food.

We may limit and control how much salt we put in the food that we are preparing, but what we cannot limit is the amount of salt that companies put in our packaged and easy to prepare foods. Salt also makes a foods' shelf life longer and enhances the flavor of the processed food, which is why there is so much used in processed convenience foods. But it is important to cut back, because too much salt (more than a teaspoon daily) is directly linked to fatal strokes and many heart diseases.

Aspartame - aspartame is an artificial sweetener and is commonly found in diet and sugar free foods. People are becoming more aware of the unhealthy amounts of sugar that they consume and in an attempt to have a healthier diet, they opt for diet sodas and sugar free ice cream. What they don't know is that by opting for a supposedly low sugar diet, they are risking their health because aspartame is actually a toxic substance when consumed too much.

Half of aspartame is made up of a substance called phenylalanine. Some people will say that it is a natural substance so what could possibly be wrong? It IS a natural substance but the problem is consuming it in large quantities. Phenylalanine is only meant to be consumed in extremely small amounts because once our bodies get too much of it, one of the disturbing side effects is that our threshold for seizure becomes lower.

Aspartame contains two more substances that are known to risk a person's health: aspartic acid which is linked to lesions in the brain and methanol which is a known contributor of brain tumors.

Now you know why processed foods are a big no-no in the Paleo diet. They contain ingredients that are known to be very harmful to us humans and even though they have made our lives more convenient, we should still let go of them. Our lives can still be just as convenient even without them. Learn how to prepare or prep meals in advance so when the busy work week comes, you will have an easier time cooking your meal.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Secrets of the Paleo Diet

Paleo Lunch :

Natural and unspoiled are the words that describe the essence of the Paleolithic diet, which are the secrets that made this set of food choices your best bet for a healthy, disease-free life. The early human ancestors populated the planet for over 2 million years hunting and gathering their foods practically with their bare hands. Anthropologists say it is precisely this food hunting and gathering lifestyle that enabled the cavemen to live healthy.

Secrets of the Paleo Diet

It was when the Iron Age supplanted the Paleolithic period as precursor of civilization that the diet of the savage then gradually gave way to the modern diet which is prone to what many call the "diseases of civilization."

The Paleo diet was basically responsible for a way of living that has now been held in the modern world as the most biologically ideal for humans. As a hunter-gathered diet, it consisted of foods that came from the wilderness and eaten either raw or cooked shortly after they were gathered. This met most of the nutritional needs of the human body.

Meat choices

Meat is an important part of the Paleo diet, which in fact rejects the notion prevalent in today's world that meat is to be avoided. This even gave rise to foods processed to serve as meat substitutes. Based on the Paleo diet, meat is a good source of protein and energy if you trim off the fat and you cook it as simply as possible.

Anthropology records show that the Stone Age humans consumed as much meat as they could hunt, having it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The meat they obtained from game animals apparently did not cause any rise in blood pressure and cholesterol levels because they threw away all the fat and cooked the meat in the simplest way possible. The lean cuts of animal meat available today that could approximate the meat in the Paleo diet include T-bone steak, flank steaks, chunk steak, sirloin, venison and veal. The Paleo diet also made use of the meat from goat, rabbit, buffalo, bison, bear, alligator, etc.

When it comes to poultry meat, the Paleo diet specified the breast portion of chicken, turkey, duck and goose with the skin plucked out. Eggs from these domesticated fowls are also good to eat because of their high Omega 3 content. However, consumption of more than six eggs a week is not recommended.

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables come next in importance to the lean cuts of meat in the Paleo diet. The caveman had his meat when the hunting was good and so there could be no-meat days for him when the hunt was hard. Not with fruits and vegetables that can be gathered anytime from stationary plants in the wilds.

Fruits and vegetables have roughly the same mineral contents and both are low in calories. Thus, any approximation of the Paleo diet today must have a lot of fruits like apples, grapes, oranges, pears, watermelons, pineapples, papayas and bananas. The vegetables may include nuts, roots and seeds apart from the all-important leafy types.

The foods to avoid are those that have been processed to prolong their shelf-life. Sweets and beverages may be consumed sparingly but not cereals and grains, legumes, ice cream and powdered milk which are all fattening.

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Paleo Diet Review

Paleo Lunch :

The Paleo Diet Review-

The Paleo Diet Review

The "Caveman" diet is what it is often referred to. The theory of this diet can about when someone decided that cavemen used to eat much healthier than men from today; this is true. There were no McDonald drive-through's back then, no KFC chicken. They ate healthy and they ate what they could.

Of course, we should not go back to the caveman days just to maintain a healthy heart, but our ancestors have taught us so much about hunting and survival that we should appreciate and take what they have given us, in terms of knowledge, and run with it. We could easily still eat this way.

The Paleo Diet offers the following:


How much healthier can you get? This diet doesn't include grain, so I could see someone instantly losing water weight and dropping fat at the maintenance of sufficient muscle rather quickly. Certain fruits like apples and pears contain mainly fructose, which is liver glycogen. Fructose is bad because it does not give you any muscular energy and it is easy to overload the liver. There are other acceptable fruits like green beans (yes it's a fruit) and tomatoes and bananas. Bananas are one of the best after workout carb sources you can have, as it is rich in potassium and simple carbs for an insulin spike.

Basically, during a cutting fat phase of your life you want to replace carbs with fats. Why? So that you're not using glucose for energy and fats are faster absorbed and produce more anabolic hormones to keep you maintaining and sometimes even building muscle. The ketogenic diet is a prime example of how effective your body becomes when fed this way.

Sample Paleo diet:

Morning: 2 boiled eggs, Olive oil, spinach
Snack: small green salad with green beans, tomato, turkey, almonds
Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, peanuts, celery, banana
Snack: grilled chicken breast, tomato, broccoli, almonds
Dinner: salmon, berries, spinach, broccoli, almonds
Before bed: protein shake with olive oil and water

This diet has been known to significantly lower the risk of heart disease, burn fat, and keep your body anabolic while rich in vitamins and minerals. Remember to drink water as your fluid source and always keep track of the amount of calories you're consuming. 1 pound equals 3500 calories, so 500 over maintenance is 1 lb per week gained and 500 from maintenance is 1 pound per week lost.

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Three Things You Need to Know to Be Successful in the Paleo Diet

Paleo Lunch :

Are you thinking about starting the Paleo diet? If so, you need to be aware of the three common pitfalls that new Paleo dieters make when undertaking this diet. These are: not realizing their calorie intake, eating too much fat, and not taking enough protein. By committing these mistakes, people will actually gain weight instead of losing it.

Three Things You Need to Know to Be Successful in the Paleo Diet

Not eating enough protein

Since the Paleo diet is another variation of a low-carb diet, you need to make sure that you're in taking enough calories to make up for the loss of carbohydrates. If you don't take enough calories, you will become tired, sick, and moody.

To combat this, the individual should be aware of the amount of excess protein that they need to intake each day so that they are reaching their required daily needs.

Eating too much fat

The second biggest mistake of newbies make is the amount of fat they are eating each day. Due to the fact that you're eating a lot of protein, people may feel very very hungry quickly. To fix this, they tell you to intake more fat into your diet. Unfortunately, each gram of fat is equal to 9 calories. So, by eating a bag of nuts, or other fat sources you could be reaching your calorie intake for the day.

Calorie intake

To lose weight with any diet program it's all about the calories that you intake. The Paleo diet is not an exception to this rule. In fact, if you eat more calories than what you are burning each day you will gain weight.. If your eating high-protein breakfasts, lunches, and dinner you may be exceeding the amount of calories you need. Remember, it's not about the type of macronutrient that you're eating, it's about how many calories that you are taking each day.

Knowing that a calorie isn`t just a calorie will separate you from being successful on the Paleo diet, and not. So watch the amount of fat that you intake as it`s double the amount of a calorie that protein and carbohydrates are.

Now that you know the three pitfalls that people go through when starting the Paleo diet, you will have a better chance of success by knowing these three tips. Failure of not following one of these tips will lead to less than desirable results. So remember choose enough proteins, don't intake much fat, and watched the amount of calories that you intake each day.

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Friday, June 22, 2012

Paleo Foods

Paleo Lunch :

For some individuals, it is tough to follow strict diet plans and maintain a picture perfect shape and for others, it is like their livelihood is at risk when they are out of shape. For conditions like these, we need to undergo a strict and proper diet.

Paleo Foods

In 1975, Gastroenterologist Walter L. Voegtlin suggested a diet similar to the Paleolithic era, saying that this would help improve a person's health. Sooner they called this diet as the caveman diet or commonly known as The Paleo Diet.

The Paleo Diet includes natural food items that will help you in obtaining a good, healthy and a desirable physique. Eating lean meat, seafood, and fresh vegetables could guarantee the best possible health. The Paleo Diet ensures that you can be at the finest of your shape if you know what to eat and plan your meals efficiently.

Our body's requirement of carbohydrate intake will be fulfilled with fresh vegetables and fruits. With the Paleo Diet, you will eat fewer carbohydrates but this will not decrease the energy levels, in fact it will balance them.

Things worth remembering on Paleo Diet:

Eat plenty of products, especially veggies.

• About 10 to 12 percent per day like the size of salad during lunch. Study shows that ¼ of individuals who eat the biggest quantity of produce have approximately ½ of cancer growth rate as those ¼ of individuals who eat the smallest quantity of produce. Generally, an individual can decrease the risk of cancer by 50% simply by eating veggies and some fruit, in relatively controlled manner.
• Raw veggies if tossed such as salads can be digested more readily.
• Do not replace veggies with starch such as bread, rice, pasta, and potatoes.
• Veggies are suggested to be eaten in the cooked form, with raw foods as a condiment for the most component.
• Veggies are best eaten as soon as possible after picking.
• Fruits are also taken into consideration, eat limited amount of sweet fruits.

The regular range of glycemic sets 100 as breads (white). It is finest for meals taken to be as low as possible on its glycemic range. Simple carbs such as sweets, dry fruit, and fruit juice are about 140 on the glycemic range. Whole grains are a bit reduced than 100, dropping in the low to mid 90s. Potatoes are a bit over 100. Basmati grain is lesser. Starchy veggies that are not high in sugar are lower, such as winter weather squashes in the year 50s and 60s.

Make best use of fats eaten.

• Consuming a lot of grain which fill in our body with omega 6 acids and this is no good.
• Approach the traditional diet instead of consuming factory-farmed meats and poultry.
• Take omega 3 supplements, you can get these from flax oil though not at its best.
Eat an amount of calories appropriate for level of activity.
• Avoid junk foods and carbohydrates.
• Get plenty of exercise.
• Drink adequate amount of water

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Forbidden Foods When on the Paleo Diet - Top Commandments to Obey

Paleo Lunch :

The Paleo diet is patterned after the manners by which humans who lived during the Paleolithic age cared for and prepared their foods. During their time, everything was simple, meaning they did not have to use artificial additives and preservatives in cooking their food. Even cooking oils that we enjoy today did not exist during the Paleolithic age. The trans-fatty acids that are used mostly in fast foods, pre-packaged snacks, and edibles of our time were not even born in pre-history. The Paleolithic people did not have health supplements and weight loss diet pills and yet, they neither had to go through the agony of health problems we dread today nor did they have to worry about their weight.

Forbidden Foods When on the Paleo Diet - Top Commandments to Obey

For people who desire the Paleo diet's method of losing weight, the following list of foods is forbidden. The key here is to obey the rules of making and preparing foods.

Refined sugars - Maple syrup is slightly forbidden. Corn sweeteners, corn syrup, glucose, invert sugar, molasses, raw sugar, dextrin, and rice syrup are also forbidden.

Grains - All kinds of corns are forbidden.

Starchy foods - Potatoes, manioc, cassava, yams, beets and sweet potatoes are forbidden

Legumes - Beans, peas, and peanuts must not be eaten without cooking.

Dairy Products - During the Paleolithic era, humans did not eat dairy products unless animals were first domesticated.

Meats - Meats that are processed using nitrites and additives are also forbidden; so are hotdog, bacon, sausage, lunch meats, and sausages. Included on this list are fatty cuts of meat, including skins of poultry and dark meats.

Oils - No oils such as corn, cottonseed, peanut, soybean, rice bran, and wheat germ are allowed. The same holds true for mayonnaise and related products.

Salt - No added salts are recommended by the authors of the Paleo diet

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Paleo Diet Food List - The Secret to the Healthy Life

Paleo Lunch :

A paleo diet food list is the optimum diet which is based on the nutritional requirements established during the evolutionary path to the present form for the human animals - having the biological name of Homo sapiens. Paleo diet is also called the biologically appropriate diet. The modern dietary regimen is known as the Paleo diet food list abbreviated as Paleo diet or paleo diet which is also popularly referred to as the caveman diet, hunter gathered diet or Stone Age diet.

Paleo Diet Food List - The Secret to the Healthy Life

Paleo diet can be easily termed as the natural food which was being used by the ancient people during the Paleolithic era - an era of about two and a half million years duration that came to an end some ten thousand years ago. Paleo food of that era consisted of wild plants and wild animals which were consumed by the human beings of the said era. Paleolithic age ended with the development of modern agricultural techniques and concepts around ten thousand years ago. The concept of Paleo diet has become known during the 1970s and the credit goes to the gastroenterologist, Walter L.V. to popularize the concept. The theme behind the concept about feasibility of Paleolithic diet for human is that, the perfect diet for human health should be closely similar to the ancestral diet.

A Paleo diet food list should be composed of the above mentioned ingredients. Starting with the meat, which should be eaten as much as one can but the point to remember is that, the meat should be cooked simple without adding much of the fats because fats cause many diseases like blood pressure, cholesterol and also increase the chances of lethal heart attack by blocking the passage of blood circulation. By keeping this point in mind, meat is healthy for us whether we use it in the breakfast, lunch or dinner. Lean meat is the meat which is trimmed of visible fats and the lean meats list can be stretched to contain the lean beef, flank steak, extra-lean hamburger, lean veal, Chunk steak, London broil, Top sirloin steak and any other lean cut.

Lean poultry consists of chicken breast, turkey breast and game hen breast having white meat with skin removed out of it. Eggs at maximum six in a week of duck, goose and chicken (go for the enriched Omega 3 variety of chicken eggs). Other types of meat may consist of rabbit and goat meat. Game meat should consist of alligator, bear, bison or buffalo, kangaroo etc. Fish meat is also favorable to be used as diet. The next to meat in the Paleo diet food list, comes the number of fruits and the vegetables. Some people are of the view that fruits and vegetables increase the weight and make them fat.

In relation to the above, this is obviously the biggest misconception about the inclusion of fruits in the daily life. Fruits do not increase the weight at all, no matter how much you eat it as fruits and salad vegetables contains very low amounts of calories. For the ideal life and health, every meal should include a combination of meat, salad, vegetables, nuts, seeds and fruits like apples, pomegranates, grapes, apricots, figs and bananas in his diet. Oranges, lemon, pears, pineapples, watermelons and Papaya are among the famous fruits because these contain higher amount of water in it, hence provide extra energy to the consumer.

Regarding the other foodstuffs included in Paleo diet, in an event of actively losing weight, at maximum 4 ounces of nuts and seeds should be used. Walnuts are among the best because they contain the highest ratio of Omega 3 in it. Oils, beverages and Paleo sweets should also be used in moderate quantities and also keep in mind that Paleo diet food list does not contain in it all processed foods made out of dairy products, powdered milk, ice creams, cereal grains and legumes and should be avoided.

Summing up the ingredients, Paleo diet food list mainly consists of fish, fruit, vegetables, roots, nuts and grass-fed pasture raised meats but it does not include processed oils, refined sugar, salt, dairy products and legumes. So make yourself bound to use stated items and within no time you will feel a good change in your lives, definitely a positive change.

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Monday, June 18, 2012

James Zeta's Weight Loss Program - Lose Up to 18 Pounds in Four Weeks

Paleo Lunch :

James Zeta's Weight Loss Program may be more popularly known to some as the 18-in-4 Diet, wherein you lose at least 18 pounds in four days. Some may remember this as the weight loss program advertised by Mr. James Zeta himself, who swears to the efficaciousness of this diet as he himself used it to lose weight. In fact, he came up with this plan when he was attempting to lose weight. It may be that he has no professional background on health or nutrition, but he himself benefitted.

James Zeta's Weight Loss Program - Lose Up to 18 Pounds in Four Weeks

This regimen is broken down into two parts. The first one is the rapid weight loss phase which only lasts four days. The second one deals with maintaining the new and lighter body mass.

Lose More by Doing Less

For those who are aiming to lose serious amounts or volumes of weight within only a short period of time, this is the diet for you. This is also the perfect plan for those who are too lazy to move around and deal with exercise as the plan does not recommend dieters to exercise, in fact exercise is actually forbidden for the first phase of the course.

Parts One and Two

The first phase is mainly governed by following a four day meal plan. Dieters are advised to strictly follow the meal plan to attain the best results possible. There are no special food stuff to purchase nor diet supplements to use. The meal plan includes ordinary food such as eggs, tomatoes, and chicken. But the main components are vegetables. Breakfast is primarily half a grapefruit and liquids. Lunch and dinner is the time dieters can eat solid foods.

For the second phase, maintaining your new weight is the goal and tips are plentifully provided for by the book, exercise is also allowed in this phase. The best part of the program is Mr. James Zeta provides a money back guarantee for buyers who are not satisfied with the results.

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

3 Day Tuna Fish Diet - Menu and Diet Plan

Paleo Lunch :

If you've put on a little weight recently and need to drop off some of the excess, you might like to consider this plan which is a 3 day tuna fish diet and aims to reduce your weight quickly by up to 10 lbs. It is one of the most popular diets to be found online, requiring only foodstuffs readily available in your local supermarket, as well as being simple and easy to prepare.

3 Day Tuna Fish Diet - Menu and Diet Plan

The tuna fish diet has been attributed to a number of sources, including a hospital in Alabama, and is known by a number of names, such as the 3 Day Cardiac Diet and the Alabama Diet. The plan works on the principle of chemical breakdown, so when using it try to avoid substituting other foods.

Keep in mind that the 3 day tuna fish diet is intended to be followed for only 3 days at a time to achieve a quick weight loss and is not meant to be a sustainable food plan for a longer period. After 3 days, return to a healthy plan that offers continuing benefits.


Use only salt and pepper as seasonings. Drink plenty of water. Eight cups a day is recommended.

First Day:

Breakfast - A slice of toast with two teaspoons of peanut butter, 1/2 a grapefruit and a cup of black tea or coffee.

Lunch - A slice of toast with two teaspoons of peanut butter, 1/2 cup of tuna and a cup of black tea or coffee.

Dinner - A small apple, one cup of ice cream (low fat), one cup of green beans, one cup of beets, one serving of chicken breast without the skin.

Second Day

Breakfast - A slice of toast, one boiled or poached egg, half a banana, and a cup of black tea or coffee.

Lunch - A cup of black tea or coffee, six saltine crackers, one cup of tuna.

Dinner - One cup of broccoli, 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup of ice cream, 1/2 cup of carrots. 2 hot dogs.

Third Day

Breakfast - A cup of black tea or coffee, five saltine crackers, one apple and a slice of cheddar cheese.

Lunch - A boiled or poached egg and a slice of toast

Dinner - One cup of beets and a cup of cauliflower, one cup of tuna, 1/2 cup of ice cream and 1/2 a cantaloupe.

Do not snack between meals. This is a diet that is restricted in calories (about 1,000) and nutrients so also take a multi vitamin tablet each day. Although the diet plan is easily followed, after three days you may start to feel hungry and you should return to a normal healthy diet. For sustained weight loss, consider a plan that involves a change in eating habits that will provide long term benefits. A very good one involves calorie shifting and balanced nutrients and takes into account your own food preferences so that you will be able to persist with the program over a longer period for lasting benefits.

The 3 day tuna fish diet offers a lot of convenience, is free, and is readily available. However, the restricted calories and nutrients mean that it is not suitable as a program for maintaining good health and sustained weight loss. If you wish to develop a slimmer, more attractive shape that you can retain, consider a weight reduction plan that does not require you to fight hunger pangs and produces fat loss as well as early water loss.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Eating The Caveman Diet Way!

Paleo Lunch :

So, you are telling yourself you are not a caveman - well genetically you are! Why should you revert to the caveman diet? Because you are 99.9% genetically the same as a caveman. Caveman diets will speed up your metabolism, increase your energy levels and enhance your natural instincts. It is a healthy way to strengthen your immune system and speed up your body's ability to burn unwanted fat - you are eating the caveman diet, the diet designed for your body by none other than mother nature herself.

Eating The Caveman Diet Way!

A more modern perception of caveman lifestyle is that of hunter-gatherer. The indigenous people of the Paleolithic era are known to have been slim, fit and muscular with no signs or symptoms of the chronic diseases that are currently evident in modern day living.

Because you will be eating the diet your body naturally and instinctively craves, you will see results almost immediately. It is a straightforward DIY diet that allows for your personal taste, flair and imagination to take charge. The caveman diet gives you the freedom to enjoy wholly natural, tasty and healthy foods. There is no limit to your menus. There is adequate food choice for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, barbecue and all celebratory meals. It is primarily meat based accompanied by plenty fruit, vegetables, nut, seeds, fats and oils BUT no grain or dairy!

Foods should be naturally bred, grown and produced and therefore organic is the ideal. Caveman diets were chemical free and if your local supermarket does not have adequate variety of natural foods, source local farmer's markets or farm stalls. Going the extra mile to obtain natural food is well worth it - it goes a whole long way to making and keeping your body in ultimate health. Besides being healthier and chemical free, natural foods taste oh so very much more appetising and before you know it you are craving good healthy foods.

The caveman diet may initially appear 'different' or unusual but you will soon recognise the good old fashioned wholesome satisfying food of 'the good old days'. Besides the meals tasting a whole lot better you will be healthier, it will assist in the normalisation of blood sugar levels, help with the eradication of toxins and boost energy levels. You will soon also notice a more robust immune system and of course the BIG plus WEIGHT LOSS. By eating the natural and correct diet your body will instinctively realise its own optimum weight. This diet will detox your body naturally. You will be sharper of mind, your skin will improve and glow; you will generally feel cleaner and less sluggish.

SO TAKE THE STEP AND ENTER THE CAVE!! The cave of healthy, vibrant and exciting food experience. Introduce friends, family and neighbours to the caveman diets. Throw a caveman diet party - you will be the talk of the neighbourhood and you will soon receive praise and thanks for opening the door to caveman diets for all.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Creating Your 1st Perfect Paleo Meal and Diet Plan

Paleo Lunch :

The Paleo meal and diet plan is based from the paleolithic diet, or caveman diet. This diet takes us back to the caveman days, when meals were simple, meat, vegetables, fruits, gathered or hunted. This kind of diet was popularized during the seventies by a well-known gastroenterologist named Walter L. Voegtlin, that suggested that many of the problems people faced at that time with the stomach, or poor health in general was because of the processed foods we were eating. Our diets hadn't really changed since the caveman days, and all we needed was these basic foods to have a healthy lifestyle.

Creating Your 1st Perfect Paleo Meal and Diet Plan

While the paleo meal and diet plan at that time was considered by most nutritionists as a fad, just like some of the other ones that were being offered. However, while most of these diets have come and gone, the paleolithic diet has not only remained, but is sworn by some people. Some of the problems encountered by those on this diet is that in many cases, naturally feed beef, chicken, and pork are hard to come by, as well as many of the organic fruits and vegetables. Because of this, it can be extremely hard to find and set up a meal plan that to live by this diet. Many people have all but given up trying to live this lifestyle, because of how hard it is to find different and nutritious meals three times a day every day.

Because of this and many other problems with the diet itself, dietitians and doctors came up with a great solution. Just like a number of other successful diet plans that use pre planned meals for their clients, you can now find successful paleo meals for those seeking to get in better health from this kind of diet. Dr. Loren Cordain has an official website that not only answers a number of different questions about the diet itself, but has a number of meal plans available to help those that want to stick with this diet and are happy with it. Another website offers more than 370 different and delicious recipes, as well as a 14 day meal planning guide that will help you set up your own meals. This site also has a number of helpful tips and information on where to shop, what kinds of specific foods to look for, as well as a number of money-saving tips.

With the fourteen day meal plan, you can expect a number of well thought out meals, from breakfast through dinner and even snacks and desserts. Here is an example of a typical day. One morning you can have bacon and eggs with fruit. For lunch is sweet potato and zucchini frittata. Dinner includes grilled trout, and butternut squash soup, with pork rinds as a snack. Some of the desserts can include coconut ice cream, poached pears in red wine, and even baked apples. Other snacks can include raw veggies, Macadamia nuts and even beef jerky are offered.

Certainly not all people are going to enjoy this kind of diet and lifestyle. Some people just can't wrap their head around eating a cave man diet. However thousands of people are living this lifestyle every day and are not only enjoying these wonderful meals, but are losing weight, feeling better about themselves, and are living a much healthier life.

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Monday, June 11, 2012

The Stone Age Diet - Living Like a Caveman Or Women

Paleo Lunch :

The caveman or paleo diet is becoming very popular and it lets us live like our great ancestors running around the wild hunting and foraging for our foods. A tough lifestyle that could easily leave you hungry if you failed to find any food.

The Stone Age Diet - Living Like a Caveman Or Women

The caveman diet has very simple principles and is not like any other diet you will ever try as it has not been designed by diet doctors or scientists it was invented by Mother Nature and in the wild it really has no rules and is about survival of the fittest.

The Stone Age diet food types are very simple to stick to and it basically involves eating anything you can grow or hunt. The foods include fruits, lean meat and fish and no man made processed or highly refined foods.

The exercise routine for this type of diet is not your regular gym workout which is great for people who don't enjoy the gym scene. The exercise involves running, jumping, climbing through the outdoors as if you were hunting or trying to gather food. Sometimes you would have to run for miles or search high mountains just to find some food and by re-enacting this you can burn weight, strengthen your heart and build muscles like a real caveman.

There are a few different varieties of the Stone Age diet and some are harder to stomach like eating huge raw steaks for lunch but it teaches sensible healthy eating habits and these changes can lead to healthy minds and bodies.

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

High School Wrestling: Diet and Weight Loss Options

Paleo Lunch :

As wrestling season draws near, wrestlers begin to contemplate the weight class in which they may wrestle. Wrestlers often believe that they will be more competitive at the lowest weight they can reach without sacrificing their strength and endurance. This isn't always the case. Too often, wrestlers end up dehydrated. They end up starving themselves and their performance suffers greatly.

High School Wrestling: Diet and Weight Loss Options

If you're looking for an article on cutting weight, this isn't it. If you're the kind of wrestler who can lose ten pounds in wrestling practice, this article may not interest you either. I could never sweat off a lot of weight, so I was always more interested in manipulating my diet to lose weight. There are, of course, a myriad of diets to choose from. I simply want to discuss ten diets of which I am familiar. Maybe one of them will interest you and you can research it further. Let's explore.

1. Low Carb/High Protein Diet

The Atkins Diet is probably the most famous low carb diet. So, what exactly is a low carb diet? A low carb diet limits carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, cereals, grains, potatoes and other starchy vegetables, fruit, and sometimes even milk.

The theory is that carbohydrates raise blood sugar levels which in turn raise insulin levels. Spiking insulin levels is considered bad because the idea is that insulin tells the body to store carbohydrates as body fat and prevents the body from accessing body fat as a fuel source. Supposedly, if you follow a low carb diet plan you can lose excess body fat without having to drastically limit your food intake.

Some low carb diets focus on limiting carbohydrates while increasing one's intake of fat and protein.

Some low carb diets focus more on the glycemic index. The glycemic index essentially measures how much a given food raises one's blood sugar levels. For instance, white rice may have a glycemic index of 58 while broccoli may only have a glycemic index of 15. White bread may have a glycemic index as high as 71. The idea is that a diet composed of low glycemic foods will lead to lower insulin levels which in turn may help one lose weight.

Patrick Holford takes the glycemic index one step further and uses a concept called the glycemic load. The glycemic load takes into account the glycemic index as well as the total carbs in a given amount of food. For instance, a bowl of steel-cut oats (1 oz.) has 2 GL while a bowl of corn flakes has 21 GL. In addition, half an apple has 3 GL while a banana has 12 GL. That is quite a difference. Holford is a big fan of oats. He claims in his book The Holford Low GL Diet, "There are specific foods and food combinations that cause rapid weight loss." He claims that you will never feel hungry on his diet. You limit the number of GLs you eat in a day and you combine carbs and protein at each meal.

Tim Ferriss champions a diet he refers to as the Slow-Carb Diet. On this regimen one avoids carbohydrates like bread, pasta, cereals, grains, potatoes, etc. Then simply choose one protein, one legume, and one vegetable for each meal. For example, breakfast might be scrambled eggs, black beans, and mixed vegetables. Lunch might be beef, pinto beans, and mixed vegetables. And, dinner might be chicken breast, lentils, and asparagus. Eat as much as you want at each meal and eat up to six times a day. But, always avoid carbs and dairy products and always include a protein, legume, and vegetable.

Some low carb diet books include Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution, Protein Power, The Zone Diet, The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet, The South Beach Diet, The Greenwich Diet, The No-Grain Diet, and Sugar Busters.

I suppose the main attraction of low carb diets is that one can burn fat and spare muscle while not having to restrict the amount one eats drastically. On the other hand, low carb diets can make one fatigued and irritable until one gets used to the low carb regimen. Keep in mind that there are several different versions of low carb diets.

2. Paleolithic Diet (Paleo Diet)

The Paleolithic (Paleo) diet seeks to replicate what humans ate during the Paleolithic Era. This diet may also be referred to as the Stone Age Diet, Cave Man Diet, or Hunter-Gatherer Diet. The Paleo diet is purported to promote weight loss as well as provide high fiber, protein, and omega-3 fats.

Foods You Can Eat:

  • Lean Meat (skinless chicken breast, turkey, cuts of lean beef like sirloin and extra-lean hamburger, cuts of lean pork, seafood)
  • Eggs
  • Fruits including berries
  • Vegetables including root vegetables like carrots
  • Nuts such as walnuts, macadamia, almonds, pecans, and pistachios
  • Seeds such as pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds
  • Olive oil, flaxseed oil, nut oils, fish oil, canola oil, and avocado

Foods To Avoid:

  • Grains
  • Pasta
  • Bread
  • Cereals
  • Potatoes
  • Sugar
  • Beans
  • Dairy Products

The Paleo diet may seem similar to the low carb diet and it is in some ways. For instance, it doesn't allow grain products. However, the Paleo Diet does allow fruits. In addition, it makes a distinction between lean meat and fatty meat which I think is beneficial. Moreover, cheese can be eaten on a low carb diet but dairy is not allowed on the Paleo Diet because it would not have been a food consumed during the Paleolithic era.

I like the Paleo Diet because it provides fiber, protein, and healthy fats.

3. Anabolic Diet

The Anabolic Diet was developed by Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale. He developed this diet primarily for bodybuilders looking for an alternative to steroids and other drugs. He states, "The Anabolic Diet maximizes the production and utilization of the Big 3 growth producers - testosterone, growth hormone, and insulin - and does it naturally. It also shifts the body's metabolism from that of a sugar burning, fat producing machine to that of a fat burning machine." The Anabolic Diet is a high fat/high protein/low carb diet with a twist. The Anabolic Diet employs a method called carb cycling. For example, you eat a high fat/high protein/low carb diet for five days followed by a high carb diet for two days.

A more generic term for this diet would be cyclic ketogenic diet or simply carb cycling. The idea is that you must eat fat to burn fat. You can find specific guidelines about what to eat on low carb versus high carb days online.

So, it's not as strict as a low carb diet because you can carb up for a day or two. You still need to watch the total amount of calories that you consume because you're not a bodybuilder trying to gain weight, you're a wrestler trying to stay lean or even lose weight.

I've never tried this diet before and have no idea how it would work for a wrestler. I suppose, in theory, that one could eat low carb during the week and carb up on Saturday when tournaments are usually held. On the other hand, eating a lot of fat seems like a strange idea to most of us. If this diet interests you, I would suggest doing an internet search for anabolic diet or cyclic ketogenic diet to learn more.

4. Intermittent Fasting (IF)

This is a way of eating of that involves cycling periods of fasting (i.e. not eating) and eating. You can fast for 24 hours once or twice a week. The idea is that fasting twice a week reduces the total number of calories one takes in during any given week. For instance, you may have dinner at 6:00 pm one evening and not eat again until 6:00 pm the following evening. If you normally consume three meals a day, then you would simply skip breakfast and lunch two days a week but still have dinner on those days. Sure you might get a bit hungry, but it's only 24 hours and you'll only do it about twice a week. You never technically have to go a day without eating. If you eat at 6:00 pm on Monday, you can still eat on Tuesday; you just have to wait until 6:00 pm again. A good book on the subject of IF is Eat Stop Eat by Brad Pilon.

A somewhat similar fasting routine is called The Warrior Diet created by Ori Hofmekler. On this regimen, you eat one main meal at night and you have the option of eating a small amount of food during the day. You follow this routine every day. You can eat some fruits and vegetables during the day. You can also eat small amounts of lean meats and eggs or a low-carb protein shake. You eat no grains or starches during the day. At your main evening meal, you can consume essentially anything you want but in a certain order. You eat vegetables first, then protein, and then if you're still hungry you can eat some carbohydrates.

While using the intermittent fasting method, you still want to eat healthy. While you can basically eat what you want when not fasting, you still want to eat fruits and vegetables and healthy sources of protein and carbohydrates. You can eat other foods too (e.g. a dessert) but don't use your non-fasting period as an excuse to binge on junk food.

5. Body for Life

Bodybuilder and entrepreneur Bill Phillips was the founder of Muscle Media 2000 magazine and later acquired the ESA supplement company. He is perhaps most known for authoring the book Body for Life: 12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strength. In this book he outlines a workout strategy and dietary strategy to transform one's body.

The dietary strategy involves eating six small meals a day which is believed to promote stable blood sugar and insulin levels. Small meals are also believed to be easier to digest and assimilate than three larger meals.

What can you eat for each small meal? You can eat a portion of protein and a portion of carbohydrate. You are also encouraged to eat a serving of vegetables with some meals. A portion is about the size of the palm of your hand or your clenched fist. A potato the size of your clenched fist is a portion as is an apple. Two slices of whole wheat bread is a portion. A skinless chicken breast the size of your palm is a portion. You can also use MRP (meal replacement products) shakes and nutrition bars like Myoplex, Met-Rx, Meso-Tech, Muscle Meals, etc. that provide protein, carbs, and other nutrients all in one bar or shake.

Possible Meal Ideas:

  • One omelet and two slices of whole-wheat toast
  • Egg whites and oatmeal
  • Pancakes made with egg whites, oatmeal, protein powder, and fat-free yogurt
  • Combine one portion of low-fat cottage cheese and one portion of fat-free, sugar-free yogurt
  • One serving of chocolate MRP shake
  • Turkey burger on a whole-wheat bun
  • Chicken breast, steamed brown rice, and broccoli
  • Grilled sirloin steak, potato, mixed vegetables
  • One MRP nutrition bar

You are also encouraged to drink 10 glasses of water a day. You can consume one tablespoon of healthy fat a day such as olive, safflower, canola, sunflower, or flax seed oil. You can also consume small amounts of natural peanut butter and avocado.

You are encouraged to take one day off a week and eat whatever you want.

This plan is nice because you don't have to count calories and you probably won't get hungry eating six small meals a day. It may be hard to follow if you have a busy schedule.

6. Fit for Life

When Harvey Diamond co-authored Fit for Life, he helped bring the concept of natural hygiene into the mainstream. This way of eating isn't just about how much you eat but also when and how you eat it. This regimen is based on the principle of proper food combining. The idea is that different foods are broken down differently by the body and therefore should be eaten separately. Harvey Diamond makes a distinction between live foods (high-water-content food like fresh fruits and vegetables) and dead food (e.g. processed foods).

The Guidelines:

  • Fruit is always eaten alone at least two to three hours away from any other food.
  • Never eat more than one concentrated food (i.e. protein or starch) per meal.
  • Never combine starches and proteins (e.g. cereal and milk, bread and cheese, pasta and ground beef, fish and rice).
  • You can combine protein with vegetables or starches and vegetables.
  • Fat (e.g. butter, olive oil) is considered neutral. However, don't combine fat with protein.
  • Eggs and dairy products are discouraged.
  • Meat is discouraged but should be eaten alone or with vegetables if consumed.

Meal Ideas:

  • Breakfast - Fruit is encouraged because it is the food with the highest water content and is considered to be the best food to consume. So, you could eat two or more oranges or two apples or two bananas or other fruits and fruit combinations. However, if you don't like fruit you could have scrambled eggs with tomato and broccoli (i.e. protein and vegetables) or toast with butter (i.e. starch and fat). But, do not have eggs and toast or cereal and milk.
  • Lunch - You could have a large vegetable salad with some olive oil and lemon. You could skip the olive oil on your salad and put some pieces of grilled chicken on it. You could have a vegetable salad and some bread sticks. You could have vegetable soup and some bread sticks. Alternatively, you could have avocado slices and other vegetables (e.g. tomatoes) between two slices of whole-grain bread. You could have a large baked potato with butter and vegetables (just be sure to steer clear of bacon bits, cheese, and chili).
  • Dinner - You could have fish (or chicken or beef), vegetables, and a vegetable salad. Or, you could have rice (or couscous or pasta) with vegetables, and a vegetable salad. Or, if you like potatoes, then you could have a big baked potato with butter and vegetables.
  • If you want milk, yogurt, or ice cream then eat it alone at least two or three hours away from other food.
  • If you want fruit for a bedtime snack, then eat it alone at least two or three hours after dinner.

The motivational speaker and self-help guru Tony Robbins is an advocate of food combining. I've never tried it before. The good thing is that it focuses a lot on fruit and vegetables. In addition, your calories may be limited (helping with weight loss) when you can't combine starches and proteins, but at least you can still consume them if you choose.

7. High Carb/Low Fat Diet

Some doctors and nutritionists recommend a high card/low fat diet to lose weight and stay healthy - the exact opposite of the low carb advocates. Some names associated with low fat diets include Walter Kempner, Nathan Pritikin, Dean Ornish, and John McDougall. According to Dr. McDougall, his diet is "a diet of plant foods, including whole grains and whole grain products (such as pasta, tortillas, and whole-grain bread), a wide assortment of vegetables, and fruit."

The advocates of these diets claim that a person can enjoy unlimited quantities of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains without feeling hungry. These diets contain less fat and more fiber than other diets.

According to Dr. McDougall, "Carbohydrate is the body's preferred fuel for daily activities and high-intensity exercise performance. Following a low-carbohydrate regime will impair performance."

A baked potato is only about 160 calories and essentially fat free. An apple is only about 100 calories and also essentially fat free. A slice of whole wheat bread is only about 75 calories and essentially fat free. A bowl of oatmeal is about 165 calories, 4 grams of fat, and 4 grams of fiber.

In contrast, a 3 oz. patty of 85% lean ground beef (broiled) is about 213 calories and 13 grams of fat. And, a McDonald's Quarter Pounder with Cheese is about 510 calories and 26 grams of fat. Moreover, a Snicker's Bar is about 270 calories and 14 grams of fat.

I'm not sure why everyone is so worried about cereals, potatoes, fruits, and breads. You can eat a lot of those foods for few calories if you don't add condiments.

Martin Katahn, author of The T-Factor Diet, believes that it is mainly fat in your diet that determines your body fat. He contends that protein and carbohydrate calories don't really matter that much. So, his approach is to count the fat grams in the food one eats and to keep the number low. He does, however, warn people to steer clear of highly processed fat-free desserts and snacks. Get your carbohydrates from fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains. In addition, eat lean meat, chicken, and fish.

8. Satiety Index

The Satiety Index (developed by Susanna Holt, PhD.) measures the extent to which certain foods provide satiety (i.e. fill you up and satisfy your hunger). Certain foods are simply better at filling you up than others.

For the most part, foods that are high in protein, water, and fiber provide the most satiety.

Carbohydrates are also better at producing satiety than fatty foods.

All foods on the index are compared with white bread which is given the rank of 100.

Some Satiety Food Rankings:

  • Croissant - 47%
  • Doughnuts - 68%
  • Yogurt - 88%
  • Corn Flakes - 118%
  • White Rice - 138%
  • Cheese - 146%
  • Eggs - 150%
  • Whole Meal Bread - 157%
  • Beef - 176%
  • Popcorn - 154%
  • Apples - 197%
  • Oranges - 202%
  • Oatmeal - 209%
  • Potatoes, Boiled - 323%

As you can see, potatoes provide a much higher level of satiety than a croissant. Similarly, oatmeal is more satisfying than a doughnut. In addition, eggs are more satisfying than yogurt. Seemingly, a sandwich made with whole meal bread with some lean beef or tuna along with an apple could make a satisfying and filling lunch.

A concept related to satiety is caloric density or energy density. Caloric density is the number of calories in a specific amount of food. Foods high in fat have the highest energy density while foods high in water content have the lowest energy density.

For instance, cucumbers, celery, lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, grapefruit, strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, carrots, oranges, and apples are very low in caloric density. Some other low caloric density foods include oatmeal, grapes, low-fat cottage cheese, peas, corn on the cob, potatoes, rice, and pasta.

In contrast, foods such as French fries, chocolate cake, pretzels, croissants, doughnuts, onion rings, chocolate chip cookies, bacon, milk chocolate bars, potato chips, and peanuts are much higher in caloric density. Even though pretzels are essentially fat free, they are high in energy density because they lack water and fiber.

Fresh corn (e.g. steamed corn or corn on the cob) has a caloric density of 0.92. However, a corn muffin has a caloric density of 4.14 and corn bread has a caloric density of 4.27. So, choose a big bowl of steamed corn if you're hungry.

Some low-fat cottage cheese and grapes could make a satisfying and filling meal.

9. Food Exchange System

The food exchange system is a dietary regimen most commonly associated with diabetic individuals. However, the food exchange system can be used by any individual as a guide to help them lose weight. Following this regimen can help one to plan balanced and nutritious meals.

The foods in this system are divided up into categories: starches (e.g. bread, cereals and grains, starchy vegetables, beans and peas), fruits, milk and yogurt, meat and meat substitutes, vegetables, and fats.

You need to know what constitutes a serving size. For instance, a serving of starch could be ¾ cup of ready-to-eat unsweetened cereal, 1 slice of bread, or ½ a bagel. A serving of fruit may be one small apple, banana, or orange. A serving of milk may be 1 cup of fat-free skim milk. A serving of meat may be 1 ounce of meat, poultry, fish, or cheese. A serving of vegetables may be ½ cup of cooked vegetables or 1 cup of raw vegetables. A serving of fats may be 1 tsp. of butter or 1 tsp. of olive oil. These are just a few of the examples. There are also free foods like 1 tbsp. of fat-free mayonnaise or ¼ cup of salsa. In addition, there are ways of determining exchanges for sweets and combination foods (e.g. casseroles, pizza, and soups).

For a 1,200 Calorie Meal Plan You May Eat:

  • 5 Starches
  • 2 Fruits
  • 2 Milks
  • 5 Meats
  • 3 Vegetables
  • 4 Fats

So, you might have a breakfast that contains 1 starch, 1 fruit, 1 milk, and 1 fat. Then you would divide the remainder of your exchanges amongst lunch, dinner, and possibly snacks. Some people find this easier than counting calories.

A somewhat similar regimen may involve using the original USDA Food Pyramid as a guide for eating. According to Jane Kirby (a registered dietitian) and the American Dietetic Association, one can use the food pyramid to plan a weight-loss diet.

A Possible 1,200 Calorie Meal Plan:

  • 5 Bread group servings
  • 3 Vegetable group servings
  • 2 Fruit group servings
  • 2 Milk group servings
  • 5 ounces total for a day for Meat group (divide up into 2 or 3 servings if you want from lean meats or eggs)

10. Counting Calories

Calorie counting is nothing new.

A Los Angeles physician named Dr. Lulu Hunt Peters published a book entitled Diet and Health, With a Key to the Calories in 1918. She recommended consuming no more than 1,200 calories per day, with somewhat more allowed after one's goal weight was reached.

Calories in Carbohydrate, Protein, and Fat:

  • Carbohydrate = 4 calories per gram
  • Protein = 4 calories per gram
  • Fat = 9 calories per gram

Keep in mind that 3,500 calories = 1 pound of fat. Therefore if you cut 500 calories a day from your diet, you'll lose approximately one pound a week (7 days x 500 calories = 3,500 calories).

A simple formula for losing weight is to take your current bodyweight times 10 and eat that number of calories daily to lose weight. For example, a wrestler who weighs 150 pounds would eat 1,500 calories daily (150 x 10 = 1,500). To maintain your weight, take your bodyweight times 15. A 125 pound wrestler wishing to maintain his weight would eat 1,875 calories daily (125 x 15 = 1,875).

Calorie counting is becoming popular again. For example, you may have noticed packages of 100-calorie snacks in the supermarket.

You can still find books listing calorie counts for common foods as well as restaurant foods. And, almost every food at the supermarket contains nutrition information including calories.

Calorie counting can be inconvenient. Individuals sometimes get hungry on a calorie-controlled diet. Nonetheless, calorie counting works for many people.

Final Words

The best advice I have to give is to simply wrestle at your natural weight. But, I know that many of will choose not to because you think you'll be more competitive at a lower weight. Some of you may have to cut weight to reach a certain body weight in order to make the team.

I used to eat a lot of oatmeal and other cereals, whole wheat bread, rice cakes, potatoes, apples, oranges, bananas, carrots, green beans, milk, yogurt, cheese, and lean meat during my high school wrestling career. I counted every calorie and limited my fat intake because that's what worked for me.

It's interesting to look back at what I ate. I ate a lot of oatmeal which is low on the glycemic load, low in caloric density (when cooked with water), relatively low in fat, and high on the satiety index. I didn't know all of that back when I was wrestling. I just knew that oatmeal was low in calories and provided a filling breakfast.

I also ate a lot of apples and green beans. These foods are low in calories and fat, but are high in water content and fiber. In addition, I ate a lot of potatoes which are very high on the satiety index.

You may be different.

Perhaps you're one of those guys that can lose 5 to 10 pounds of water weight in a practice. Or, perhaps you like meat and, therefore, a low carb diet would suit you better.

Even some of the greatest wrestlers can become disheartened with dieting and cutting weight. Three- time NCAA wrestling champion and Olympic silver medalist Barry Davis cracked once when faced with the strain of cutting weight. He almost missed the Big Ten Tournament in 1982 because of the pressure of cutting weight. Many other great wrestlers have had tough experiences cutting weight as well.

On the other hand, John Smith (two-time Olympic gold medalist and winner of multiple world championships) took a different approach to weight control. He disciplined himself to maintain year-round weight control (according to Wrestling Tough by Mike Chapman). Smith kept near his competition weight throughout the year.

Other wrestlers have had success by working hard and wrestling near their natural body weight and sometimes cutting no weight whatsoever.

If you decide to cut weight for wrestling, please don't starve and dehydrate yourself. It's unhealthy, dangerous, and will most likely hurt your performance. Try always to eat balanced and nutritious meals. If you decide to lose weight, figure out what works best for you.

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Choices For A Paleo Diet Food List

Paleo Lunch :

Depending on whose opinion you're following, the Paleo diet is loosely defined as eating the same foods available to our pre-historic ancestors. Paleolithic cavemen were hunter-gatherers. They either killed, scavenged or picked whatever meats/seafood's, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds they could find. All diets have food lists of approved and non-approved foods and the Paleo diet is no different. Sticking to the "Paleo" approved list can lead you to excellent health and happiness.

Choices For A Paleo Diet Food List

The single biggest theory to understand is avoiding any and all packaged and processed foods. The caveman didn't have access to them and neither should you. There are some meat products that are also on the no-go list. Meat and meat products with high fat levels should be avoided. Things like chicken wings, deli meats, pork sausage, cold cuts, bacon, lamb chops with lots of fat attached and processed meats like spam. Our ancestors didn't hunt for spam so why do we even consider eating it?

Agriculture as we know has only been around for about the last 10,000 years. Because of this and as strange as it may sound to most of us, modern man should avoid eating grains and cereals. Even the dreaded "gluten-free" grains are to be ignored. Products made from the grains and cereals include many of our so-called staple foods. Food items like pizza, cakes, muffins and cookies, doughnuts, pasta, oatmeal, rice pudding, and tacos are all on the list of foods to avoid.

Until now, we've focused on foods to avoid but now let's talk about all the delicious foods on the good list. Experienced "Paleo" followers have found an incredible amount of delicious ingredients available to make incredible meals. While dairy products like milk and cheese are not included, eggs are an excellent choice. Why not have an omelet for breakfast, lunch or dinner. My personal favorite is made with mushrooms, peppers and diced tomatoes. Fruits and vegetables eaten raw make great between-meal snacks. If you like a dipping sauce with your veggies, that's fine but, stay away from dairy-based dips. It's way healthier without the dairy and you quickly get used to actually tasting the vegetables. When choosing meats go for pasture raised or grain fed animals - they're better for you. If they're not available then at least buy the lean healthier stuff.

Here's one of the greatest benefits of the Paleo diet. Over time (and not long), it will slow down your bodies digestion. This is great, as you start to feel fuller for longer periods of time, meaning you'll eat less. You'll get used to only eating when you're hungry. If you skip the odd meal, it's no big deal. Your new metabolism will let you know when to be hungry.

To your health!

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Friday, June 8, 2012

Do Modern Humans Still Require Paleo Foods - It's a Metabolism Issue

Paleo Lunch :

Since the dawn of human history on this earth, we have thrived on those foods that are available to us in nature. In every culture and every location around the world, humans have survived and been healthy living on the meats they hunted for and plant foods that grew nearby. Hunter-gatherers, our Paleolithic ancestors subsisted on what we now call low glycemic foods. We know humans have survived and thrived this way since the beginning of time. So why is it that so many people are not thriving and healthy now in such an environment of abundance?

Do Modern Humans Still Require Paleo Foods - It's a Metabolism Issue

At some point humans started to settle down into communities and began to farm. This was the point at which grains became more a part of our diet as well as dairy foods. It wasn't so much the introduction of grains that caused the problem, as it was that someone noticed if they sifted all the fibers out of the flour it made nice soft flour. This was the beginning of refined foods. Soon processing certain plants gave us sugar and we gained easier access to salt. From that point, the necessity and convenience of food preservation became something of an art form. Which brought us to our current unhealthy state of affairs.

All of the processing and refining, the additives, preservatives and packaging may be what we are used to. But too many of the good things in food are destroyed or removed by all that manipulation. Only food in it's natural fresh state, still rich in vitamins and antioxidants, enzymes, fiber and basic nutrients will help rebuild cells, strengthen the immune system and help our body produce hormones to regulate how it all works.

Many health problems begin because of the food we are eating. It's a metabolism issue. Metabolism, simply explained is when the body takes the food we eat and uses it to create energy. That energy then is used to build and maintain muscle and heal and restore the cells. It is also used to support involuntary processes like breathing, digestion, sensory functions and the brains coordination of all of those activities. If all of that energy is not used, for instance when you eat more than you burn through movement, your body will store it as fat.

The good news is that no matter what condition your body is in today, no matter what your age, you can take steps to improve the health of your metabolism and lose excess fat. It's as simple as not eating more calories than what you use. For most of us our choice of what foods we eat is the most important thing we can do to keep a healthy metabolism. In today's fast food world it's very easy to take in a lot more food energy, or calories than what most people could ever use. It's so easy to quickly run out for lunch and go to a drive through. It's fast, easy and most of the time pretty tasty.

But doing that every day when you work or are going to school, can catch up with you very quickly and before you know it you have put on weight and don't feel as good as you would like to. At the end of the day you feel tired and probably don't have the energy you need to finish up your daily activities, let alone go out for a run or to the gym. As you age, even as early as in your 20's, you will feel this effect even more because you are damaging your metabolism with low quality food. Your body needs more than just fuel to keep running efficiently. It needs the right fuel combined with daily activity to maintain muscle and good circulation of oxygen and nutrients to all your cells.

When you decide to make healthier choices your body will thank you by having more energy, fewer aches and pains because of less inflammation, and as a result not as many sick days. The very foundation of human health begins with choosing foods that release energy slowly into the system. These foods are also known as low glycemic foods. They help to sustain energy levels and increase our ability to be active and maintain that activity for longer periods.

When given the proper nutrients, combined with regular exercise the body can overcome or at least greatly improve many degenerative conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, obesity and heart disease. It has the ability to fight off the beginnings of other diseases as well on it's own. It can regenerate and repair external injuries to a large degree and become stronger if we will just provide what it needs to be healthy.

So choose a diet made up largely of a good variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and unsalted and unroasted nuts. When possible use meats from organically raised animals that are grass fed (as opposed to grain fed) free-range chicken and eggs, wild game and cold water North Atlantic fish. Cattle and other herd animals that are grass fed have a higher ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 fats in their meat, which is healthier for humans than grain fed meats.

For those who choose to be vegan, the best protein sources are tofu, tempeh and brown rice and pea proteins. Avoid textured vegetable proteins and seitan (wheat based gluten meat substitutes) because they are highly processed and quite often high in sodium. Also many people are sensitive to gluten. When foods are in their natural state they are healthier, so avoid food that is processed in any way at production facilities. Also, if desired, eat small amounts of legumes and whole grain products in moderation because they tend to increase inflammation.

For lacto-ovo vegetarians, try to get good quality, free-range chicken eggs, and low fat dairy products from grass fed cows that were raised without bovine growth hormones (BGH) and antibiotics. Studies have shown a connection between BGH and cancers in humans. Most grocery stores now carry these products as demand grows.

And for everyone, get moving! Slow, steady movement throughout the day is beneficial. Even standing has been proven to be better for you than sitting. So if you work at a desk job just get up and move around periodically if possible. Then every day, even if you are just starting out with exercise, do a minimum of at least 20 minutes of walking. After a few weeks, increase your pace and minutes. This will increase circulation of oxygen and nutrients in your body and help your get rid of toxins.

Working out with weights or anything that helps you build muscle will help you to burn fat. The more you can increase the muscle to fat ratio on your body the better you will get rid of excess fat. Muscle burns calories even when you are at rest, which is just another way of saying you have sped up your metabolism. Another perk of building muscle is that muscle takes up less space, so when you replace fat with muscle you look thinner, even though it won't show as a weight loss on the scale. You will notice that your clothes fit more loosely even if you haven't lost weight.

So, exercise in combination with eating a healthier diet will begin to make you feel better, sleep more soundly, your mood will be improved and you will think more clearly. Healthy metabolism is the key to having better health and in turn a better life.

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Paleo Cookbooks: Healthy Menu Options

Paleo Lunch :

If you have been trying to get your family to eat more healthfully, you likely realize how very difficult it is to find recipes that contain only healthy, natural ingredients. Many cookbooks that promise to provide you with healthy meals fall short of doing so because they contain many meals that include processed sugars, dairy products, potatoes, preservatives and other negative features that can make an otherwise healthy meal into a truly unhealthy one. When it comes to meal planning, a meal is only as healthy as the ingredients you put into it. If you want a meal that is healthy and energizing, you want a meal that includes only natural, fresh ingredients, and the Paleo cookbooks are filled with great meals and recipes that contain only such natural, healthy ingredients.

Paleo Cookbooks: Healthy Menu Options

Paleo cookbooks and a handful of other cookbooks on the market today offer you a wide range of great menu options that include appetizers, snacks, meals, desserts and more. You can find meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner in such books, and all of the recipes contain only healthful ingredients without any negative ingredients that will counteract your goal of eating healthy. These recipes are full of health features such as vitamins, minerals, natural fats, proteins and so much more that will leave you feeling full and energized at the same time. When you prepare such meals for your family each day, they will get the most nutrition and the highest level of energy possible from their meals.

Many scientists have proven over the years that you can reap tremendous health benefits by following a purely healthful diet of natural ingredients, such as eating the meals and snacks in Paleo cookbooks. When you make the effort to follow such a healthy diet on a regular basis, your body will enjoy a boost to your immune system and you will also find that it is easier to not just achieve your ideal body weight but to stabilize your weight at that level. Plus, eating a diet that is free of processed sugars and maintaining your body weight at a healthy level will help you to stave off common diseases associated with being overweight and eating poorly. This is a great way to make positive health changes.

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Belly Fat Diets That Make Losing Belly Fat Simple

Paleo Lunch :

There are tons of diet plans available but most of them don't work in the long-term because they are too complicated or too restrictive to stick with. Belly fat is typically the result of eating too many of the wrong foods. Along with eating the wrong foods there is usually a lack of physical activity as well. Over time, extra weight accumulates around the mid-section.

Belly Fat Diets That Make Losing Belly Fat Simple

As we become older, this is referred to as the middle-age spread. Whatever we call it, belly fat can pose serious health risks to include diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Instead of following short-term fad diets for temporary weight loss, it makes more sense and is healthier to make an overall lifestyle change.

Two diets that work well for long-term, permanent weight loss are the "clean eating" diet or the paleo diet. Both work well as you are able to eat good food which leaves you feeling satisfied. Both diets avoid processed foods, however, the paleo diet also avoids grains. Eating clean is a method of eating that many bodybuilders follow. Both methods of eating have their own benefits but why I think they work well is because you begin to eat whole, natural foods rather than junk. These good foods include lean meat, seafood, fresh vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds. Good fats are also consumed such as olive oil, fish oil, avocados, etc.

For the most part, it's best to avoid or significantly reduce simple carbs such as bread, pasta, cereal, rice, refined sugar, baked goods, and beverages such as soda, alcohol, and other sugary drinks. These types of carbs can put on weight easily when eaten in excess. You may not even realize how much of them you eat in a given day. The average person eats these types of food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The foods we eat determine about 80% of our progress in terms of weight loss. That is why it is wiser to make long lasting lifestyle changes with food rather than trying fad diets. Both diets mentioned above are not going to be easy to adjust to. They will take time but you can find plenty of advice from others who also follow them. Search for blogs and forums and discuss your concerns with others.

Any exercise you do is an added bonus. Physical activity is good for our bodies and will help with burning fat.

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Weight Loss and Fasting: The Solution

Paleo Lunch :

When considering weight Loss and fasting....the following point is key: use intermittent fasting to gain back control when you veer off your paleo diet track or simply want to enhance or accelerate weight loss. It's simple, pro-active and empowering. Take a deep breath and push the reset button. Here's how.....

Weight Loss and Fasting: The Solution

Intermittent fasting is about taking a break between meals. Allowing your digestive system to rest and to build up hunger. During holidays and celebrations the temptation is to overeat. Even if we are still eating paleo food there are plenty of ways of overeating "paleo" food including baked goods which take us a long way from the diet of our ancestors. Er...Paleo Cakes and frosted muffins anyone?

There comes a time however when it is appropriate to draw a line under that! Conventional wisdom suggests we do this by entering into a "detox" - a period of calorie restriction and vigorous daily exercise: that we eat less and exercise more. But you don't go to the garage to put less fuel in your car and expect it to do more for you? Exercise makes you hungry! Exercise makes you ravenous and if you are not careful you will find yourself back at square one. Exhausted, hungrier than ever and chained to a never ending tread mill that you simply don't enjoy.

There is however, another way and it's not a new idea. Conventional dietary wisdom wants us to eat three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and tea) and to supplement this with snacks. When using intermittent fasting as a weight loss tool, we might eschew breakfast and not consume our first meal until past 1pm. If you add this to the time spent asleep in bed since your last meal then you can see an estimated total fasting time of 14 + hours.

In this fasted state (also known as ketosis) you will find that your body will naturally work harder to provide energy to it's tissue from your fat stores. Hold onto your hats you are now in fat burning mode!

The point is that you are not eating less but the time window in which you eat has been reduced. In ancient tradition every fast was broken with a feast. Well, I'm not going to argue with that! There is no reason to eat less if you are following paleo guidelines in your diet. Simply eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full! Try it and see - it is impossible to overeat fat! Hormones produced naturally when real food is consumed actually manage the whole process for you so don't worry.

If you were following a diet based on calorie restriction you might miss a meal to count the correct calories but you would not replace that missed meal with additional calories at a larger "break fast" for example. So you might think you are doing the same thing but in one you would be working with your body to trigger fat loss and in the other you would be fighting against your body and it's natural hunger to produce weight loss. In one you will experience a profound sense of well being, an absence of hunger and a curious kind of symmetry with those who have lived before and who knew how to satisfy hunger. In the other you would be hungry, period. And miserable. And cross.

Early man did not eat three meals a day. Whose idea was that anyway? Early man underwent numerous short periods of fasting and ketosis and many paleontologists believe that this ketogenic adaptability was instrumental in human evolution. It is a normal healthy state and it triggers fat burning. So whether you're looking to get back on track, enhance or accelerate the fat burning, weight loss and fasting are an excellent partnership Try it and see.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Lose Weight With Juice

Paleo Lunch :

I take for granted a lot of time what I do on a daily basis what I do as far as food consumption. I thought I would write this article about my morning breakfast routine and how that can help you with your weight loss success.

Lose Weight With Juice

I juice! I consume a high quantity of my food in the form of juice from good whole food organic vegetables and fruit. When I wake up in the morning I usually first drink a HUGE glass of water with some lemon in it to get my intestines moving and shaking. I then pull out my blender fill it with filtered water and put in a bunch of either Swiss chard/spinach or kale (A Big Bunch/Large handful etc). If I have some fresh ginger, I ad that. I usually put some beets in as a way to sweeten the juice. I add some freshly grown sprouts and will vary it up sometimes with adding a banana or apple just to give it some flavour.

If I have it I will ad some ground greens (a powdered supplement). I will put 3 tablespoons of ground flaxseed, put some Vitamin C crystals if I have it or anything else in the cupboard that is only going to benefit your health.
I blend this all up and then drink it. Most days this will act as my breakfast and lunch. You have more then enough protein, carbs, fat and nutrition stuff to not have to worry about anything else. This is a healthy, nutritiously supportive meal.

If you only just do this in the morning every morning, you are pretty much guaranteed to lose weight. It is a great way to start the day. It will give you more energy, more life and reduce the toxins that you are putting into your body.

The purchase of a blender is probably going to be the best purchase you ever make. Most days I juice for breakfast and lunch and have a nice big salad for dinner. I am not worried about deficiencies because lots of good quality fruits and vegetables have all the nutrition you need.

In North America, we don't have a problem with protein deficiency we have a problem with protein over deficiency. Start juicing and improve your health and lose weight while your doing it.

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